Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1580 The Elegy of Love and Hate

I thought to myself for a while, then turned to ask Pike: "Even if you have been working hard for so many years to avenge your sweetheart, isn't it William that you want to kill? Why did you harm Lina and Fan Chong again?"

"Don't they both deserve to die?" Pike glanced at me sideways: "Fan Chong is naturally murderous. Not to mention how many ghosts he killed, dozens of fishermen died at his hands alone. Life is not high or low, everyone is the same. He can make fun of others, and I can kill him. Isn't it fair? Moreover, when we first broke out of the submarine to break the ghost realm, without you and Jiang Dayu, do you think he Won't he do that? He's determined to leave us there whether we live or die, so I feel at ease when I kill him."

This guy Pike may have been eroded by revenge, causing some mental problems.

They say they are bloodthirsty, but what about you?

During your trip to Yunnan, how did you deal with those bandits? What's that but homicidal? He also cut off the fat tour guide's hands and roasted them alive. That's not called a pervert.

Although those people all deserved their punishment, you don't seem to be very merciful.

It’s true that Fan Chong almost abandoned you, but he saved you in the end. And in the mummy formation, wasn’t he the one who stood up for you?

Of course, I also understand that in order to get revenge, Pike smiles happily beside William every day, but in his heart he wants to tear him into pieces. Over the years, I have been suffering like this every day, and my thoughts and mentality have long been distorted and deformed.

Of course, I didn't want to change his mind, so I asked: "What about Lina? She is also your sweetheart's biological niece, right? You are worthy of her by killing your sweetheart's family bloodline like this."

"Family blood?" When Pike heard this, he turned his head sharply. Fortunately, my eyesight and hands were quick to spot it early, so I quickly drew the knife out, otherwise this guy would have wiped his neck immediately.

"When William killed his own sister, did he ever think about the family bloodline? He killed an entire boatload of people! Except for his own, Feng's blood flowed cleanly overnight. At that time, did he think about the family lineage? Bloodline?" Pike's eyes were red, and the corners of his mouth were twitching.

"When he was killing people, did he ever think about other people's bloodlines? My teacher Professor Dacre, my Laura... there are so many innocent people, don't they have families or bloodlines?"

"Yes, I just want to kill her! I just want to make William sad and make him sad. I have been lurking for so many years and suffered so much torture. The only poison ring I have that can kill him has also disappeared inexplicably. I have lost my only hope! Now I have become a damn cripple, and I will never have a chance to take revenge! Over the years, I have not made him feel the least bit sad or unhappy, and I have even helped him resolve a lot of problems. Worries and troubles, should I see Laura, how should I face it?"

"Kill his daughter, make him sad, make him cry, make him feel bad! Only in this way will I feel comfortable, will I be happy, and will my life be meaningful and valuable."

"Fuck this bullshit family bloodline! Laura hates this family so much. She is unhappy and not free. We had agreed to sneak out as soon as the ship docked. We wanted to break free. We Let’s run for freedom! We’ll go to Africa, to Antarctica, and even wander on the ocean forever.”

"The hateful thing is that this family bloodline not only tied her to her, but even ended her life! This damn family, this damn bloodline! I'm going to kill! Kill! Kill them all!" Pike bared his teeth and glared, his face ferocious. As if crazy.

Pike suddenly lost his mind completely and shouted loudly.

This guy was full of revenge, which he had suppressed for so long and finally let it out.

At this time, he had lost all possibility of revenge, and he had just personally harmed Lina, who was watching her grow up. Under the alternating turns of conscience and inner demons, he was on the verge of collapse.

" know, William is lying, and Lina is lying too. Laura told me that everyone in their family has had the same nightmare every night since the day they were born!"

"Every descendant of the Feng family will turn into a sturgeon, just like the video, swimming around under the water, surrounded by bones, and finally an evil dragon will appear! Yes, it is an evil dragon! In other words, , they have long known what is inside this historic site, and their purpose is to lift the imprisonment and release the evil dragon."

The blood letter written by Taoist Master Bai He before his death and the dragon soul in the ghost realm have already confirmed this.

Jiang Dayu also saw clues from Lina's reaction. It seemed that Pike was right and William was lying.

The family nightmare he told me was indeed true, but the most important part of it was hidden, and he didn't mention anything about the evil dragon.

Suddenly, I remembered.

Before going into the water, William said something to Lina in German.

At that time, I thought it was the entanglement between father and daughter, but now I think about it, this is probably William telling Lina that they will open a ghost realm and contain the dragon soul.

Lina is also acting and has been pretending not to know anything. This is obviously a conspiracy!

However, everyone thinks that they are the master of the conspiracy.

"Zhang... I have told you everything I know. Considering that we have known each other before, can I trouble you with something?" Pike raised his head and looked at me sincerely.

"What's the matter?" I asked with some confusion.

"If you accidentally splash blood on my face, can you wipe it for me? I want to see Laura cleanly."

When I heard this, the hand holding the knife couldn't help but tremble.

I just put the knife on his neck because I was afraid that he might have some other plot against me. As for his grudges with the William family, I didn't want to get too involved. After all, I am not Fan Chong, and I don’t have a hobby of killing people. Nor am I Pike. I don’t have so many weird theories, and I have to uphold some twisted justice.

Although he killed Lina and Fan Chong, if I kill him again with this knife, what is the fundamental difference between me and Pike?

Although Pike keeps talking crazy things, there is one thing he says that is right: life is not high or low, everyone is the same.

Everyone is extremely small in front of life. You can kill and be kind, but you will never be the master of life. Because you can't even truly control your own life, just like the real Parker, can you say that he is alive?

He has always been just a twisted complex of love and hate, and his life no longer belongs to him. In other words, the real Pike ended as early as twenty-three years ago with the fall of William's knife.

I looked at him and withdrew my sword to kill ghosts and gods: "Life is not just about love and hatred, but you are too deeply involved in both love and hatred. You can decide your own affairs."

After that, I walked forward without looking back.

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