Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1581 Taoist Master

I kept moving forward and never looked back.

There was silence behind him, and he didn't know what Pike was feeling.

The road ahead is still dark, and the light of the flashlight can only leave a short-term light when it shines far away.

After I turned a few turns along the passage, I suddenly remembered something and stood still.

its not right!

When we were about to enter the water, Hill once handed Lina a small copper ball in front of everyone, saying that if she encountered an irresistible danger, throw it out and it would ensure that she would be safe within three minutes. This was terrible. Everyone knows it!

His intention is very obvious. The first is to give us a reassurance, and the second is to warn us not to have any evil thoughts towards Lina.

Considering Hill's strength, the protective items he gave him personally were definitely not simple!

Moreover, Pike had seen with his own eyes how powerful the cross he gave William was.

Since Parker wants to kill Lina, then this little copper ball must also be under his consideration!

In other words, there are only two reasons why he dared to do this. Either Lina used the small copper ball while she was separated from us, or it was stolen by Pike.

Judging from the scene of several people fighting, Lina did not use it.

She and Fan Chong should have taken the initiative to fall off the cliff, kill their opponents by surprise, and then use their flying claws to climb up.

In other words, they did not use the small copper ball before falling off the cliff.

If this was the case, Pike would never take action rashly.

In this case, there is only one possibility left, the little copper ball is on Pike.

He calls himself a magician. Since he can exchange a ring from William, it is no big deal to steal a small copper ball from Lina.

In other words, when I put the knife on his neck just now, the copper ball was on his body.

What would he do if I really had murderous intentions and wanted to take his life?

Willing to die? Or start the little copper ball? Could this be another trap?

When I think of this, I can't help but feel chills running down my spine.

I held down the ghost-killing swords and turned around to go back.

The magic cloth Pike used to disguise himself as a stone has long been burned to ashes, and the blood on the ground has long dried up, but Pike is nowhere to be seen!

I chased it all the way to the edge of the cliff, but still didn't find it.

I sacrificed another soul-chasing talisman stained with his blood, but the talisman circled around me three times and then went out with a pop.

Um? There are only two possibilities for this situation.

The first is that the person is dead, his soul has dissipated, and he cannot be traced at all.

The other is that it is interfered by a more powerful force. The soul-chasing talisman cannot break through the obstacles and is powerless.

Parker's abilities are weird, but he had already tried it on the day he gave me the ring. He doesn't know any Yin and Yang skills at all. The reason why Lina said that everyone has the power of Yin and Yang is probably because The ring that was poisoned by Dong Lao.

In this case, how could this soul-chasing talisman fail? Is he really dead?

But how did he die? Where did he die?

I followed the back and forth path with a flashlight and checked it carefully two or three times, but still found nothing.

Is what this guy said to me true or false?

Pike or William, who is lying?

Not only are these people amazing in strength, but they are also top-notch in intelligence and acting skills. If they are not careful, they will turn into fools and be played around by others. Everyone on the boat could not believe anyone's words except Karov, who had practiced the Giant Spirit Kung Fu and was really unable to lie.

I thought about it for a long time, but still didn't come to a definite conclusion, so I had to go back the same way.

The journey was uneventful and uneventful. Not to mention dangerous, there wasn't even a single pebble on the road.

As I walked, a door appeared in front of me.

This door is very strange. It is neither round nor square, but human-shaped.

That’s right, it’s a human-shaped door!

The head, arms, and legs were all in place, and they just passed through the stone wall.

When I came closer and took a look, I was stunned.

What kind of human-shaped door is this? Someone clearly broke the stone wall and rushed in from here!

The stone wall is more than two feet thick, and there is a piece of arc-shaped gravel scattered on the ground inside, which when put together is exactly the human-shaped hole.

Who did this? This is so terrifying!

I looked carefully with a flashlight and finally recognized the owner who had knocked out the human-shaped door.

It's Taoist Master Baihe!

There is a long protrusion on the left shoulder, which is what is left of the sword hilt. On the right side, there is a long rod-shaped extension, which is the horsetail whisk, and there is a small round bag on the head, which is the high-drawn Dao. Bun...

The sword was in its scabbard and his sleeves were thrown away. From this shape, you can see how free and easy he was when he hit the wall and entered.

I stared at the stone wall blankly for a long time, then I woke up from my shock and continued walking forward.

Four or five meters away, another footprint of his was found.

More than three inches deep into the stone surface, the soles of Shifang Shoes were firmly imprinted on the stone slab, which was extremely clear.

Four or five meters away, there was another one, this time it was the right foot.

I scanned it back and forth, as if I was seeing it with my own eyes, and such a picture appeared in front of me.

Wearing a white crane robe, with beard and hair like snow, long flowing sleeves, one foot can pierce the stone and fly through the sky...

This, isn't this the legendary Taoist immortal!

I couldn't help but look back at the ancient sword and whisk in my backpack, feeling both surprised and happy.

No wonder Jiang Dayu has been clamoring for me to give him a piece of treasure. Taoist Priest Baihe is so great, how can the things he carries with him be ordinary?

Now I can make a fortune.

However, since the old Taoist priest's treasure fell into my hands, I must be worthy of this opportunity, otherwise it will be a huge sin.

I happily followed the footsteps of the old Taoist priest, and after walking forty or fifty meters, the ground suddenly changed.

There are messy gravels everywhere, forming several hills high and low. From those broken stones, you can see that they are all one-eyed stone men. It's exactly the same as what we saw in the water, except it's all red.

The surrounding walls were covered with sword marks that were half a foot deep.

This was not caused by the sword being struck directly, but by the sword energy when it was unsheathed.

The stone man was broken into countless pieces, large and small, stacked on top of each other on both sides, but there was still a smooth road in the middle, not to mention stones, not even much dust.

Judging from the marks printed on the stone slab, the old Taoist priest didn't stop at all. It seemed that he was chopping up these stone figures casually and at will.

Not to mention how difficult it is to do this, the magnanimity and freedom alone are far beyond comparison.

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