Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1586 The mystery of the footprints

Did he rush here in a hurry just to burn this thing?

But what is this thing?

In his last words, he said: "Although the evil dragon is destroyed, the dragon's soul will never disappear." Could this be what he was referring to?

Li Shimin sent a yellow-robed Taoist priest with a sinner's edict and such a precious sacrifice, presumably not just to pray to heaven and ask the dragon for forgiveness, right?

Does he want to awaken the dragon and even take it out of the Wusuli River?

Thinking again about the last words of Taoist Bai He and such hasty actions, it is very possible.

But there is a very strange problem here, and that is the animal tooth necklace.

Judging by time, Taoist Master Baihe and the others from the early Tang Dynasty came in far earlier than Ancestor William's group.

But why didn't neither Taoist Master Baihe nor the Tang people carrying the sacrifice pick up the necklace?

Or is it that the necklace was picked up by the Tang people at that time, and was subsequently killed by Taoist Baihe and buried under the body. It was not discovered until the second group of people came in in the middle of the Ming Dynasty?

Also, the behavior of Taoist Priest Baihe is also somewhat inexplicable.

It's fine if you like to cut off your head with a sword, why take away all the heads?

Throughout the early years of the Tang Dynasty, everyone who broke into the ancient ruins with him was killed by him with a sword, and then his heads were taken away. Except for Longhou School and the yellow-robed Taoist priest, there was no one left.

What is he going to do?

While I was thinking about it, I saw a long sword stuck on the wall in front of me, all the way to the hilt.

I groped over carefully with a flashlight and found that the sword was the sword of one of the deceased, and there was still a streak of white thread on the hilt. Nothing else.

This is……

I pondered for a moment and then remembered, didn't the person who secretly changed the iron box have a blood letter from Taoist Bai He hidden in the box?

Thinking about it, I should have gotten it from here.

Taoist Master Bai He did such a great deed to save the world and save people. He clearly wrote down the causes and consequences, but why didn't he even leave his own name?

Full of doubts, I searched the scene again, but there were no other valuable clues.

Taoist Master Bai He seemed to have burned the thing and left in a hurry with the head of the deceased.

I glanced at the jewelry scattered on the floor, and wanted to take away two pieces, but I felt that no matter which one I took, I would definitely feel heartbroken when I thought about how many pieces were still left. Moreover, the ancient ruins are extremely dangerous, and the equipment I brought was already heavy enough, and it would be even more inconvenient to bring some jewelry. Besides, it wouldn't be good if someone else found out. There are many secrets involved in this. If someone asks, it would be inappropriate to answer or not.

It would be better to follow the example of Taoist Master Bai He, who regards money as dirt and devotes himself to killing the evil dragon.

I only put the scattered animal tooth necklaces into my pocket, then turned around and returned the same way.

I rested against the stone wall at the fork for more than an hour, and then the diagonal passage opened again.

This is a step that goes down slowly.

The steps were very wide and roughly built. There was a very clear large footprint printed on the dusty stone surface.

The footprints were obviously those that had been trampled not long ago, but who left them?

There were a total of six of us who entered the monument, plus Fujita Tsuyoshi and Japanese ninjas who had entered previously.

Jiang Dayu was locked behind the stone door. Judging from the position of Fujita Tsuyoshi's severed hand, he should also be inside.

In other words, the footprints could only belong to a few people outside.

The footprints were large, at least 44 yards away, so it was obvious that they were not those of Lina and Liang Mingli.

Then the remaining two people are Pike and Fan Chong.

But one of them fell off the cliff, and the other's life or death is unknown, which is unlikely.

I followed a few more steps forward and found that my steps were steady and my movements were large.

Pike was injured on his leg. I saw with my own eyes that even a large piece of the leg bone was exposed. It was definitely not an act, and the footprints were definitely not left by him.

Then, only Fan Chong is left.

But didn’t he and Lina fall into the cliff?

Could it be that Lina died and he was fine? Climbed up alone.

No, there is another possibility!

That is, there are not only four ninjas who entered the ancient ruins, but there is also one who slipped through the net.

Or, in addition to the six of us, Tsuyoshi Fujita, and the three waves of Japanese ninjas, are there other infiltrators?

Seeing that the situation became more and more complicated, I became more and more afraid to be careless. I held the invisible needle tightly and followed the footprints.

Not far away, I found a few drops of blood next to the footprints. The blood was just showing signs of drying. It seemed that this person had just walked by not long ago.

The steps went straight down, and after about forty or fifty meters, they suddenly turned to the left.

The corner was relatively narrow, and the man left a few drops of blood here.

There is a bloody handprint on the stone wall next to the bend, and there are also handprints on the sharp stone directly above.

The handprints on the stone wall are relatively thick, while the handprints on the sharp rocks are relatively thin. It is obvious that they are not two hands.

Moreover, the handprints above the sharp stone are two vague groups, and it is vaguely visible that they are two palms.

This is strange!

It has always been a pair of footprints, but three hands of different sizes appeared at the same time, and they all appeared at the same time. What's going on?

After continuing to chase down for more than thirty meters, the steps stretched to the bottom, and the footprints went straight to a large, slightly flat bluestone, and the traces on the ground became messy.

I used a flashlight to look around the big blue stone carefully, and found that there were two more feet.

Three pairs of completely different footprints!

The smallest one among them has a normal left foot, and only the front toe of his right foot touches the ground slightly.

The medium-sized one just scratched on the ground, and landed very lightly. Judging from the trampling marks, it couldn't be stepped on at all, and it seemed like it was floating in the air.

How is this going?

Could it be that these are those Japanese ninjas?

What yin and yang techniques did they use to make people look like they could never die, but yet they could resurrect them when they were unprepared?

They rested here for a while, and seemed to drink some water and eat something. There were some traces of water droplets sprinkled in the dust on the ground.

When we set out again, there were two lines of footprints, the largest and the smallest.

Two rows of footprints walked side by side, the largest footprint was still the same, and the smallest footprint had only the forefoot of its right foot touching the ground.

The medium-sized footprints disappeared again, leaving no trace at all. It's like floating in mid-air and doesn't need to land at all.

Along with the footprints, there are sometimes drops of blood, and there are drops on both sides of the blood stains. It should be that the owners of the large and small footprints were injured.

After chasing for another twenty meters, I found another thick handprint on the stone wall on the right.

The blood stains have faded a bit, but you can still make out the outline.

It was so thick and powerful that even the cuticle on the outside of the stone was crushed by him.

The fingerprint has an obvious feature, it only has four fingers.

The little finger was only half-printed, and the broken part was very round, and it didn't look like it wasn't pressed firmly and was incomplete.

This is...Fan Chong!

I woke up after being stunned for a moment.

Fan Chong is known as Nine Fingers Locking Hanjiang, which means he is missing a little finger on his right hand.

This is absolutely unmistakable, and judging from the thickness of the palm, it must be him.

It seems that Fan Chong is not dead, and Lina is not dead either.

This smaller footprint running parallel to him was left by Lina.

Lina's right leg must have been injured and she had to march side by side with Fan Chong to use some strength.

It was not easy to walk on the steps before, so Fan Chong must have carried her down.

In this way, it is logical, but who is this small and medium-sized footprint?

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