Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1592 Hundred Soul Demon Cave

It was pitch black all around, but the white shadow looked particularly eye-catching.

I stopped and shined the flashlight for a long time, but the white figure was still motionless.

Seeing me stop, Lina pulled Fan Chong down nervously.

Fan Chong took half a step back, swung his sword horizontally, and assumed a defensive posture. I held the invisible needle tightly and approached it very carefully!

It wasn't until he was two or three meters closer to the white shadow that he realized that it was a false alarm and that the white shadow was just a skull. The bare back of his head faced us, reflecting the flashlight, and then a bright white light appeared.

Almost all the bones in this underwater monument have no heads, but there are no bones around this head. It just sits at the base of the giant mushroom all alone.

It was obvious who had brought this head in.

But why would he do this?

I gave him a light kick, and the head spun around in circles.

At this time, I discovered that there seemed to be a small piece missing from the top of the skull, as if someone had cut off a layer. What was going on?

I checked a few meters further, but still found nothing new. However, the possibility of danger was temporarily ruled out, so I gave Lina a safe gesture and the team continued to move forward.

The forest of giant mushrooms became more and more dense, and eventually they were densely connected one tree after another, forming a large area, like a high black wall lying in front of them.

When I was in trouble, I suddenly found a gap in the high wall, or a black hole, which went straight through the mushroom forest with no end in sight.

Even with the help of a strong flashlight, I couldn't illuminate it clearly.

I'm hesitating, should I go through here? Lina and Fan Chong helped each other and walked forward. She was holding an iron box the size of a mobile phone in her hand, with a small antenna more than ten centimeters long extending out from the front, which was flashing red light.

"Mr. Zhang, just walk through this hole! The front is blocked by this giant mushroom, and there is no gap at all. The thickness of the mushroom wall is almost fifty meters. It is very difficult to penetrate. In this hole, I It has also been detected, and there is no sign of any biological existence, and there are no abnormal magnetic field fluctuations, so there should be no danger."

I have no doubt about Lina’s scientific conclusion.

But this hole doesn't look like it was formed naturally at all, and there is a faint chilling air in it. I really don't want to walk through here.

But Lina said, except for this cave, the giant mushrooms in front have been densely connected to form a large wall fifty meters thick.

It is really difficult to dig out a passage. Moreover, opening another channel may not completely eliminate the danger.

I looked at the entrance of the cave again and told the two of them: "When you go in later, don't get too close, as long as you can see me."

After saying that, I stepped into it first with a flashlight.

The cave is almost two meters high and three meters wide. It goes straight through the mushroom forest, like a tunnel at the bottom of the mountain, going straight forward.

The four walls of the cave were bare, reflecting the dark light.

Looking at it, it is dark and deep, and there is not even a trace of residue on the ground. It is difficult to imagine how this cave was dug?

This cave entrance is by no means a natural formation, and the digging marks are so wonderful and incredible that it should not have been made by primitive humans back then.

As soon as I stepped into the cave, I felt an eerie cold wind swirling around me.

That’s right!

It’s a gust of wind!

Like a rope, like a water snake, it kept spinning around my front and back.

The wind seemed to be able to penetrate my body and invade my nerves and soul. It was both cold and eerie.

My whole body, from the inside to the outside, from body to soul, seemed to be frozen, and my hands and feet also became stiff.

"Okay, it's so cold..." Lina shivered and sneezed, her teeth kept clashing, as if she could no longer bear the cold.


This cave seems empty, but in fact there is something very strange about it.

"Exit first!" I yelled without looking back, then took out the cinnabar and applied it on the Tiangong point, temporarily opening my heavenly eye.

Sure enough, after opening the Sky Eye, the scene in front of him immediately changed.

Where is the wind? It turns out that this hole is filled with ghosts, floating in mid-air one by one, surrounding me and blowing into our ears.

The ghosts are tall and short, fat and thin, and covered in Linlin's blood. The only thing they have in common is that they all have no heads!

Their souls seemed to be bound to this cave by someone, and they all had no independent consciousness. They just kept swimming and shuttling like fish. This dark cave entrance seemed to be a small underworld.

Although these ghosts look terrifying, they don't seem to be that aggressive. They just want to protect the entrance of the cave and prevent outsiders from breaking in. After Lina and Fan Chong exited the black hole, they no longer attacked, but rushed towards me one after another!

Their attack method is extremely simple, which is to fly around you, but if we let them do this, we will not be able to move forward!

This hole is more than fifty meters long. If you just insist on moving forward regardless of it, you may be completely frozen into an iceman before you get halfway through!

Neither body nor soul can be spared.

As the ghosts invaded, my hands and feet became a little stiff, and my nerves became numb, but my mind was still clear.

Judging from the clothes of these ghosts, some are wearing Taoist robes and some are wearing short shirts, but they are all dressed in the early Tang Dynasty, and all of them have no heads.

Judging from the traces of the wounds, this must have been done by Taoist Master Bai He.

From this point of view, this cave must have been dug by him! The missing head just now must have been left here by him.

He chopped off everyone's heads, and they must have taken them away with their hair tied up in a bun, but a layer of the top of that person's head had been cut off by the sword energy, and there was not much hair left. It happened to fall off when he was walking here. .

But why did he take away so many heads?

What was the purpose of detaching the ghost's consciousness and imprisoning it all in this cave?


I suddenly woke up from my trance.

The murals clearly show that wizards wearing animal tooth necklaces were passed down from generation to generation and used skulls to build a magic circle to suppress evil dragons.

At that time, the Taoist priest in yellow wanted to dismantle the magic circle, but was stopped by Taoist Master Bai He, and then killed the evil dragon.

The formation might also be somewhat damaged. He was deeply afraid that the evil dragon would resurrect again, so he took a bunch of heads to increase the power of the formation!

He passed through the mushroom forest from here back then. The purpose of extracting these ghosts and imprisoning them here was to prevent future people from continuing to explore inside.

After he killed the Dragon Roar Guards, he did not separate their souls and consciousness. It was for this reason that he wanted to use the Dragon Roar Guards' abilities to stop the explorers!

These ghosts, like the Dragon Roar Guards, are all barriers he deliberately set up to prevent someone from releasing the evil dragon.

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