Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1602 Nine Life Tower

The two children shouted and rushed farther and farther along the waves.

The wooden basin gradually turned into a fuzzy black dot...

The scene changed. An old man with a fluttering beard was smoking a cigarette while holding a skeleton in his arms. In front of him stood a wolf. Under the wolf, two naked little boys were grabbing the wolf's breasts and devouring them.

The long-bearded old man led them to dig the grave and pointed out the rotting corpses inside. Two little boys covered in patches stood side by side next to the coffin, listening attentively.

The scene changed again. Two teenagers were squatting at the bottom of the river and playing stone chess. Their mouths were bubbling with blisters, and fish were circling around them, as if watching the excitement. Likewise, the old man with a long beard on the shore was smoking leisurely.

The scene continued to change. Two young men with long hair were carrying a dead tiger, one behind the other. On top of the tiger sat the old man with a long beard, his eyes half closed in deep thought.

When the scene changed again, the old man with a long beard had passed away. The two young men knelt in front of the barren grave and kept kowtowing. An unknown thing was piled in front of the grave, and thick smoke billowed out.

After that, they defended themselves back to back with pipes and pipes, and were surrounded by dozens of vicious thugs. The ground was covered with blood and dead bodies.

Soon, five more people appeared on the screen holding wine glasses high together. Two of them are the smallest and almost identical in appearance, and the one standing at the end looks familiar to me, but I can’t remember who it is for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the scene became faster and faster, and became more and more confusing.

There are beautiful scenery, bloodthirsty battlefields, and plants and trees all over the country, but the only thing that remains unchanged is that the two protagonists in the picture

He always carried a long pipe in his hand.

Next, there is no picture at all, but faces.

Here, I actually found a few very familiar faces.

Long Qingqiu, Senior Shu, Elder Dong...

The picture is getting faster and faster, and even the portraits are gradually blurring, but then it gradually slows down and becomes clearer.

I actually saw me, Lina, Fan Chong...and all the masters invited by William in this picture.

With a bang, the picture in the bronze mirror suddenly condensed and turned into three tadpoles.

The three tadpoles were turning slowly, but Jiang Dayu still seemed to be under some kind of spell, motionless.

I see!

What was shown in the image just now is Jiang Dayu's life, from past to present, from blur to clarity...

But, what on earth is he doing?

Was he resisted by the formation, or did he do it on purpose.

However, the images in his memory don't lie, and I guessed a few things from them.

Jiang Dayu is not a traitor!

There are no images of Japanese ninjas here at all, which means that whether they are friends or foes, he has nothing to do with Japanese ninjas.

Moreover, he was not the murderer of Liu Laoliu's son, because the image of Liu Laoliu appeared with me.

In other words, before he boarded the icebreaker, he had never met Liu Laoliu or his son.

In this way, the two Jiang brothers are no longer suspected of being traitors and murderers, and the scope of people to be disliked is further narrowed!

However, the origins of the Jiang brothers have become increasingly mysterious.

From his memory, he learned that these two people should be a pair of orphans in trouble. They were raised with wolf milk by a strange old man who lived in seclusion in the mountains. They also learned their skills from the old man, but how could they treat Jiuyoumen? Are you so familiar with the formation?

He deduced the "Yin Fu Jing", and with the ebony staff in my hand, I recognized Jing Zhan at a glance; he could crack the mechanism of the Nine Nether Sect, and even knew that the Nine Life Tower was hidden deep in the underground palace...

As the three tadpoles on the bronze mirror slowly rotated, a stone pillar as thick as a bucket slowly rose on the ground between Jiang Dayu and the bronze mirror.

The stone pillar was covered in bright red, carved with evil spirits with angry eyes one after another.

When it reached the height of a person, the stone pillar stopped, and the three tadpoles on the bronze mirror swung into Jiang Dayu's mind.

Jiang Dayu's body swayed suddenly, and he moved his slightly stiff limbs, as if he had not fully woken up until now.

"Hehe!" Unable to suppress his joy, he laughed dryly, and then took out something from his waist.

I was standing not far outside the door, and I could see clearly now that they were actually the Sky Gou Shuangyu!

I subconsciously touched my chest. My jade was still there. Could it be Lina's?

After getting off the submarine, a group of us followed the water hyacinth and found a piece of Sky Hook Double Jade from the tomb robber. At that time, Jiang Dayu said that since Lina found it, he would put it with her first.

Why did this get into Jiang Dayu's hands again?


This guy did say to put it with Lina 'first', that's because he didn't need it at the time, he just put it temporarily, but he didn't say he didn't want it.

At the beginning, he deliberately did not mention the matter of getting stuck in the palace, and separated from Lina and others. Presumably it was at that time that he stole the Sky Gou Double Jade, right? With his ability, it is much easier to steal something from Lina than Pike, and he doesn't even need to get close...

Jiang Dayu's arms trembled with excitement, and he inserted the Sky Gou Double Jade into a small hole in the stone pillar. After a soft rattling sound, a small tower the size of a fist slowly rose up from the stone pillar.

"Haha, it's true!" Jiang Dayu clapped his hands and laughed happily.

The tower only rose halfway and then stopped. The upper four floors were exposed, divided into four colors from top to bottom: purple, blue, green, and green.

The four-color light flashes non-stop, emitting a dazzling halo of light, which makes people unable to take their eyes away!

Could this be the legendary Nine Nether Gate treasure - the Nine Life Tower?

I'm afraid, this is the real purpose of the Jiang brothers joining the joint inspection team!

The pagoda only rose halfway and then stopped, with the second half still embedded in the stone pillars.

Jiang Dayu sighed helplessly, but he seemed to have expected it. He reached out and took out the pipe from his waist, and was about to stab it into his chest. But at this moment, he seemed to suddenly notice something and turned around suddenly.

Right looking at me!

" came in at the right time?" When this guy saw me, his eyes widened with great surprise.

I don’t know what he has been through since he separated from me. At this time, half of his long beard had been burned off, his face was completely black, and the clothes on his chest were full of large and small holes, and even his skin was exposed in several places.

"It's been a while." I said calmly: "Senior Jiang, you are really good at tricking Chen Cang in secret."

When Jiang Dayu heard this, he subconsciously blocked the pagoda and said with a gloomy smile: "Boy, I underestimated you too!"

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