Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1593: No Way to Advance or Retreat

I took out a soul-suppressing charm and was about to clean up the ghosts around me, but I suddenly woke up.


Although Taoist Master Bai He was walking in a hurry, it seemed that this restriction was just made casually, but with his supreme god-level ability, it was definitely not something he could solve with just this soul-suppressing talisman.

Moreover, these ghosts seem to be no different from those seen in ordinary people, but their essence is completely different!

Most ghosts linger in the human world because they have lingering grievances and do not want to be reincarnated, but these ghosts in front of them were arrested and put into the cave by Taoist Master Bai He using strong methods.

Once I throw this talisman away, not only will it not be able to suppress the ghost, but it will also arouse hostility and become more difficult to deal with.

Why did Taoist Baihe set up these barriers? Who is he guarding?

It is very likely that they are those who want to break the formation and release the evil dragon.

In the eyes of orthodox Taoists, aren't traders of ghosts who deal with ghosts all day just a heretic?

Ordinary ghosts can't stop people in the industry, and he will never do useless things. Maybe he has some killer moves hidden here. If I still recklessly use ordinary cracking methods, I may be unlucky and fall into his trap!

This is probably a trap he left for the heretics.

You can't get through this hole without a charm, and you will die even worse if you use a charm!

These ghosts have been imprisoned here for more than 1,300 years, and they were not ordinary people when they were alive. If they were completely released to their former strength, that would be the real terror!

It is extremely difficult for me to deal with just one thousand-year-old ghost, and even a master with cultivation level, let alone so many.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

If I had thrown this out without paying attention earlier, I would have been torn to pieces...

I quickly put away the magic talisman, turned around and exited the cave.

"What?" Fan Chong heard my footsteps, turned around and asked, "Is there anything weird here?"

"Do you still remember the corpse wearing a white crane robe that we saw before we separated?" I asked.

"Well, you picked up a few good things from him." Fan Chong nodded.

He is also very concerned about this matter...

I said awkwardly: "What I mean is that the restriction in this cave was probably left by him back then. It is full of ghosts. I dare not use the Soul Calming Talisman for fear that I will not be able to suppress it and will instead arouse hostility." , that would be bad.”

We have all seen the bones of Taoist Master Bai He, but naturally I didn’t want to mention the series of adventures I experienced later to him.

But after I said this, Fan Chong immediately understood. He thought for a while and said: "Are you saying...are you afraid that this restriction is a trap set by the old man? After using the spell, it is like lighting a gunpowder keg?"

"Yes!" I nodded and turned to look at Lina: "If we dig through another passage, can we get through?"

Lina shook her head: "I just re-calculated. The end of the mushroom forest is a hard rock layer with an extremely wide depth. Even if a stone drill specially used for tunnel digging is brought in, it will probably take more than ten days. It is not just It can be completed by human power. There is only such a gap in the rock formation, and there is only this gap together with the outside."

I'm not surprised by Lina's words. Since Taoist Master Bai He has set up the Ghost Array here, this must be the only way to go. The reason why I asked this is just a matter of luck.

"Mr. Zhang, can't we pass through here?" Although Lina didn't quite understand the reason, when she saw my expression, she knew that the cave in front of her was not that simple.

"Why can't I help it?" Before I could reply, Fan Chong curled his lips and said, "It's because he can't bear to part with the good stuff. As long as he is willing to take it out, it will be over easily."

"What?" Lina asked in confusion.

"Didn't he pick up a few talismans from the old Taoist? The restriction in this cave was set by the old Taoist. It can be broken with his talismans, but he is reluctant to take them out."

Fan Chong is right. Although I don't know the purpose of the few talismans that Taoist Bai He left on his body, Jiang Dayu has always kept them in mind. They must be extremely valuable. And I also saw with my own eyes that Taoist Master Bai He used a talisman to kill the yellow-robed Taoist priest. Obviously this talisman was extremely unusual!

The ghost array was set up by him, and as long as he used this talisman, it would be solved naturally.

However, if Fan Chong really got it right, how could I give it up?

"Mr. Zhang." Lina glanced at me with some embarrassment and said, "Master is injured. I really can't do anything about these facts. If..." She hesitated and swallowed the second half of her words.

Although she didn't finish what she said, I understood.

Not to mention that Pike is unconscious and Fan Chong is seriously injured. Even if all four of us are intact at this time, only I can break this restriction. To be more precise, it is the talisman in my hand.

There is no way to pass through here, and there is no way to go directly to the depths of the underground palace, and it is even less likely to meet up with Jiang Da, Yuliang Mingli, and so on. Then this exploration will have no choice but to return in vain. To be more serious, it is very likely that we will not be able to return the same way!

Now among the four of us, one is unconscious and two are injured. Only I am intact. Even the talisman that is about to be used was picked up by me. If I continue to be stingy and refuse to take it out, it seems to be a bit unreasonable.


But I feel really bad!

Besides, there are many dangers in this ancient monument. We are now getting closer and closer to the depths of the underground palace, and the dangers we encounter are becoming more and more fierce each time. It is best not to use it until it is absolutely necessary. This is the last life-saving thing!

"If you really can't bear it, there is another way." Fan Chong saw that I didn't answer, and then said: "Don't you have a little paper man? Ask the old guys on the boat, but there is not much hope. If I If this eye is not injured... Sigh!" As he said that, he let out a long sigh.

Hearing what he said, I felt even more embarrassed.

During the mummy formation, Fan Chongke contributed once, but now it's better, I can't even bear to part with the things I picked up.

"Let's do this." I thought for a while and said, "Taoist Master Bai He probably set up more than just this restriction. Unless there is a last resort, it's best not to use these talismans in my hand."

"What should we do now?" Fan Chong asked.

"Right now..." I paused and said, "Although the magic talisman cannot be used lightly for the time being, we can borrow its divine power."

"Borrow?" Fan Chong was stunned and said, "How to borrow?"

"Leave the soul and transfer the corpse!" I replied.

"What...boy, do you know how to do this?" When Fan Chong heard these four words, he opened his mouth in shock and looked at me in disbelief.

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