Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1589 Lina repays the favor

I'm not bragging, the traitor is in this team.

Karov practices the djinn's Yin Kung Fu. He can't even tell a lie, so the traitor thing is out of the question.

There is no need for William and his daughter to create a ninja to disrupt the situation. It will only increase the internal fighting and delay the business!

If Fan Chong is a traitor, the compensation for this painful scheme is a bit high, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Old Mrs. Shen is a ghost herself. She has been living alone for decades and will never join any organization, especially the Japanese.

I am not, and neither is Liu Laoliu.

With the strength of wizard Hill, he might not even bother.

Pike's purpose is also very clear, he himself is his own traitor.

The only six people left were the Jiang brothers, Liang Mingli, translator Li Minghan, and the Japanese soldier Fujita Tsuyoshi.

It won't be long before the traitor will reveal his true form.

Lina looked at me and suddenly asked me very fast: "Is Jiang Dayu still alive?"

"I don't know." I shook my head.

"Do you have two knives?" Lina's questions became faster and faster.


"Is your bedside facing north?"


"Do you still have water in your backpack?"


"Are there only three ninjas who entered the ancient ruins?"

"Not sure."

“Can stones kill people?”


She asked very quickly, and I answered very quickly.

"Mr. Zhang, thank you." Lina relaxed, then put down the hand hidden behind her back, lowered her head and said guiltily: "The current situation is a bit complicated, far beyond my expectation, so... please Please forgive me..."

"I understand." I waved my hand to show that I didn't care, and then asked a little strangely: "Are you done asking?"

"Yes!" Lina nodded and said, "You are trustworthy. I worried too much, but I have to do this and ask for your forgiveness again."

Now it was my turn to be a little incredulous: "Are you so sure? What if I'm lying."

"No." Lina smiled and said, "You may have forgotten, I am a psychologist."

Was she conducting a psychological test on me by asking these confusing and even ridiculous questions?

Can this tell if I'm lying?

Although I don't know much about this industry, I am deeply suspicious of it.

I really don’t know how much accuracy would be left if Liu Laoliu, a veteran actor with superb acting skills, were used for the test.

But I'm particularly surprised: Lina is such a shrewd girl. Since she can find many doubts from the details that Fan Chong didn't pay attention to, why didn't she suspect Pike?

How did they fall into the cliff and how did the rope break? Didn't she think about it at all?

She also used ropes to fix Pike's broken bones, but was she too careless to look carefully?

This is a bit unlikely, right?

I don’t know if Lina saw my doubts, or if she originally wanted to say it.

Lina reached out and smoothed back the half of her long hair. She glanced at Parker and said, "When I was six years old, the Filipino maid who was looking after me didn't pay attention. I crawled along the grass and into my father's tiger cage. . There are seven Bengal tigers there, and these tigers will eat a cow alive every three days. When I went in, they were hungry."

"A few tigers stared at me and pounced on me like crazy!"

"Fortunately, Pike threw a bottle of potion and hit me, and all the tigers turned around and ran away."

"When I was sixteen years old, I gambled in Las Vegas for the first time. I used psychological methods and won a lot of money. But as soon as I left the casino, I was targeted by someone! I didn't go far. They killed the bodyguards my father sent me, and I was pushed into a black car. At this time, Pike released the Elephant Bee again. Within two seconds, everyone stopped heartbeating, and he laughed. He opened the car door and took me out."

"So..." Lina raised her head and glanced at me calmly: "I will save him once too, so that we will be even."

As she said that, she smiled faintly at me, turned around, and limped toward the entrance of the cave.

I was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what she meant.

Pike saved her twice, and she only returned it once to make it 'even'.

Obviously, she already knew that Pike broke the rope!

But she didn't feel resentful, didn't ask questions, and actually offered help so calmly, even going so far as to hook up with the protective white snake.

She was not blinded by anger and forgot her previous kindness.

She didn't lose her bottom line for the sake of kindness. What she said about "evening" meant that there would never be a next time.

Just because of his magnanimity and magnanimity, as well as his clear distinction between grudges and grudges, and his acting style that balances both good and evil, he is extremely admirable!

This girl is really not simple.

Also, regarding the treatment of Fan Chong.

At first, Fan Chong said that he would throw her into the ghost realm, and he even violently attacked her!

In front of the sheep horn mummy formation, she said that as long as Fan Chong contributed once and helped everyone overcome this difficulty, she would become her disciple. Everyone, including me, may not have taken it seriously. Maybe even Fan Chong I didn't take it too seriously.

Because among these people, Fan Chong's ability and experience are not outstanding. Even if he had to choose a master, no one would choose Fan Chong.

That's what Korina said, and that's what she did.

It can be seen from the way she helped Fan Chong up and the way she patted Fan Chong on the shoulder before leaving that she was not pretending.

There is a hint of respect and humility everywhere, and you really feel like you are an elder.

He has a clear distinction between good and evil, he keeps his word, he is calm in dealing with things, and his city is extremely deep.

It seems that I really underestimated this girl!

She is still young at this time. If given time, she will definitely far surpass William and become a great family leader!

I turned my head and looked at Pike, who was still unconscious. He might have been touched by what I said before leaving. He went crazy for a moment and jumped off the cliff.

What will happen when he wakes up again and knows that Lina saved him?

I shook my head slightly, not wanting to guess, and walked straight ahead.

Fan Chong leaned on the stone wall with a big knife, and Lina limped and handed the water and dry food to his hands respectfully.

This was definitely not Lina's intention to borrow Fan Chong's remaining power. Fan Chong was blinded at this time, and Lina's respectful expression and posture were definitely not fake. Indeed, he is like an extremely filial junior.

"What are you waiting for here?" I also sat down next to him and asked a little strangely.

"Mr. Zhang, it's like this." Although Lina looked tired and was lame on one leg, she still gracefully sat down opposite me and explained to me in detail: "After detection and calculation, I , and with the help of the support team, we finally determined that this is the shortest path to the end of the monument!"

As she said that, she lowered her head and glanced at the luminous watch, and added: "If my calculation is correct, there are still five hours and forty-five minutes left, and a door will open directly opposite our twelve o'clock direction."

This girl is so amazing. She only walked around half a circle in the ancient ruins and completely grasped the operating rules of the palace lock. Not only did she find the shortest path, she even accurately calculated the time and direction of the opening of the passage!

The shame is that even I, a femininity dealer, am still a little confused. If I want to switch channels, I can only find a bayonet and use the stupid method of 'waiting'.

But people...

Suddenly, a very strange question came to my mind.

If Lina were replaced by William, would the Guangming tragedy still happen?

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