Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1575 Taoist Priest Baihe

I looked closer and saw that the man stretched one hand forward, as if trying to grasp something, and pressed the other hand tightly on his chest.

The clothes on his body were already in tatters, but it could still be seen that it was a dark robe. You can see through the skeleton that there is something in his other hand pressed against his chest.

It seems to have a lock on it.

I was deeply afraid that I would also be contaminated with poisonous gas, so I didn’t dare to use my hands, but kicked the bones away to reveal the objects underneath.

It turned out to be a small iron box with two extremely delicate small locks hanging on it.

Why is it exactly the same as the small box hidden by William's ancestors?

Strangely, I took out the iron box from my backpack and compared the two, they were exactly the same.

The exact same iron box, the exact same lock, and even the pattern on it is exactly the same!

Could it be that this person came in with William’s ancestors?

I took another look at the man's rotten clothes and the scattered items he carried.

The clothes are of the style of the mid-Ming Dynasty, and the fire folds, copper coins, and half-cent silver notes on the body are also from around the mid-Ming Dynasty.

It was almost five hundred years ago, the time of William's ancestors.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, I discovered that his hand stretched forward was facing the stone wall.

There are two lines of black and red writing on the stone wall: "The barbarians are unfaithful and poison me to death! Only Yi Bao can stop the thieves' conspiracy. Whoever gets my treasure will swear to destroy the whole world..."

The last word was not finished, leaving only a long trail of blood. It must be that when he wrote this, he was poisoned and died.

"The barbarian has no faith and poisoned me!" These two sentences are easy to understand. They mean that the barbarian foreigner has no faith and he was poisoned to death by the foreigner.

But what does this mean by 'Only Yi Bao can stop the thieves' conspiracy'.

What is he hiding in this box?

Although they had been separated for more than five hundred years and most of the poisons had long since expired, who knew what kind of poison was in his body? I still didn't dare to touch his body easily, so I stepped lightly on the iron box and pried it open with a pair of knives.

I saw a small yellow cloth bundle inside the box, and a folded square piece of white cloth.

I opened the yellow cloth bag with two knives, and inside was a piece of snake-shaped jade.

Hey, isn't this the Sky Gou Shuangyu?

As soon as we got off the submarine, we followed the water hyacinth and found two alchemists. Then we found a snake-shaped jade similar to a hairpin on the gourd rope.

Later, according to the communication equipment report, Liu Laoliu said that these things were called Tiangou Shuangyu, they should be a pair, and they were most likely the key to unlock some treasure.

But why is this thing here?

Oh I see!

Suddenly, I figured out what the word "Yibao" in this man's last words meant!

This person must have come in with Ancestor William, but neither of them believed the other, so the box had two locks on it, and each person could only open one.

Ancestor William had evil thoughts and poisoned this man, hoping to steal the treasure for himself. However, this man had prepared an identical iron box in advance and had secretly replaced it.

Ancestor William did not know, but he did not have another key and could not verify it. Before he died, he still regarded the fake box as an immortal treasure and secretly wrote Buddhist words in ancient Latin script, hoping to leave this thing to future generations.

The guy in front of him, knowing full well that he was too poisoned to survive, fled here with the box.

Five hundred years later, by chance, I was discovered by me who had also broken into the rat tunnel.

In this way, there are no clues or answers on the iron box left by William's ancestor, and even he himself has been deceived and unaware of it.

I held the two knives, found a waterproof bag from my backpack, carefully put the Tiangou Shuangyu into it, and then opened the folded square piece of white cloth.

The white cloth was torn from the clothes, and the stitches were clearly left on it.

In the lower right corner of the white cloth, half of a crane's head embroidered with fine needlework is exposed.

Could this be left behind by the former Taoist Master Bai He?

The handwriting on it was bright red, probably written with blood.

The font is powerful and powerful, like the edge of a sword. Although there are only a few lines, it is concise and comprehensive.

"One man and one sword can slay the evil dragon. Even if the evil dragon is destroyed, the dragon's soul cannot be eliminated. Greedy villain, God cannot tolerate it. Seal the river for the sake of the road and maintain peace forever!"

Taoist Master Bai He only left these thirty-two words, but he explained the whole incident clearly - the Longhou Guards and the headless corpses that Jiang Dayu and I later discovered were all created by him. Kill, what he calls a 'greedy villain'.

The reason why Lao Dao left his soul and died was not because he failed to fight something powerful as we speculated before, but because he went to seal the bottom of the river.

The stones sealed at the bottom of the river are indeed from seven or eight thousand years ago, but this seal was left by Taoist Priest Baihe in the early years of the Tang Dynasty.

His purpose of sealing the bottom of the river was to suppress the evil dragon, or, to be more precise, the evil dragon's soul.

So, was there really an evil dragon in this historic site? No wonder Hill and Mrs. Shen were able to capture a dragon soul.

It is precisely because "even if the evil dragon is destroyed, the dragon soul cannot be eliminated" that Taoist Master Bai He did not hesitate to exhaust his supreme god-level cultivation and used his soul to seal the evil dragon at the bottom of the Wusuli River forever, ensuring eternal peace. .

This story is indeed touching.

If what he said was all the truth, then what happened next would be logical.

Ancestor William heard this story from somewhere, so he got interested and found a master of thaumaturgy - the guy who secretly exchanged the Sky Gou Double Jade.

The two of them sneaked in secretly, but they both had evil intentions and plotted against each other. In the end, no one could escape, and they both died here.

Before ancestor William came here, he must have left some clues for the descendants of the family. Therefore, for hundreds of years, they have been convinced, especially when they found the entrance, but tried their best to never enter the bottom of the river. This further confirmed the speculation of their ancestors, and they became more and more obsessed with it.

It was passed down to William's generation, and they finally assembled the strongest luxury lineup in history, which is our so-called joint expedition team.

In the early years of the Tang Dynasty and the middle period of the Ming Dynasty, the details of these groups of people who entered the monuments were finally clear, but they became increasingly confused.

Is the family nightmare William described true? If true, where does the nightmare come from.

If there was no nightmare at all and it was all a lie he made up, what about his son's illness?

Since he didn't want anything, why did he insist on exploring this ancient ruins?

Who is the murderer who killed Liu Laoliu's son?

What are the backgrounds of the Jiang brothers? It seems that the purpose of their participation is not just because of the treasure at the bottom of the river.

What happened to the ring in Parker's hand? Is he the legendary middle finger?

Did Mrs. Shen and Hill already know the truth? Why did they join in?

Who is the mysterious man who entered the ancient ruins just like Fujita?

Were those Japanese ninjas who assassinated me and Liu Laoliu sent by Longquan Villa? Who is the spy on this ship?

Mysteries abound, shrouding my heart like a haze.

This trip to the Wusuli River is destined to be extraordinary.

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