Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1577 Ninja’s Sneak Attack

After chasing for more than 20 meters, the body was finally discovered.

Sure enough, the corpse was missing an arm, and its exposed skin was covered with dense red spots, looking like it had been bitten by poisonous insects.

You don't even have to think about it, it must have been Pike.

But what is extremely strange is that the body is already here, but there is still a trail of blood spilling out in front of it.

Could it be that there is another enemy?

Since they were able to force Fan Chong and the three of them off the cliff, it seems that the remaining person is extremely powerful!

Although judging from the blood stains all over the floor, this man was seriously injured, but I still didn't dare to be careless.

I held the flashlight in one hand, put the other hand on the ghost-killing swords at my waist, and continued to chase along the blood trail.

After turning two corners, the blood stains suddenly disappeared. There was nothing around, the dust further away showed no traces of being trampled on, and the stone walls on both sides were also clean.

I waved the flashlight and checked carefully, but still found nothing.

Where has this guy been hiding?

He was so seriously injured, he definitely couldn't run far, he must be nearby!

I took out a magic talisman, dipped some blood on the ground, and then shouted: "Jiu!"

The spiritual talisman turned into a white light and rushed towards the stone wall.

This is what I learned from the "Yin Fu Jing": the bloodthirsty soul-chasing talisman can be traced based on the blood of the enemy, even if it escapes to the end of the world, there will be no escape.


The white light hit a boulder, and a burst of fire immediately appeared.

The entire boulder was on fire.

Immediately afterwards, the boulder shook outward and turned into a burning black cloth as if by magic, and a black figure stood out from behind the black cloth.

"'s me, don't do it." Just as I was about to throw out the invisible needle, the man waved his hand repeatedly.

I looked by the firelight and saw that it was Pike.

His face was pale, his glasses were broken, and his blond hair was messy and covered in dust and blood. His chest was dripping with blood, and most of his clothes were stained red.

"Zhang... don't do anything, I am Pike." Pike raised his hands slightly and walked out of the darkness with trembling steps.

I looked at this guy very doubtfully - if he was seriously injured, it would be understandable that he would hide in stone makeup in order to avoid being pursued. But he had obviously seen me a long time ago, but why didn't he take the initiative to show up and had to wait for me to find him?

If I don't use the Soul Chasing Talisman to blast him out, will he still show up?

Why does he even want to avoid me?

"What happened?" I asked coldly.

"We...we were ambushed." Pike may have noticed that my tone was a little cold, and he immediately stopped and explained a little tiredly.

"Where are Lina and Fan Chong?"

"They... they fell into the cliff." Pike looked into the distance, then sat down on the spot with some dejection, and lowered his head sadly.

Only then did I realize that his left leg seemed to have been seriously injured. It was covered in blood and he couldn't even stand straight.

"Falled off a cliff? Just three Japanese ninjas can hurt you like this." Although the facts are right in front of me, I still can't believe it.

Although Fan Chong's strength has been greatly reduced after using the Red Python Golden Eyes, he can't be dealt with by just anyone. There are also Pike and Lina. Although these two people don't know any Yin Yang magic, their respective abilities are also different. All extremely superb. To be able to force the three of them into this situation is definitely not something that ordinary masters can do!

"Yes." Pike sighed and said, "They disguised themselves as you, Jiang Dayu, and Liang Mingli, so we didn't set up any defense at all. Then..."

Pretending to be us?

Ninja Disguise, no wonder!

Three ninja masters suddenly attacked each other at close range without any defense. It was indeed difficult to defend against them.

It was extremely difficult for the three of them to counterattack their opponents under such circumstances.

But the problem is that after we entered the water, Hill and Mrs. Shen had sealed the bottom of the river, and outsiders could not enter at all. In other words, these ninjas came in long before us.

The ninja who lost his arm when he sneaked into the ship only saw Hill and never saw anyone else. Then how did the three ninjas who attacked them disguise themselves as me, Jiang Dayu, and Liang Mingli?

Also, weren’t Liu Laoliu and me the targets of the three ninjas who sneaked onto the ship? Why did you suddenly attack them again?

Pike looked at my doubtful face and looked very distrustful of him, so he took the initiative to explain to me: "Just now I thought you were disguised as someone else, so I didn't dare to act rashly until I saw you taking out the Taoist Talisman... What? Where is Jiang Dayu? Could it be that he also..."

When Pike saw me alone and covered in blood, he thought something bad happened to Jiang Dayu.

"He's fine." I shook my head and said, "The two of us are separated by the stone gate. He is exploring deeper alone. With his ability, there shouldn't be any accidents." This is my random guess. But to be honest, I don't want anything to happen to this old man. After all, he has saved me three times, otherwise I would be seriously injured even if I don't die.

There were six of us in the water together. Liang Mingli was the first to leave the team and disappeared without a trace. Jiang Dayu was isolated in the stone door of the mechanism and his life and death were unknown. Lina and Fan Chong fell off the cliff, and their chances of survival were extremely slim. Now, only Pike and I are left.

"Are you okay?" I asked, raising my chin.

Although this guy was suspected of being gay, it once made me extremely disgusted and disgusted. But at this time, he was my only companion.

"I'm fine!" Pike gritted his teeth and stood up firmly.

"This underwater ruins is very complicated. After we got separated, we tried to look back for you, but found that the passage had changed. I left marks along the way, but there was no way to go back. It seemed that every road was different. It's constantly moving, and all the passages are new." Pike pointed to the stone wall on the left in confusion: "We obviously came from here, but now it has become a wall. We have never walked this road."

"This is called a card palace lock. The interfaces of the cave are equipped with water mechanisms. As the stone bars keep moving, if you don't observe carefully at the bayonet, you won't be able to find it at all." I simply said He concluded: "In other words, this change is beyond our control at all. Facing a different and unknown road, we can only have two choices, either go or wait."

"Let's go, waiting here is not an option." Pike hesitated and said, snapping his fingers.

A little bee came out of his pocket and flew forward buzzingly.

This guy is covered in all kinds of strange little animals, and the bees in front of him are obviously used to explore the path.

Huh? wrong.

I suddenly woke up, suddenly pulled out the ghost-killing swords and put them on Pike's neck.

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