Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1587 Fan Chong was seriously injured

Except for touching the ground a little while resting on the big blue stone, this man's feet were always hanging in the air.

Liang Mingli is the only one who can do this, right?

Could it be that they happened to meet Liang Mingli after they fell into the cliff?

That's how it should be.

Now that I had determined that it was Fan Chong and Lina who were walking in front, I immediately felt relieved, relaxed my vigilance a little, and quickened my pace.

At least they didn't encounter any danger along the way, and I naturally wouldn't run into any trouble either.

The two lines of footprints, one large and one small, continued forward until they came to a stone forest that looked like giant bamboo shoots, and their footsteps suddenly became chaotic.

There were many knife marks and gun holes all over the stone pillars, and the ground was full of scattered rocks. It seems that they have encountered some trouble here!

Fan Chong's sword skills are a bit strange. It seems that most of his body is not in control, and he only dances back and forth with one arm. Could it be that his left arm was seriously injured?

The gun holes were very dense at first, but then became sporadic. Immediately afterwards, the small high-tech pistol that fired unknown bullets was torn into pieces and scattered on the ground.

But from beginning to end, I saw no sign of attacking them, let alone any sign of Liang Mingli taking action.

After walking seven or eight meters into the stone forest, our eyes suddenly became brighter.

All the stone pillars had been broken into powder, and a thick layer was spread on the ground, more than half a meter high.

The two of them walked through each other as if they were stepping on dust and snow, leaving behind two deep footwells.

This is?

Fan Chong used the Red Python Golden Eyes again?

I squatted down and took a look, and sure enough, there was still a warm breath on the powder, and Fan Chong's steps were shaky and wobbly.

Not far after the dust passed, they seemed to have experienced another fierce battle!

Although the scene is not as scary as in the stone forest, it just leaves a dark black mark on the ground that looks like it was burned by fire.

But within that circle of black marks, there was a broken skull, a golden skull.

It was the one that Lina brought with her when she first appeared on the scene.

At this time, the skull was full of cracks, and the nose bone had already been broken into small golden particles. The only remaining forehead bones and skull were covered with spider web-like cracks, as if it would be completely shattered with just a gust of wind.

What kind of enemy could push them to this point?

Also, why hasn’t Liang Mingli taken action? Just watching the two of them fight hard.

Could it be that Liang Mingli was injured more seriously than the two of them?

I quickened my pace and continued to catch up.

Judging from the footprints, the two men were walking slower and slower, and they would stagger from time to time.

The frequency of blood dripping is also getting faster and faster. It is obvious that after these two fierce battles, their injuries have become more serious.

They are still moving forward, and there is no danger ahead. With their current situation, it is probably difficult for them to face another danger!

Although I first met them, it only lasted three to five days.

Although Lina had a lot to hide from me, even cheating.

Although Fan Chong is arrogant and domineering, he has no respect or friendship for me.

But after all, we got into the water together and stepped into this historic site together.

Although unlike what William said, we are grasshoppers on a rope. But if you really want me to do nothing and watch my teammates die in front of me, I simply can't do it.

I turned on the communicator again and called Lina and Fan Chong loudly, but there was only a rustling noise from the earphones.

It seems that the signal interference here is too severe and the communication equipment cannot be used.

Since they are right in front, there must be no more danger between us.

I temporarily relaxed my vigilance and just ran quickly, moving forward!

Just after turning a corner and entering a new cave, suddenly, a cold light and a whooshing cold wind hit us from the darkness!

At the same time, a bright light suddenly shone on my face, shaking me so hard that I couldn't even open my eyes.

I secretly screamed something bad, hurriedly shrank my neck and hid my head, and pulled out the ghost-killing swords with my backhand.

"Master, stop it, it's Zhang!" I was about to fight back when a scream suddenly burst out in the darkness, it was Lina's voice.

There was a click, and the cold light deflected and struck diagonally above my head.

With a 'bang' sound, it struck the stone wall and smashed off a round boulder as big as a head.

I turned on the flashlight and saw that Lina was bending down to support Fan Chong with great difficulty.

Fan Chong was really exhausted to the extreme. He had used up all his strength with the sword strike just now, and he fell to the ground when his stance was unsteady.

"Zhang, I'm so happy to see you..." Lina said choked with tears, her eye circles turned red, and tears welled up unsatisfactorily.

A large section of her long hair beside her left ear was cut off by something unknown, her face was covered with dried blood, and her right leg was even bright red, with only the soles of her front feet slightly touching the ground.

Fan Chong's situation is even more terrifying!

His head and face were covered with blood, which had dried and was still flowing, layer after layer. Especially those two eyes - whether it was the closed golden pupils of the red python or the big round eye like a copper bell, they all shed tears of blood.

Especially the eye that was originally intact, with half of the shining shuriken stuck in it, reflected the light under the light, making it look particularly ferocious.

In other words, he is now blind.

We were fine when we separated at Longhouwei's place. Why did we end up in such a miserable situation after not seeing each other for a long time? What had they both endured.

"Where is Liang Mingli? Why doesn't he help you?" I asked angrily.

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" Fan Chong was quite a man. Even though he was injured like this and both eyes were blind, there was no trace of frustration in his tone, and he still acted like a man. The drake shouted loudly.

Then he sat down on the spot with a big knife and asked me in reply: "Didn't that old ghost disappear long ago? Who the hell saw him? By the way, where did you and Jiang Dayu go?" Why did he disappear as soon as he turned around?"

Hearing his question, I was a little embarrassed to answer.

Can I say that Jiang Dayu noticed something was wrong with Lina and deliberately avoided them?

I looked around and said, "Is it just the two of you?"

I chased him all the way and found three pairs of footprints, but since they didn't see Liang Mingli, who was the third person?

"That bastard Parker is in there." Fan Chong waved his hand back and said, "I've been unconscious all this time. I'm almost exhausted!"

Pike? I was stunned.

Didn't this guy release ants to bite the rope and deliberately harm Lina and Fan Chong? Why are the three of them mixed together again now?

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