Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1578 Exposing Pike

"Zhang, what's going on?" Pike was a little panicked and looked at me in confusion.

"Tell me, who are you?" I asked sternly with a cold expression on my face.

"I...I am Parker. Zhang, please believe me, I am not one of those damn Japanese ninjas." Parker gestured with his hands, trying to explain something.

"Don't move!" I held the knife close to his neck.

The blade made a small cut on his neck, and red blood seeped out.

Parker immediately stood still, not even daring to move his fingers. He looked at me very doubtfully and said, "Zhang, what's going on?"

"What's wrong? Why did you kill Fan Chong and Lina." I scolded with a straight face.

Pike was stunned for a moment, then said: "Zhang, are you mistaken? They were forced to the cliff by the ninjas, not me."

"Yes! They fell off the cliff. Korina threw the flying claw to save herself, but you broke the rope." I sneered.

When I saw the half of the flying claw, I felt a little strange. The marks on the fracture didn't look like tearing, nor were they caused by hacking with a knife or axe, but I seemed to have seen it somewhere, but I couldn't remember it for a moment.

It wasn't until Parker released the little bee that I suddenly realized, weren't those his ant bite marks?

As early as when we were on the Yunnan tour group, he released ants to bite off the iron locks. I saw with my own eyes that the tiny bite marks looked like this!

According to the situation at the time, it was most likely that Lina and Fan Chong pretended to fall off the cliff, shot in the air, and killed the Japanese ninja who sneaked up on them. Then the two of them threw flying claws in mid-air. They thought they were out of danger, but they didn't expect that Pike, who was also a teammate, made up for it with a knife. The ants chewed the rope, and the two fell down.

In other words, the culprit who killed Lina and Fan Chong was not the Japanese ninja, but Pike.

Why would this guy do this?

When Pike heard that I said the word rope, his expression couldn't help but change: "Zhang... I think this may be a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" I sneered, took something out of my arms, flashed it in front of his eyes and said, "Is this also a misunderstanding? Please explain, what's going on!"

What I took out was the ring box. He originally wanted to give it to me, but I later picked it up again in front of the mummy array. It's just that what's inside is no longer a diamond-encrusted wedding ring, but the one taken from the hand of the amputated ninja.

When Parker saw the ring, he was stunned. He looked at me blankly for a long time, and suddenly smiled strangely: "Zhang, I really underestimated you! It turns out that you have suspected me for a long time."

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me! What's going on?" I said angrily.

Pike let out a long sigh, and then said somewhat relaxedly: "This story is very long, are you really willing to listen to it?"

"Say!" I shouted loudly.

Pike was seriously injured and was a little unsteady on his feet. I pressed the blade and motioned for him to sit down.

Pike nodded his chin slightly gratefully, and then said: "Twenty-three years ago, I was only 21 years old, and I was studying with Professor Dacre, the most famous zoologist in Europe. That winter, around this time, my teacher took me aboard a research ship..."

"I think you have also guessed that the ship is also called Guangming, but the owner is William's father, old William."

"Old William inherited his family's wishes and explored this river for many years. Finally, with the help of the most advanced optical tracking equipment, he photographed the underwater scene and discovered this ruins. It is exactly the same as what we saw on the boat."

"Old William believes in science, so he invited zoologists, archaeologists, opticians, geologists, etc., but there is not a single expert like you."

"These people come from different countries, and it is a little difficult for them to communicate with each other. I was doing the job that Li Minghan does now, and I was Professor Dacre's full-time translator, so I was lucky enough to have seen that scene early."

As soon as I heard this, I suddenly realized that the mysterious man who had seen the sight of "sturgeon swimming with bones" a long time ago was Pike!

"Old William has invited so many famous scholars in various fields, so he is naturally full of confidence. He came with the idea of ​​becoming famous in one fell swoop and making a sensation in the world, so during the inspection, he also brought all his family members with him. There was a grand and lavish ball on board, except for William’s pregnant wife.”

"Old William has three sons and a little daughter. His daughter's name is Laura. She just turned twenty that year. She has long golden hair and bright sapphire eyes. She is as beautiful as an angel! She is right there. At a dance, we both fell in love very quickly, and spent a very sweet night drunk with champagne..."

The more I heard, the more strange it became. So, Pike is William's brother-in-law and Lina's uncle. Why did he want to murder Lina?

The corners of Parker's mouth curled up slightly, as if he was still recalling the wonderful time that night.

"In the early hours of the morning, Laura and I were suddenly awakened by a noisy knock on the door. I was deeply afraid of being caught by them. You know, the Feng family is a great noble family that has inherited glory for hundreds of years. If you see me working In La’s room, you don’t even have to think about the consequences, they will definitely kill me silently.”

"Laura was also frightened at the time and quickly asked me to hide under the bed while pretending to be calm."

"But the person outside the door was his second brother, the William you saw. Laura couldn't deal with it, so she had to open the door, but then...then I saw a scene that I will never forget!" Pike said When I was here, my whole body was shaking uncontrollably, and my teeth were chattering loudly.

"William took out the knife and cut Laura's neck. With just one cut, the whole head was cut off! Laura couldn't believe it until she was dying. She was still looking at the bed blankly and worriedly. I saw her clearly, and I will never forget the look in her eyes!"

Pike shed tears and closed his eyes for a long time before continuing: "William placed Laura's head on the table opposite me and said I love your sister. Then he cut himself with a knife. legs walked out."

"That night, he hired a group of mercenaries lurking in the water and killed an entire boat of people, including his father old William, his elder brother, his younger brother, all his nephews and guests, and then poisoned all the mercenaries. Soldier, the bomb sank the ship. I hid under the bed and luckily escaped, but I was also knocked unconscious by the bomb."

"When I woke up again, I was lying on the back of a turtle." Pike sighed.

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