Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1590 Soul-Sealing Paper Man

"Mr. Zhang, have you used your paper figurine?" Suddenly, Lina asked me again with a smile.

"No." I shook my head.

"Then I'll have to rely on you to contact the support team next time." Lina pointed at Fan Chong, then pointed at herself and said: "I used it below the cliff, and the master just used it here. The signal interference here is so severe that even Morse code cannot be transmitted, and only Mrs. Shen’s paper figurine can still pass through unimpeded.”

"Okay." I nodded in agreement.

Actually, I really don't want to use this kind of thing.

Mrs. Shen is not a human being at all. Who can believe a ghost in a human shell? Maybe this guy has hidden some trick on the paper man, and it will be too late to regret it by then!

Fan Chong was chewing his marching rations and sipping water. It seemed that the scars on his body and his blind eyes did not affect his mood at all, and his appetite was not delayed at all.

This pair of so-called masters and disciples is really weird.

One is as careful as a hair, and the other is very nervous.

One has a clear distinction between love and hate, and the other is fierce and violent.

However, this duo is quite interesting and always brings me different surprises and shocks!

I also took out the kettle and drank while briefly describing the current situation to them.

"Jiang Dayu and I separated in front of a stone gate. Jiang Dayu said that the stone gate divided the entire historic site into two. All the paths we walked in front of us were only the first half, and the real dangerous place was behind the stone gate... …”

"But there is no palace lock in the path behind it, which means that the passage is no longer changing."

"Currently, we have Jiang Dayu and Fujita Tsuyoshi who have already entered behind the stone gate. After Liang Mingli left the team, we haven't met anyone, but with his strength, there shouldn't be any danger. It's just his current position. It’s not clear, I can’t tell whether he is in the stone gate or not.”

Lina nodded and said: "If the passage behind the stone gate will not change again, we can completely follow the traces they walked. Even if we temporarily lose the clue and go into a fork in the road, we can still get back in time! Follow! The path they took can meet in time and there will be no danger. After all, the master is seriously injured now, I have injuries on my legs, and Pike is unconscious, so our strength is greatly reduced. "

I took a sip of water and said approvingly: "What you said is right, but there is a premise, that is, there will be no other people in the ancient ruins except us. Otherwise, if a few more Japanese ninjas come out... …”

"Then do it!" When Fan Chong heard the word "ninja", he immediately got angry. He waved his thick arm and threw the kettle out with a bang. He roared loudly: "Although I have been plotted against you, I have been tricked by the little devil." I've lost my eyes, but I'm not afraid of him. If I encounter him again, I'll chop him in half!"

"Master, there are no ninjas left in the ancient ruins. We have killed them all." Lina shook her head gently at me, bent down to pick up the kettle, poured out some water and rinsed the dusty kettle. mouth, and then handed it to Fan Chong again.

"Kill them on sight, and move them all to my head!" Fan Chong cursed angrily: "Anyone who waits for me to get out will have to block the high seas and sink ten or twenty Japanese ships to relieve their hatred."

After we all finished eating and drinking, Lina opened the small medical bag she carried with her and wrapped it twice around the area where Fan Chong was bleeding, and then went inside to check on Pike.

Pike was the most seriously injured and is still unconscious.

Lina said that although she gave up the white snake to temporarily save Pike's life, she was not a doctor after all, and she did not know any yin and yang skills, so she could only borrow paper figures to ask Mrs. Shen for help.

Old Mrs. Shen asked her to stuff the half of the paper mannequin left over from the conversation between the two into Pike's mouth. She said that as long as she brought the man back, she would be able to treat him. No matter what the injury was, it would be fine, as long as there were no shortage of parts.

Then she told her that it was best to seal Pike's mouth and never let the paper man fall out.

I polished the Heavenly Palace with cinnabar, and after scanning it, I found that Mrs. Shen's method was very strange. She actually extracted all three of Pike's souls and concentrated them on the half of the paper mannequin.

In other words, once this little paper man leaves, Parker will definitely die!

Fan Chong not only has a big heart, but his body is like a monster, and his skin is scary. After eating and drinking enough, he leaned against the stone wall with his arms folded and fell asleep. The snoring was like thunder, and the sound was constant.

Lina couldn't sleep due to such a loud noise, so she closed her eyes and leaned to the side to gather her energy.

I just fell asleep not long ago, and I can't find any sleep.

Besides, this is not camping in the wild, but among the ancient ruins dozens of meters underwater. Everyone is sleeping as heartlessly as Fan Chong. No matter how many lives they have, they are not enough to lose.

The two of them had a thrilling journey and were extremely tired. They needed to recuperate for a while. I'll look out for the wind for them!

The situation at this time is really not optimistic.

Even though Fan Chong's fighting spirit is still there and his tone is not low, he is really seriously injured now.

Not counting the scars on his body, he was blind in one eye and couldn't see anything. The Red Python Golden Eyes have been used twice in succession, and the damage to his cultivation is extremely great. His combat effectiveness is probably less than half of what it was when he entered the water.

Lina's injury was in her calf, and no bones were touched. It didn't seem too serious, but her high-tech pistol, golden skull, and white snake were all useless.

If she had no other abilities, not counting the little copper ball of unknown power, her combat effectiveness would be almost zero in this dangerous monument.

Coupled with the fact that Pike is no different from a dead body, the burden is even heavier.

There are six people in the underwater team, but now that four of us are together, it may be difficult to even protect ourselves.

Even if there is no danger, it may not be easy for us to return the way we came. Not to mention continuing to explore the more dangerous second half!

However, this is also the only option.

After all, Jiang Dayu and Liang Mingli are still there. If they are intact and have not lost their strength, it would be safest to rush to join them.

But the question is, what if they are both seriously injured, or one of them dies?

What’s even more unpredictable is, are there only those three Japanese ninjas in this historic site?

Can we face the dangers in the second half? Or whether we can escape safely.

Everything is unknown!

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