Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1573 Human-Faced Rat

This passage is very narrow, with many twists and turns.

The stone walls on both sides are even more strange, densely dotted with countless small holes of varying thicknesses.

I was afraid that there was another snake here, so I flashed my flashlight to take a look.

There was no mucus or scales on the cave wall, and no shed snake skin was found. Instead, many fish bones were found on the ground.

If a snake eats a fish, it should swallow it whole without spitting out the bones, right?

Thinking of this, I felt a little relieved.

But as I walked, I suddenly felt that there seemed to be something in the stone walls on both sides, which was constantly chirping and commotion.

I scanned it with my flashlight, but there was nothing there.

But my feeling is absolutely unmistakable. The further I walked, the more intense the restlessness became. It seemed like something was constantly scurrying back and forth in the stone wall, making a loud banging sound.

I wanted to go back, but there were only two choices left behind me. Either go and wait under the Tianzhan Stone for three days, or go back the same way and brave the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​snakes again!

Jiang Dayu had already left there. Even if I waited for three days, I would still be on my own. Moreover, the second half would be even more dangerous. I don’t know if I could handle it.

The mountains of corpses and seas of snakes make me sick just thinking about them, and I don’t want to go there again even if I die.

In desperation, we can only continue to move forward along this unknown road.

As I walked, I suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring at me in the darkness.

Although I am a ghost dealer and have been dealing with ghosts. But being in the dark and being stared at by a pair of inexplicable eyes is always a little uncomfortable, and even gives rise to a little bit of panic originating from human instinct.

I held up the flashlight, turned around suddenly, and shined it towards the pair of eyes I had predicted.

But this time, it almost scared me so much that I even dropped the flashlight on the ground!

There are indeed eyes in the darkness, and there are far more than just one pair, densely packed into hundreds or even thousands.

The pale round faces, with their small black bean-like eyes blinking, stared at me closely!

Even among the city crowds, it's scary enough to have hundreds of people staring at you, let alone in the darkness of this ancient ruin, which is tens of meters deep.

I was startled and took two steps back.

As the flashlight shook, I discovered that not only were there faces behind me, but also all around me, all staring at me with a pair of small eyes.

Each pair of eyes is round, deep and dark, and they also exude greedy and ferocious gazes!

Hungry people!

The first word that comes to mind is hungry people!

Looks like he wants to eat people, wants to eat me alive.

Are these a bunch of hungry ghosts from hell? I casually grabbed a magic talisman and threw it out.


Under the shining light of the fire, those pale faces showed a look of panic.


Amidst the strange screams, the human face swayed away.

Only then did I finally see clearly that it was not a human face, but a mouse.

Rats the size of domestic cats were squatting at the entrance of the cave like humans, holding their front paws and staring at me.

They have long gray-black hair on their bodies, but their faces are smooth and pale, with pale skin exposed. Their ears are not on the back of their heads, but on both sides like humans.

Just looking at his face, he looked almost like a human being, especially in the dark.

Rat with a human face!

Everyone has seen rats, and they don’t think they’re scary, but rats that are so big, have human faces, squatting in the dark and staring at you are particularly eye-catching...

Ordinary rats are very timid. Under such a big fire and explosion, I am afraid they would have panicked and fled.

But these mice not only refused to escape, but also stared at me with fierce looks on their faces. Some of them were slightly fatter and bared their long teeth, with drool dripping from the tips of their tongues.


Suddenly, there was a roar.

I waved the flashlight and took a look. In a larger hole not far away from me, there was a fat, fat mouse sitting sideways. This mouse was much bigger and fatter than the others, and its face was full of wrinkles. Even the hair on his body is all white.

When it saw me looking at it, it grinned, as if showing me a cruel smile.


It barked twice more, and the group of mice immediately went crazy. They all squeaked, their front paws touched the ground, and their waists arched.


A fat, big rat kicked off its hind legs, jumped into the air, and pounced towards me.

Under its leadership, many rats jumped up and jumped on me one after another.

I quickly hung the flashlight on my waist, drew the knife with both hands, and slashed in all directions!

More than a dozen rats were cut in two and smashed to the ground.

But the remaining mice were not only not afraid, but became even crazier. More and more rats jumped off the stone wall and rushed towards me desperately.

These rats are not very powerful. I cut off three or four of them with one strike, but there were just too many of them! And it seemed that everyone wanted to bite me even if they died. Even if they couldn't bite me, they would still splash blood on me, and they rushed towards me crazily.

I swung my sword as hard as I could and retreated quickly.

There were rats in front of and behind me, and rat holes were everywhere on the stone wall.

As I continued to retreat, the group of rats also kept running through the hole, rushing out from all angles.

I kept waving my swords and slashing with all my strength. In an instant, the rats on the ground were covered one after another.

But they were like a fearless legion, charging at me again and again without stopping.

I fought and retreated, running more than thirty meters in one breath, but the rats kept chasing me.

If this continues, I will be exhausted to death by them.

Thinking of this, I slashed several times to create a gap, took out a piece of bloodthirsty talisman, raised my hand and threw it on the rat corpse on the ground.

Suddenly, the fire lit up, and the smell of burnt meat immediately filled the air.

Taking advantage of the moment when the mice were stunned, I threw out several paper charms in succession.

Explosion, flames, blood, screams!

The rats that were closer to me were all hit by the spell. Some were blown into pieces, some were burned into a ball of coke, and some turned around and bit their companions with a fierce look in their eyes.

Some blood-stained rats suddenly fell apart. Whichever rat their blood fell on, that rat would also explode.

The entire rat group immediately became commotion, with smelly blood mist everywhere and screams!

These bloodthirsty talismans were all drawn casually when I was practicing the "Yin Talisman Sutra". Although they are all semi-finished products, they are more than enough to deal with these rats.

But I never thought that I would use these bloodthirsty charms to deal with rats.

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