Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,595 The black water surges

Entering the cave entrance again, you can see the sky full of ghosts flying around.

I don’t know what method Master Bai He used to take away the heads of these ghosts.

Every soul is dripping with blood, and the sky above the neck cavity is empty, floating back and forth in the air, and as soon as we step in, they all rush up.

However, unlike just now, we are also ghosts, and they can't do anything.

Lina was a little scared, her soul was shaking uncontrollably, and she wanted to turn around and run away, and her body also started to shake.

Fan Chong controlled his body and quickly supported her, winked at her, and nodded vigorously.

Lina got some encouragement, closed her eyes and calmed down, and then she regained her courage and continued moving forward.

It’s just that she followed me closely this time, keeping her head down and staring at her feet. She didn’t even dare to raise her head, and she didn’t care about the injury on her leg. She endured the pain and limped away quickly.

The ghosts dispersed from us and rushed towards the physical body.

Success or failure depends on this!

Fan Chong and I turned around worriedly, only to see those ghosts circling and shuttling around the bodies of the three of us.

The body and the ghost are like a tangible high wall and an invisible wave, they do not collide with each other and have no obstruction.

But I didn't feel anything strange at all, and the magic talisman didn't change at all.

That said... it worked!

Fan Chong grinned and gave me a thumbs up, and I nodded to him.

The distance of fifty meters is neither short nor long. Surrounded by a crowd of ghosts, we finally passed through.

Once out of the cave, those ghosts were like goldfish kept in a glass tank, unable to get out at all.

I quickly returned to my true body, pulled off the talisman, and then took off the talismans on Lina and Fan Chong's foreheads. It wasn't until this moment that my heart, which had been hanging, was completely relieved.

My soul returned to its original position, but I was still a little uncomfortable. I just felt light-headed and dizzy.

Even Fan Chong's iron tower-like body swayed violently, and Lina stumbled and fell to the ground. She had just walked too fast, and a lot of blood oozed from the wound on her leg.

"Girl!" Fan Chong shouted in panic as his hand was empty.

"I...I'm fine." Lina lay on the ground and pretended to be fine.

She didn't know whether it was because she was frightened by those ghosts just now or because the injury on her leg was too serious. Lina's face turned pale. She bit her lips tightly and tried her best to pretend as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, that's good!" Fan Chong took a long breath, turned to the direction where I was standing and praised: "Not bad! I didn't expect that your kid can do such thaumaturgy. Before this, I just I’ve only heard of it, it’s true that heroes come from young.”

I smiled bitterly and said, "I just learned it too. Without these talismans, I wouldn't dare to joke with our lives. Lina... what should we do next?"

I actually wanted to ask how her injury was, but she bit her lip and shook her head vigorously at me, as if she didn't want Fan Chong to know, so she changed her tune temporarily.

This girl's thoughts are extremely meticulous. If Fan Chong knew that she was injured, he would definitely feel distressed and ask me to carry it. After all, there are dangers ahead, and we may encounter dangers at some time or another. Currently, I am the only one with strong strength among the four people in the team. I have to explore the road ahead and be on guard at all times. There is no way that the burden of Lina will fall on me again.

Lina took a breath and said as calmly as possible: "Just keep going forward. The air in front is very humid. There should be a lot of water. After the water bank, it is not far from the final place. ”

"Then... let's take a break?" I was deeply moved by her strength and kindness, and I deliberately proposed to take a break to let her relieve the pain a little bit.

But Fan Chong was such a careless person that he didn't notice anything strange about Lina at all. He said with a big mouth: "Why don't you take a rest! This has been taking so long, let's go quickly!"

"What the master said is that we must meet up with Senior Jiang and the others as soon as possible." Lina said calmly, then gritted her teeth and crawled forward without saying a word.

I hurriedly walked over, helped her up, and helped her to Fan Chong's side.

Lina nodded to me gratefully and grabbed Fan Chong's arm.

Her lips were bitten until they bled, and there were big beads of sweat on her forehead.

I shook my head slightly unbearably, took out a small pill from my arms and handed it over. This is Xiaotong Dan, which can temporarily paralyze nerves and reduce pain.

Lina forced a smile at me and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Let's go! Why are you lingering?" Fan Chong, who was unaware, didn't hear my footsteps moving forward and shouted anxiously.

Alas, this pair of master and disciple is really helpless!

"Now that we are getting closer and closer to the center of the earth, the unknown dangers are bound to get bigger and bigger. Don't go too fast. Just follow up slowly." I glanced at Lina with some sympathy and squeezed. Walk forward with the invisible needle.

Ahead is a small gentle slope, slowly going down. After turning a corner, my eyes suddenly opened up. The ground was smooth and as dark as ink.

"Holy shit!" As soon as my left foot came down, it sank in instantly, and the entire top of my foot was soaked.

I was startled and hurriedly took my feet back. After a closer look, I realized what kind of ground was there. It was clearly a piece of dark water!

The shape of this water is like ink, dull and without any ripples.

Lina is right, there is indeed a large area of ​​stagnant water here.

Looking from a distance, there is no end in sight. The surroundings are pitch black, silent and lightless, just like the Dead Sea of ​​Hell.

"What's wrong?" Fan Chong heard my exclamation and nervously held his long knife in front of him.

"There is no road ahead, it is an underground lake." I said briefly.

Lina and Fan Chong helped each other and walked over. Fan Chong sniffed and said, "There is a strange smell in this water area, so be careful."

This guy is a master of waterways and can identify water vapor that ordinary people cannot. Moreover, Fan Chong has always been bold and has always been a master who is not afraid of heaven and earth. Since he has said so, it must not be easy to come to this water area!

Lina took out a small bottle, limped to the water, took a bottle of water, and then poured some potion into it and put it into a small box.

There was a two-finger-wide display on the box, with red, green, and green numbers and letters flashing continuously for a while.

" is this possible!" After a moment, Lina raised her head in shock.

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