Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,572 The Sky-Destroying Stone

I chased after him and found Jiang Dayu squatting on the ground, looking at something carefully.

When I looked closer, I saw it was a hand.

The broken arm was still dripping with blood, but the color of the blood was not red but blue.

"It's Tsuyoshi Fujita!" I recognized him after just one glance.

Tsuyoshi Fujita is a symbiotic beast, half human and half octopus, and his blood is light blue like an octopus.

"It seems that this guy has also walked on this road, and he passed here not long ago." I said with absolute certainty. The blood has not dried yet, and he should have passed here for no more than two hours.

Jiang Dayu nodded and said: "Yes, but there are no traces of his passing in the Corpse Mountain or the Xiangjing Python. So, he must have turned in from the previous pass I pointed out to you. But the problem is …How did his hand break?”

I waved the flashlight around and looked around. There was no sign of a fight nearby.

This guy is extremely powerful. What could be able to break off one of his arms silently?

The broken part of the arm was extremely neat, and there was a groove about ten centimeters wide on the ground.

It seemed like it was cut off suddenly by something, as fast as a guillotine.


Suddenly, a gust of wind came from top to bottom.

"Be careful!" Jiang Dayu pushed me quickly, and at the same time he disappeared from the place like lightning.


A large black stone suddenly fell from the sky and fell close to the tip of my nose.

The stone slab fell to the ground, connected to the ground below, and connected to the top of the wall. It was stuck in the cracks on the left and right sides. It was as if a door suddenly appeared, just enough to divide the cave into two halves! The stone slab fell right on the broken part of the arm.

It seems that this is how Fujita Tsuyoshi's hand was broken.

The stone slab fell, separating Jiang Dayu and me.

"Boy, how are you?" Jiang Dayu shouted across the stone slab.

"I'm fine, Senior Jiang, are you hurt?" I asked with great concern.

I called him Senior Jiang a few times before, which was a bit of a show, but this time, it was sincere.

The speed at which the slabs fell was so fast, far faster than a bullet. I was deep in thought at the time and had not yet recovered. If Jiang Dayu hadn't pushed me, the stone slab would have just hit my neck.

Fujita just broke a hand without avoiding it, so I lost my head!

In total, Jiang Dayu has saved me three times.

Humans are not grass and trees, and I am not made of stone. Although Jiang Dayu’s enemies and friends are unknown, this life-saving grace is genuine.

This time, Senior Jiang, I really came from my heart, and my concern was definitely not fake.

"It's good that you're okay." Jiang Dayu let out a sigh of relief, as if hearing that I was okay made him feel more at ease than myself.

"Senior Jiang, this stone seems to be very strong! I don't know if it can be broken open." I knocked on the stone.

"You must not smash it." When Jiang Dayu heard what I said, he quickly stopped him: "This is called the Sky-Destroying Stone! The Yin Formation inside is extremely complicated, and I don't have the ability to solve it. If you smash it forcefully, just It will activate the Yin Formation inside, and neither of us will be able to survive by then..."

"What should I do?" I asked, leaning against the stone slab.

"This is the main spring of the lock. We can only wait for it to open again!" Jiang Dayu replied.

"Oh, that should be fine." I glanced at Tsuyoshi Fujita's broken arm and said, "Didn't Tsuyoshi Fujita just walk over? The blood hasn't dried yet. It shouldn't be long before it turns on again. You're always smoking. A bag of cigarettes, I squinted for a while and it was over."

"You know nothing!" Jiang Dayu scolded angrily: "I have already calculated it. It takes almost three days for this card palace lock to cycle through one reincarnation. Fujita just happened to drop it when he passed by. What did we just do? Someone has activated the secret gate! Someone is walking further ahead, and I don’t know whether he activated the secret gate intentionally or unintentionally.”

"Then... what does that mean?" Although I have some knowledge of mechanism art, I only know a little bit about it, which is far behind compared to an old man like Jiang Dayu. I don't understand anything about the main functions or the hidden functions.

"That is to say, the card palace lock ends here, and the passage on my side will never change again. This door will not open until three days later, unless someone activates the secret door again. According to your method, we You two have to wait here for three days, do you understand?" Jiang Dayu explained.

When I heard this, I felt even more helpless.

"Senior Jiang, what should we do?"

"What else can we do?" Jiang Dayu sighed and said: "We can only separate temporarily. I have Fujita Go ahead to explore the road, and I will also walk forward to have a look. You return to me the way you came. The pass I pointed out to you will change lanes in another hour. Your side is the first half of the monument, so it shouldn't be too dangerous. If you're careful, you probably won't die. If you're destined, We can see each other again, but if we don't get the just have to deal with it!" After Jiang Dayu finished speaking, he banged the cigarette rod.

I have long discovered this habit of his. Once he knocks on the cigarette rod, he has to get up and take action.

"Then...Senior Jiang, please take care of yourself."

"Don't worry! I'm not as short-lived as the fourth child. You guys should live a good life for me. Whether I can get closer with this old bone depends on you." As he spoke, the footsteps became farther and farther away. He left immediately, and in a blink of an eye there was no sound at all.

His last words made me even more confused.

What do you mean, can you get closer, but it depends on me?

Also, who is the fourth child?

I leaned against the door and thought for a long time, but couldn't think of a reason, so I had no choice but to get up and walk back.

In fact, if I really don't want to leave, another option is to sit here and wait for three days.

But this method is not only incredibly stupid, but also downright boring.

Although walking back and turning to other passages may encounter some inexplicable dangers, opportunities also coexist. Moreover, more secrets may be discovered, and the mystery here may be solved.

In addition, Jiang Dayu also said that the crisis in the first half of the monument was roughly the same.

I am still very confident in my current strength. I thought to myself that if I was more careful about all the dangers I encountered before, I could handle them all on my own.

Not long after, I walked back to the bayonet that Jiang Dayu pointed out to me. Jiang Dayu's calculation was absolutely correct. The passage had been staggered by half and was about to open.

I sat down against the stone wall, took out compressed biscuits from my backpack, drank a kettle, ate and drank, and after the passage was completely opened, I got up and walked in.

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