Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1571 Headless Corpses

Upon hearing this roar, Jiang Dayu, who had already walked far away, immediately stopped.

"Senior Jiang." I took a few steps and rushed to Jiang Dayu and asked, "Do you really want to continue walking in? The old man is so powerful that he died inside. Can the two of us handle it alone?" Don’t wait for other people to say it.”

Jiang Dayu smoked a cigarette and thought for a while before saying, "It's okay, we're still far away from the real danger."

"Isn't there a thunder and fire talisman engraved on the back door of Corpse Snake Gu? It was obviously left by the old Taoist. He died after leaving his body, but his physical body is far away from here, which means that he walked through it in the past Here, I encountered something in the front and returned, so the dangerous place is not here."

"Let's walk first. If something goes wrong, it will be the same when we come back. Although the old Taoist is much stronger than the two of us, but since he can return safely and dares to leave his body, no matter how bad we are, we can escape intact. It can still be done. But you just have to be more careful..."

As Jiang Dayu spoke, he pointed at the smoke again, summoned a smoke dog, and placed it far ahead to explore the way.

The two of us followed the cave and took several turns. We walked for more than a hundred meters, but we didn't encounter any danger.

But every not far away, a sword mark appeared on the stone wall.

Each sword mark was carved into the stone wall more than one meter deep, which shows how profound that man's skill was.

Since the old Taoist wearing a white crane robe on this road has been here before, and judging from the length of the sword blade, it looks very much like it was issued by the ancient sword in my hand. So it is obvious that these sword marks are all made by his hand.

But who was he killing when he slashed with his sword?

The entire cave was empty, except for the large and small gravels that were obviously cut from the stone walls, there was nothing else...

Suddenly, I thought of a question.

"Senior Jiang, according to your opinion, does this historic site have a history of six thousand years?"

"Only a lot more!" Jiang Dayu nodded and said with certainty: "This ancient site may seem huge, but in fact it is mostly made of natural scenery and slightly modified. From the only remaining murals, Look, it’s indeed quite old.”

"Furthermore, although they have mastered some techniques for casting metal bronzes, they are obviously not yet proficient in it, and their output should not be high. You see, along the way we have walked, except for the nine steps at the Sturgeon Group, there are only Never saw bronze again.”

"Besides, until now, we haven't found half a word. The signs of civilization have three elements, bronzes, words, and cities!"

"So far, we have only seen some of the simplest bronze pieces, and no writing has been found. This natural ancient cave was built like this by them. It is more than enough to call it a city, but even so, it is still a bit reluctant to call this place a civilization. "Jiang Dayu analyzed.

"But Senior Jiang, do you think how long it has been since we left the Longhouwei alleyway to here? Such a huge card palace lock and such an exquisite design are not likely to be built by people back then, right? "I asked.

"It's not what you think." Jiang Dayu shook his head and said: "Their structure is very strange. The entire underground palace is a locked maze, but it is not full of locked locks. They use it very cleverly. We entered the natural cave, but at the turning point, we used water power to drive the stone strip circlip to change the direction."

"In other words, they only changed a few passes in the middle. This cave is extremely complex, it is a maze in itself, and the ancients only made slight changes. It can also be said that they perfectly integrated their own wisdom into nature. It’s good to say this is a historic site, but it’s a bit unworthy of its name to say it’s an underground palace. For example, here…”

As Jiang Dayu spoke, he turned on his flashlight, looked up and said, "This is a pass! The two cave entrances intersect. If we come here earlier or a little later, we will be taken into another acupoint. .”

"It is precisely because of the complexity here that several groups of people are scattered inside without ever meeting each other. We seem to be walking in front, and maybe others just happen to be ahead. Similarly, Fujita just set off a day earlier than us, and it is possible now It's been circling around inside, and it might be far behind us."

The two of us walked another hundred meters along the cave. The sword marks on the stone walls on both sides gradually became sparse, but the number of bones on the ground gradually increased.

At first there were only one or two, then there were more than a dozen, dozens, hundreds, piles and pieces.

Every white bone was broken into pieces and turned into powder at the slightest touch. What was even more strange was that all the white bones had no heads.

Jiang Dayu and I stopped to check. Judging from the weapons and items carried by these corpses, they were all from the early Tang Dynasty.

Some of them are first-class guards, some are alchemists, and there are many Taoists. Many of them are carrying tied water hyacinths on their backs.

But even if they have water hyacinth, the bottom of the river is restricted, and the water pressure is so high. It would not be unusual to say that a few ancient colleagues who knew the art were able to break through the ban, but with such a large group of people, numbering hundreds, how did they get in?

According to Lina's scientific determination, the stones sealed at the bottom of the river are six to seven thousand years old. The Tang Dynasty is only one thousand three to four hundred years old. Is it possible that all the strange people and strangers in the early Tang Dynasty were all the same? Did you come here?

And where are all these people’s heads?

Whether it's the Dragon Roar Guards that I killed before or the rotten bones in the mountain of corpses, they all have no heads.

We walked all this way and didn’t even find half a skull!

So far, countless bones have been found in the entire ancient site, but no bones with heads left have been found.

There are only three exceptions, the ancestors of the William family, Taoist priests wearing white crane robes, and School Longhou.

Except for the three of them, all the corpses had no heads and were mysteriously missing.

If Longhou Wei's head was chopped off by the old Taoist, what about the others?

Moreover, the bones in the mountain of corpses are much older than the old man. How can we explain that those people also have no heads?

Even if the old Taoist was extremely perverted and even spared the heads of corpses, where were those severed heads?

Jiang Dayu and I thought hard about this question for a long time, but we couldn't come up with a definite answer.

"Hey, something happened!"

Suddenly, Jiang Dayu frowned, as if he had received the message from the smoke dog running ahead, and ran over quickly holding the flashlight.

Seeing that he left in such a hurry, it must not have been a danger, but some new discovery.

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