Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1591 Yaksha Tattoo

Fan Chong was snoring so loudly that I thought he would be able to sleep for three days and three nights with this condition. I didn't know when I would wake up.

Unexpectedly, half an hour later, without anyone yelling or anything abnormal, Fan Chong stopped snoring, woke up on his own, and even made an extremely weird move.

He grabbed the big knife next to him, erased the ring finger of his right hand with a click, and then rolled up his sleeve, revealing the tattoo on his left arm.

As early as the first time I saw him, I noticed a long, thin and weird pattern tattooed on his arm.

It's just that only half of the pattern was exposed, and the whole picture was not seen.

I just thought it was a weird tattoo.

But this time I finally saw it clearly. It turned out to be a Yaksha grimace drawn, and the long and thin thing on the arm was a tongue!

The ghost face is extremely ferocious, one eye is slightly closed, the other is wide open with an angry look, its long tongue is sticking out, and its fangs are baring, making it as scary as possible.

Fan Chong put down the knife, picked up the bloody finger from the ground and held it close.

With a swish, the grimace's one eye shined, and he suddenly came to life. He rolled his long tongue and swallowed the finger!

Then a red light suddenly appeared, and the ghostly face protruded high from the skin, beating like a heart, as if it would burst out of his body at any time.

A miraculous scene occurred. The unbandaged minor wounds on Fan Chong's body continued to heal, and they quickly returned to their original state at a speed visible to the naked eye.

boom! Bang bang!

The gauze wrapped around the severely injured area broke off one after another, and the wound closed on its own, and a new piece of flesh soon grew.

In the blink of an eye, most of his injuries had healed, and his muscles had even grown wildly, becoming thicker, and he had even grown a lot in height.

With a clang, half of the shuriken stuck in his eyes fell out. The blood holes in his eyes were shocking, but they were slowly shrinking.

The grimace jumped for a while, then slowly calmed down, and gradually returned to the same state as before.

The minor injuries on his body were gone, and the serious injuries were almost healed. However, the blood hole on his eye was still the size of a money hole and had not yet recovered.

At this time, Fan Chong tilted his head and fell into a deep sleep again. His snoring was deep and loud, and his sleep was extremely sweet.

I looked at all this in great astonishment and secretly sighed: "So is this the real secret of Fan Chong?"

What a nine-finger lock on Hanjiang!

Is that how it came about?

However, this nickname needs to be changed now, right?

Is it called Eight Fingers Locking Hanjiang, or is it called Blind Eyes Staring at Hanjiang?

Lina didn't know when, she had already fallen asleep and didn't notice all this. The sounds of snoring and smooth breathing came and went. It seemed that the master and apprentice were really exhausted.

I squeezed the invisible needle tightly, leaning against the entrance of the cave to protect them, while staring at the still closed stone door in a daze.



I don't know how long it took, but suddenly there was a rumbling sound in the cave, and the ground trembled slightly.

Lina trembled, opened her eyes, and immediately looked in the direction of Fan Chong: "Master, master!"

She was immediately stunned by Fan Chong's extremely amazing changes.

Fan Chong was also awakened by the shock, and seemed to have noticed something strange. He subconsciously touched the only half of his ring finger, and cursed in a low voice, whether in shock or anger, "Damn it."

What's going on? Didn't he take the initiative to do that sudden change?

He didn't know about the grimace on his arm and the swallowing of his fingers to heal the injury?

"Is the passage about to open? Let's go." Fan Chong stood up with a big knife in his hand. His posture was extremely strong. Compared with the tired look before going to bed, he looked completely different.

When Lina saw that Fan Chong didn't want to explain anything, she didn't ask any questions and helped him walk towards the cave.

At this moment, at twelve o'clock, the stone wall in the middle of the cave was shaking rapidly.

The dust was flying, and as the stones fell, the stone wall rose up little by little, revealing a dark hole.

Fan Chong, with Lina's help, was tying the unconscious Parker to his back.

"What are you waiting for?" Fan Chong noticed that I was standing in front of him, turned around and urged me: "Hurry up and find out what's going on. What's going on? Are you planning to make one of us blind and the other lame? Be at the front.”

This guy is careless and not stupid, and what he says is extremely reasonable.

At this time, there are four of us in name, but I am the only one who is strong and healthy.

I must be the one doing the sentinel inspection.

"Then be careful!" I warned, and walked out of the cave with a flashlight.

The space outside the cave is extremely wide, and the light of the flashlight can't reach all around. There seemed to be an illusion in the trance that after stepping out of this door, one had escaped from the ancient ruins. It was just a dark night with no starlight.

The ground was soft, as if it had been covered with a thick blanket.

I lowered the flashlight and took a look. It turned out that there was moss growing all over the ground. It's just that the moss is black, and the hair is extremely long and tougher.

After walking a few dozen meters further, I suddenly found a big mushroom!

The mushrooms are just similar in shape. They are as thick as two people hugging each other and are more than ten meters tall. They are almost the same as a towering tree.

The mushrooms are all pitch black, and when the flashlight shines on them, they reflect brightly.

When we couldn't walk too far, we discovered that such huge mushrooms were everywhere. It was actually a mushroom forest that stretched as far as the eye could see!

In addition to mushrooms, there are many fungal plants like Ganoderma lucidum and fungus.

The only thing that is the same is that all the plants are black, as if you have stepped into an ink painting world!

This huge and strange forest of fungi is getting denser and denser. In order to protect both of them, I don’t dare to walk too fast.

At first, I kept holding the invisible needle tightly, fearing that something would suddenly pop out.

In such a strange giant forest, it is not surprising no matter what kind of monster appears!

If calculated in proportion, even an ant would be the size of a car, right?

But what is incredible is that we walked dozens of meters through the giant forest and found no living creatures. Let alone huge monsters, I have never seen even an ordinary little insect.

It was eerily quiet in the woods. The soft moss made no sound when stepped on. Fan, Chong, and Lina could clearly hear the breathing of the two of them, who were more than ten meters away.

I waved my flashlight and scanned around, trying to find some special traces.

But after walking for a long time, I still found nothing.

There are no signs of any living creatures in the giant forest, nor are there any human traces.

It's like a virgin land from ancient times, with nothing but giant weird fungi everywhere.

"Lina, are you sure this is the shortest path to the depths of the ancient ruins?" I stopped, turned around and asked.

"Yes." Lina supported Fan Chong, serving as eyes and crutches for each other. After hearing my question, she answered firmly: "The area of ​​this underground monument is not very large, but it is three-dimensional. , extending up and down in a very wide range. The places we passed before were almost all swam in the upper half of the oblique plane. Through active element ion detection, I found that this path is almost straight downward, that is to say , is the shortest."

"Moreover, there is almost no air flow interaction layer on this path, and there are no blocking materials, which means there are basically no obstacles, and it should be the smoothest."

I really don’t know how she came up with so many scientific tests, but seeing how sure she said it made me believe it.

After walking forward for a while, suddenly, my eyes lit up. In the dark giant forest, a white shadow flashed out!

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