Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1588 There is a traitor among us

With Fan Chong's temper, if he knew that old boy Pike was deliberately harming them, let alone saving him, he would have been cut into pieces, right?

But from this tone, it doesn’t seem like that is the case at all!

Could it be that they didn't notice how the rope was broken and thought it was a Japanese ninja?

its not right!

If Fan Chong was careless and blind, how could Lina not see it?

In order to take revenge, Pike pretended to be with William for more than 20 years. Lina should have been in contact with Pike since she was a child, and she was far more familiar with the ants he always carried in his breast pocket than I was. How could you not see how the fracture was formed?

"Parker is inside." Lina glanced at me, then patted Fan Chong's shoulder gently and said, "Master, please wait here for a moment, I will take Mr. Zhang to have a look." After saying that, she turned around and looked inside. Go.

This cave is slightly shaped like a gourd, and the place where I just ran in is the mouth of the gourd.

Lina led me through an extremely narrow pass that was obviously dug manually and walked to the bottom of the gourd.

Although there was a lot of blood on her legs, she had some difficulty walking. But the injury wasn't too serious, it was just a little difficult to walk with a limp.

As she walked, she simply narrated: "When we were resting here just now, the heat source detector detected someone approaching here quickly, so the master and I hid at the door to ambush. I didn't expect it to be you. It's really great. Got it!"

Lina's name for Fan Chong has changed from Mr. Fan to master, and the name is very natural.

It seems that she means what she says.

Before the sheep-horn mummy formation, she had said that she wanted to become Fan Chong's disciple.

Presumably, the two of them have experienced life and death several times along the way, and have become more harmonious.

There is a large bluestone slab lying across the bottom of the gourd. The slab has been broken into three pieces. It must have been abandoned by the ancestors who built this place.

Parker was lying on the bluestone floor covered in blood, his eyes tightly closed and motionless, and his mouth was strangely sealed with a piece of tape.

There were several more bruises than when I last saw him.

The corners of his forehead and nose were scratched in several places, and his long-broken glasses were missing. His chest was already scarred, but this time it was even more serious. Several ribs on the right side seemed to be broken, and the entire chest collapsed. It looked like the lower legs and arms had been broken in many places and were temporarily fixed by ropes.

Wait, rope?

Isn't this the nylon rope on the flying claw?

Since she used rope to bandage Pike, didn't she find out what happened to the fracture?

Also, when I left, although Pike was seriously injured, he was far from being like this. What was going on?

"What's going on?" I asked with some confusion.

"The rope broke, and my master and I were seriously injured and fell off the cliff. We finally borrowed a long knife to stop the fall. Just after climbing more than ten meters, a huge boulder fell and knocked us down." Lina Two meters away from me, he stared at me and said:

"We narrowly escaped death again. After finally climbing up for a while, Pike fell again and fortunately hit the master. However, although we caught his body, he was unconscious and dying. The master said , and some people sacrificed the bloodthirsty soul-chasing talisman, hoping to track his whereabouts. So I abandoned the white snake and blocked the soul-chasing talisman."

When Lina said these words, her eyes were staring at me closely, and she had one hand behind her back, as if she was wary of me.

Boulder? Could it be the piece that I pried open the mouse hole passage and rolled down the cliff?

Soul chasing charm? No need to guess, this is what I use.

I noticed something was wrong with Pike at that time. When I returned again, I found that he had disappeared, so I borrowed the Soul Tracing Talisman to find his whereabouts.

But since they were separated, they had gone through so many things, why didn't they mention anything else but the boulder and the soul-chasing talisman?

Moreover, what does her expression mean? It was completely different from the joy I felt when I first met.

Also, the hand behind my back...

If I guessed correctly, it must be a small copper ball, right?

So what does her behavior mean? She is completely on guard. Does she regard me as an enemy?

How fucking ridiculous is this.

The person who harmed you was saved by you, but the person who wanted to save you was regarded as an enemy.

"Mr. Zhang." Lina took a step forward with a stern face and said extremely seriously: "I have answered your questions. Please answer a few of my questions. Moreover, it is best not to escape! Don't lie to me either. .”

"Okay, you can ask." I replied calmly.

It's not that I'm afraid of the little copper ball in her hand, but I think it's a bit of a misunderstanding and completely unnecessary.

Not to mention that she and Fan Chong were already injured like this, I originally wanted to help them; besides, if I had so many doubts, I would definitely be suspicious.

I somewhat admire this girl's calmness and kindness - not only did she save Pike, but she was also afraid of involving Fan Chong just now, so she deliberately acted in front of him and asked me after bringing me in.

Therefore, I really want to relieve her concerns.

"Thank you first." Lina said with a stern but extremely polite face: "Did you get down that boulder? White Snake told me that your breath is left on it."

"Yes!" I nodded and replied: "I was stuck in a mouse hole. I finally found the exit, but it was blocked by huge rocks. I had to break the rocks to open a way, but I didn't know you were down there, or even They don’t even know that there is a cliff outside the cave.”

"Did you knock Pike off the cliff?"

"No." I shook my head and said, "I found him after I climbed up the rat hole. I didn't go with him all the way. When I came back again, he disappeared. So I borrowed the soul-tracing charm to find his whereabouts. He didn't go with me. I thought it was because you used the white snake to hide your aura."

"Then how did you know before that besides me and the master, there was another person? And you asked Liang Mingli the first time?" Lina continued to ask.

"It's very simple. I followed your footprints here. The one with big footprints and missing a little finger is Fan Chong. The one with small footprints and a weak right foot is you. There is also one who only landed lightly once. I thought it was Liang Mingli, but of course, I didn’t expect Pike to be unconscious and being carried by Fan Chong," I explained.

"You and Jiang Dayu already knew that the passages in this historic site would change at any time, and did you deliberately separate from us?" Lina pressed.

"No! When you left, I was struggling with the mummies. When I wanted to find you, I found that the passage had been closed." What I said was the truth. If Jiang Dayu hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have discovered the card palace at that time. The lock is there.

"Then why did the Japanese ninjas stare at us as soon as we separated, and even transformed into your appearance?" Lina asked.

"There is a traitor among us." I said directly: "Although I don't know who he is yet, don't worry, I already have some clues, and he will reveal his true face before long!

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