Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1574: Kill the Rat King with Two Swords

I was temporarily relieved of the predicament. I just took a few breaths, but under the light of the fire, I saw the big white-haired mouse standing up on its feet and waving its two front paws in a gesture.

Immediately afterwards, I saw an extremely astonishing scene——

The rats immediately stopped the commotion, first biting to death the rats that had been infected by the bloodthirsty talisman and killing their own kind, and then the rats with blood stains on their bodies jumped into the fire and burned themselves to death.

Then, all the mice retreated into their holes in an orderly manner.

What does it mean?

Could it be that the rats found me difficult to deal with and surrendered and withdrew their troops?

Just when I was wondering, the mice poked their heads out of the hole again.

Unexpectedly, this time, they actually brought new weapons.

There are stones as big as walnuts and as small as marbles!

Some threw it down, some held it in their mouths and spit it out, and two stronger mice worked together to hold a big stone and smash it down!

Damn it, what kind of weird existence are these rats?

Before I could wake up from my shock, the first wave of stone attacks had already hit me.

Pebbles are much smaller and denser than mice, making them harder to defend against in the dark.

In the first round of attacks, I was hit hard several times!

Each of these mice was as big as a domestic cat, and their strength was surprisingly great. Plus, they were so condescending that the stones hitting them were like slingshots, causing burning pain. If it hits the eye, it will be painful even if you don't go blind.

I hurriedly raised my swords to protect my head and continued to run forward.

The strange rat squeaked strangely and shuttled through large and small holes, following closely behind.

I don’t know how many of these strange rats there are, but no matter where they go, there will be a rain of stones.

And the cooperation of these guys is even more flawless. There are those who run down to pick up stones, there are those who transport them, and there are those who are responsible for attacking. They are clearly an army of strange rats!


The strange white-haired rat kept barking and barking. The rats chased me and almost chased me to the point of death. After a while, I got several big hits on my head and countless blows on my body.

They say that when a rat crosses the street, everyone shouts and beats it, but once the rats unite, they can be really scary!

Huh? wrong.

I was running and suddenly thought about it.

Not all of these mice are so smart. When I cast the spell just now, didn't they become a mess? It seems that only the big white-haired rat has opened up some intelligence. I just need to find a way to kill that guy.

Thinking of this, I secretly glanced at the position of the big white-haired rat. The guy stood upright with his paws clasped, looking like he was sure of victory, and sneered slightly at me.

His grandma’s!

I secretly used the invisible needle, pretended to be in a panic, and ran back along the way I came. I also pretended to be stumbling and looked like I would fall to the ground at any time.


The big white-haired mouse immediately became excited, waving its front paws and barking loudly.

The other mice also screamed in unison, and the stones were thrown even more happily.

Ten meters, eight meters...

I gradually approached, and this blow must be fatal. I must not let it escape, otherwise I will be in trouble.


I ran over staggeringly and raised my hand to draw out the needle.

With a pop, it stabbed into the heart of the big rat.

I was very afraid that it would not die, so I jumped up immediately, the two swords were filled with dark green light.


With a click, both knives fell together. The big rat was cut into pieces by my two knives in three parts, and the stone cave where it stood was also blasted to pieces.

The mice who lost their leader were stunned.

I swung my two swords and killed them wildly. In an instant, the ground was covered with rat corpses, and the walls were stained with blood!

The remaining rats were also frightened and finally showed their rat instincts. They fled in panic and disappeared into holes of all sizes.

I also sat down a little tired, leaning against the stone wall and panting for a long time before I regained my composure.

Several big bumps were hit on the head, which swelled up, and there was a slight pain when I touched it with my hand. However, the injuries were not serious at all, and the muscles and bones were not moved.

I rested for a while and continued walking forward.

This rat path was very narrow, but also more complicated. After a while, I became a little confused. After turning around, I actually returned to the place I just walked through. Now I can’t tell clearly, where did I come from and where am I going?

It seems that I really have to return. Although the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​snakes is a bit disgusting, it is better than being trapped here alive. What's more, after a while, as the card palace lock operates, a passage will be reopened, and maybe we can meet Fan Chong and the others.

I made up my mind, so I shined my flashlight around, hoping to find the corpse of the rat that I had chopped down, so that I could find a way out.

But at this time, I suddenly discovered an extremely strange phenomenon.

There were bones everywhere on the ground. Although they were all rats, they were definitely not killed by me.

These rat corpses had long since rotted into dry skeletons, and were completely black, as if they had been poisoned.

It stretches forward intermittently.

How is this going?

Could it be that someone had walked through this strange rat passage long before me?

I followed the traces of rat bones and continued to chase.

Slowly I discovered that these rats were not only poisoned to death, but many of them were cut in half, and some seemed to be crushed to death.

There is a bloody handprint on the stone wall. Although it has turned black and red over the years, the general shape can still be seen. The man's hand was very broad, much longer than an ordinary person's, and it had six fingers.

I continued chasing through several more turns, and finally found an extremely thick human skeleton under a stone wall.

Next to the human bones, the remains of dozens of rats were densely scattered.

Both human and rat bones were completely black. It was obvious that both humans and rats had been poisoned to death.

I speculated that the situation at that time was that the man was poisoned and died here in a panic. The rats that gnawed on his flesh were also poisoned immediately.

But who is this guy? Why did you come here?

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