Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1596 There is something in the water

"What's wrong?" I asked a little strangely.

"The types of microorganisms in this water are very single, but the density is extremely high, and they have been extinct for hundreds of millions of years. Other data are also very strange. The content of various minerals is also very high, especially the content of iron, scale, and calcium. It's even more ridiculously high. If you don't take into account the huge difference in pH value, it can almost be used as a nutrient solution for drinking! But there is also a strange substance that cannot be detected, and it is this substance that makes the water black. .”

"In other words, this body of water is unique, and it is likely to still maintain the same state as it was hundreds of millions of years ago. Moreover, the reason for its formation is also extremely weird." Lina said very puzzled.

"No matter how weird it is, doesn't it have to flow through here? A living person can choke to death with urine, so get ready to get into the water!" Fan Chong said as he put away the knife and rolled up his sleeves.

"Master, don't worry, wait until I finish the boat." Lina said and took off her coat.

"Ship?" Fan Chong and I couldn't help being surprised when we heard Lina's words.

Besides submarines, what other ships do we have?

After we landed on land and streamlined our equipment, everyone only had one backpack, and we had never heard of a boat being included in our equipment!

Under my unbelievable gaze, Lina took off her coat very skillfully, opened the zipper on the collar, and pulled out the inner layer.

The clothes suddenly expanded several times, spread out on the ground, and were two meters long and more than one meter wide.

Immediately, she reached out and pulled out the bra from her underwear. She closed the two sides and twisted it a few times. It turned into a manual inflation valve!

There was a coin-sized icon hanging on the chest of the clothes. She opened the icon and pulled it hard, and there was an inflatable hole.

This time, I finally understood. It turned out to be a portable inflatable boat!

Lina connected the inflation valve to the air hole, looked up at me, and asked for help: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, can you do me a favor? I really don't have any strength."

"Okay!" I responded, squatted down and took the air valve.

The air valve is made into a bra, and her body fragrance still remains on it, which feels a bit weird...

As I continued to press down, the airboat that was originally compressed to the size of clothing slowly expanded.

It's two meters long, half a meter wide, slightly taller on all sides, and pointed at both ends. It's not too big, not too small, and it's just the right size for us to sit on!

I put the airboat into the water and jumped in first. With the help of Lina, Fan Chong untied Parker from his back, hugged him and sat in the middle. Lina followed closely and sat on the stern of the boat. Then he pushed the black stone on the shore hard. Fan Chong and I each waved. Using the knife as an oar, the airboat pushed away the waves and rushed forward.

"Directly facing the twelve o'clock direction, about three hundred meters." Lina took out the instrument and re-determined the lower position.

In the darkness, the airboat, which looked like a dough stick, kept moving forward. The flashlight light shone out from a distance, like a soft ribbon spread on the dark water.

Darkness, endless darkness.

The water, the stone walls, everything was pitch black.

Except for the sound of paddling on the water, there was silence and no noise at all.

At this time, we are like boat people in distress, traveling alone on the vast sea under the dark night.

It’s really hard to imagine that we are far away in an underground lake hundreds of meters deep under the Ussuri River!

"Huh? Be careful, there are living things in the water!" Fan Zhan shouted suddenly as he paddled.

Although Fan Chong's eyes were seriously injured and he couldn't see anything, in this dark water, he was more sensitive than Lina and I.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, a piece of blue light appeared in the pitch-black water ahead.

The light was faintly visible under the water, shining endlessly.

We slowed down a bit and slowly moved closer. The light became clearer and clearer. It turned out to be a group of jellyfish.

The bright blue jellyfish is shining brightly, with slender and supple tentacles trailing from its tail. It jumps and dances with the water waves, just like a group of girls in blue dresses, singing and dancing to welcome us. 's arrival

"Wow, so beautiful!" Even though she was in danger, Lina couldn't help but exclaim.

"There seems to be something wrong." I said with some confusion: "Are the tentacles of these jellyfish a bit too long? And they are so weird. There should be no such species on the earth, right?"

"I have indeed never seen it, or even heard of it." Lina replied: "If Pike is still awake, he should be able to recognize what this is. Wow, look at that!"

I looked up and a huge guy suddenly appeared among the group of jellyfish!

Although other jellyfish have tentacles more than one meter long, their bodies are only about the size of a fist.

This large jellyfish that suddenly appeared was as big as a dining table. Its long tentacles were scattered under the water, and it was impossible to see how long it was.

The airboat was getting closer and closer to the jellyfish group, and they seemed to be surrounding them intentionally.

At this moment, the jellyfish group suddenly scattered and fled.

Under the pitch-black water, a blood-red shadow suddenly appeared!

The jellyfish fled in all directions, but most of them were swallowed up by it. The largest jellyfish was so huge that it was pounced on before it could escape.

It was only then that we discovered that the blood-red shadow turned out to be a huge insect, much bigger than our airboat!

After the giant insect swallowed the jellyfish in two mouths, the water rippled and sank again.

"Then... what is that?" Lina said in astonishment: "Why do I look a bit like a trilobite?"

Although I am not very familiar with animals and plants, and I am not as good as Parker, I have seen pictures of trilobites.

Lina was right, it was a trilobite!

This is the creature that dominated the world during the Cambrian period.

It has a history of 5.6 billion years and has long been extinct.

But how come there are live trilobites here? And it's so huge.

Are trilobites originally bright red, or is this one just different?

"Is it related to the special water quality here?" Lina thought for a moment and said: "This water area is relatively closed and is not connected to the outside world. It is probably due to the mutation of the earth's crust that a very special place was formed. An underground lake. Because all the conditions here have not changed and remain the same as they were hundreds of millions of years ago, these most primitive creatures have survived."

"It's possible." I nodded and said, "But the question is, why didn't we find anything before we went into the water, and then all of a sudden they all came out? Did we lure them out?"

"Hurry up and row! A bigger guy is coming." Fan Chong shouted loudly, suddenly looking very nervous.

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