Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1597 Trilobite Army

Fan Chong's premonitions in the water were much sharper than ours. Upon hearing this, I spread my arms and rowed hard without any hesitation. Lina didn't have time to study the water quality or terrain structure anymore, so she hurriedly moved the water with both hands.

Not long after, I felt a huge wave of water coming from behind. The airboat was violently pushed out of the water and rolled high in the air.


It fell heavily, causing a jet-black splash.

Fan Chong swayed to the left with great experience. At the same time, he picked up his long knife and made a stroke in the water on the right. The airboat spun twice on the spot and barely stabilized his body. If it weren't for Fan Chong's experience, the ship would have capsized by now!

"That guy is catching up, don't move yet." Fan Chong held the long knife tightly and said seriously.

Facing unknown creatures underwater, Lina and I had little experience and could only follow Fan Chong's arrangements.

We turned to look behind the boat with a flashlight, and saw that the originally dark water had turned bright red, as if it had been lit by someone. Under the rolling waves, something seemed to be swimming over.

It's a trilobite!

Getting closer, we finally saw it clearly.

It turned out to be a whole swarm of trilobites. The one that passed by our boat earlier was only medium-sized, and the even bigger one was almost ten meters long! All of them were covered in bright red, with wrinkles as deep as ravines all over their bodies.

I just saw it with my own eyes, and it swallowed up such a big jellyfish in one gulp. What's more, this time there was not just one, but a whole group of them.

More importantly, this is in the water!

As long as we are knocked over by them, even if we have great abilities, we will not be able to show off our abilities. We will not be able to kill them all. In the end, we will only be swallowed alive by them!

I couldn't help but clenched the ghost-killing swords nervously.

Seeing the giant trilobite army getting closer and closer, my heart almost rose to my throat!

Phew, another wave of water!

The airboat was swirling around as it was washed away. Fan Chong made a very quick left and right stroke. Although the boat kept spinning, it was still intact. It was just that a lot of stagnant water was poured in, and most of our clothes were soaked.

"Girl, you just need to wash the water! Boy, you listen to my command." Fan Chong said very calmly.

"Okay!" Lina and I responded at the same time.

The danger was approaching, and there was really nothing we could do except obey Fan Chong, a master on the water.

Although Fan Chong was blind and seriously injured, his experience in the water was far beyond what I could compare to.

Closer, closer!

The fastest swimming trilobite was only two or three meters away from us, and the vast army behind us was also very close! You can see parasites as thick as fingers clinging to the surface.

"Don't move!" Fan Chong raised the knife in his hand and warned us again.

Lina didn't even raise her head, scooping out water one handful at a time.

I held my swords tightly and stared at them intently.

The trilobite in the lead kept squirming, and rushed past the side of the boat with a roar, causing a wave of water, and the boat suddenly flipped outwards.

"Pull left rudder!" Fan Chong leaned hard to the right and ordered me loudly at the same time.

I hurriedly lay down on the right side and swung my swords desperately.

The trilobite rushed over, and the army behind it arrived in an instant, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another.

Moreover, the water channel where we are located is slightly narrow, and there are too many trilobites. They are swimming so densely that the water surface cannot hold them at all, and many of them leap into the air and rush towards the airboat.


"Everyone get down!"


"Paddle back!"

Fan Chong screamed loudly from time to time.

Although he couldn't see anything, he could always make the right decision at the first time just by relying on the surging water and listening to the wind, so that the boat avoided the danger of being knocked over time and time again. . Under the repeated impact of those big waves, the boat swayed left and right and kept spinning, but it still floated steadily on the water.

The blood-red trilobite was halfway through the swim in an instant, although the water waves and its huge body caused us a lot of trouble. But they didn't seem to be coming towards us, it was more like they were running for their lives in a hurry.

Are there any monsters in this sealed body of water more ferocious than these advancedly evolved giant trilobites?


At this moment, a huge wave exploded, and a black figure that almost blocked all our vision suddenly jumped out of the water!

It was simply a cruiser, covering the sky and the sun, and coming so menacingly that we couldn't even see the whole thing.

A three to four meter long trilobite was swallowed by the black shadow in an instant.


The black shadow fell into the water, causing a tsunami-like wave, and the airboat was lifted up to a height of more than ten meters.

"Quick! Move forward as hard as you can!" Fan Chong shouted at the top of his lungs. The muscles on his arms exploded, and he waved the long knife and danced with all his strength.

I waved my arms vigorously and moved forward without any care.

The waves were high and we took advantage of the situation to move forward quickly and jumped thirty or forty meters in one go!

The airboat bumped several times on the rough water. Under Fan Chong's control, it stabilized its figure.

"Quick!" Fan Chong shouted hastily and briefly.

He leaned forward, his arms turning like wheels, like a motor, moving the water surface rapidly, and with a splashing sound, the waves surged and retreated rapidly.

With this leap, we have jumped into the army of trilobites, and the boat is surrounded by bright red giant insects.

But now we know that the real threat does not come from these trilobites, but from the giant black shadow chasing behind!

These trilobites are just like us, running for their lives in fear.

There was no time to look back and see what it was, we all just wanted to move forward without any care.

Trilobites are huge, each about the size of an airship, but this water area is not very spacious to begin with, so their size restricts their speed.

However, we were able to find opportunities and use the rapids to accelerate forward, even overtaking all the way, leaving most of the trilobites far behind!

But the black shadow behind him was getting closer and closer, and balls of blood gushed out from the dark water, like red flowers at night, especially bright.


At this moment, a thunderous roar suddenly came from the front.

Although this sound was extremely low, it was extremely loud, and it was even more shocking in this relatively sealed space. It made our eardrums tremble, and we lost consciousness in an instant, and there was a buzzing in our heads.

As soon as the fleeing trilobites heard this sound, they seemed to have forgotten the black shadow chasing behind them, and hurriedly turned back.

The waves surged back and passed us in the opposite direction in an instant!

We were shocked, and when we looked back, we found that the giant black shadow chasing us from a distance had also left in a panic, with countless trilobites swimming around us. It was no longer devouring it, and was just retreating.

In the vast red flow, the black shadows receded and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

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