Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1603 Jiang Dayu’s true face

It would take three days for the Sky-Destroying Stone to be opened again. He never expected that I would take a clever shortcut and appear directly in front of him.

"To be honest, you surprised me. If I guessed correctly, the Nine Life Tower is your real purpose, right?" I asked.

"Yes, this is the supreme holy treasure of Jiuyou Sect: the Nine Life Tower." Jiang Dayu said with joy: "I heard my master talk about this thing as early as when I was four or five years old, and I have been pursuing it hard. After decades, I finally found it!”

"Boy, do you have the other two treasures in your hands?" Jiang Dayu stared at me with a cold expression, and then smiled: "Whether you admit it or not, it doesn't matter. No matter it's The Yin Fu Sutra and the ebony staff are both things that require decades of practice to achieve success. At my age, even if I get it in my hand, it will be of little use, and the Nine Life Tower is the most practical."

"Besides, without the Nine Life Tower, those two things of yours cannot exert their true power and can only be regarded as ordinary evil objects." Jiang Dayu continued while filling the pipe with shredded tobacco: "Besides, I won’t need it for the time being, so it’s the same as leaving it to you. It will save others from trying to figure me out. When I use it, it will be the same thing when I take it back from you. Just like the things you picked up from the old Taoist, it will be the same thing early. Don’t they all belong to me sooner or later?”

When he said this, he didn't even look at me, and seemed to ignore me at all.

To him, I seemed like a piece of meat on the chopping board. He could cut it whenever he wanted, and how he wanted to cut it.

Since he knew that the "Yin Talisman Sutra" and the ebony staff were in my hands, he also saw with his own eyes that I took three magical talismans from Taoist Baihe, and even saw me perform the Shocking Slash. It can also be said that he knows almost all my cards. Even so, he still has no scruples, which shows that he is extremely confident in his own strength.

But I know almost nothing about his trump cards. I know nothing except that he can control smoke and command smoke beasts.

"Are you weird, who am I?" Jiang Dayu pressed the tobacco and asked himself without raising his head. "Now that I have found the Nine Life Tower, it doesn't matter if I tell you."

"My master is the last direct disciple of the Yinluo Sect. In terms of seniority, I have to call Gray Pigeon my junior uncle. Since you have inherited his mantle, we are brothers in the same sect."

This guy is actually a disciple of the Yinluo Sect?

No wonder he is so familiar with the secrets of Jiuyou Sect, and even knows so many formations.

"This identity may sound strange to you, but my other identity and name must be more familiar to you." Jiang Dayu lit the pipe as he spoke, swallowed a smoke ring, and said slowly: " Jiang Dayu was my real name before I debuted, and my brother Jiang Xiaoyu and I also share a common name, Xia Wushuang."

"This name may be unfamiliar to you, but do you still remember Dong Chang Zai? Oh, that's what you call Mr. Dong. I usually call him Lao Si." Jiang Dayu said.

This sentence was so shocking that I understood it immediately!

This guy turned out to be from Longquan Villa!

There are four great elders in Longquan Villa, which are called Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter in the Yin Realm. Each of these four great elders are the living ancestors of Longquan Villa, and they control the most powerful ghost sect in Longquan Villa. He is higher than the owner of the village, Long Qingqiu.

Mr. Dong, I have already seen him in Devil's Valley. He fell into Black Hawk's trick, was seriously injured, and was turned into a bloody corpse. Finally, he was punched by the man in the T-shirt and died unexpectedly.

As for the other three, it is said that they have been in seclusion for decades, either retired from the world or have died of old age.

This time, one of the reasons why Liu Laoliu deceived me into the boat was that the closed area of ​​​​Longquan Villa was activated again. It seemed that some peerless master had come out. He was afraid that it would be detrimental to me, so he led me to it. Here it comes.

Unexpectedly, this newly released master of Longquan Villa actually took an unusual path, disguised himself as an alias and deceived William's trust. He was already waiting for me on the boat to surrender!

When Tianzhanshi separated, he seemed to have said, "It's not as short-lived as the fourth child." At that time, I didn't even think about Donglao.

Now that I think about it, isn’t Winter the fourth oldest child in spring, summer, autumn and winter?

But I didn't expect that Xia represented two people!

The previous memory in the bronze mirror seems to have this scene, five people sitting on the table, holding wine glasses high, the person standing at the end, I looked at the familiar person, isn't it Mr. Dong?

It's just that he was still young at that time and there weren't that many scars on his face.

What a Jiang Dayu, it turns out he is Xia Wushuang, the Supreme Elder of Longquan Villa!

As soon as I heard the words "Longquan Villa", I was filled with resentment and immediately rushed into my mind. I didn't even want to say a word of nonsense, so I drew out the ghost-killing swords with a swish sound and rushed forward!

Jiang Dayu seemed to have expected it and blew out a puff of smoke at me.

The smoke flew very fast, and it was in front of me in just an instant, forming a long blurry white wall beside the door.

The wall seemed insubstantial, but it was like a copper wall and an iron wall. I was actually blocked and couldn't take another step forward.

"Are you going to die?" Jiang Dayu said casually while blowing out smoke, "Do you know where this place is? This is the holy land of treasures in the Nine Nether Gate. These three stone gates represent, life, and Death, no life, no death. How does your cultivation compare with Taoist Priest Baihe from the Tang Dynasty? Even after he broke in, he couldn't break the restriction and could only choose to leave his soul and die, let alone you?"

It turns out that he had already seen the real cause of Taoist Baihe's death, but he just didn't tell me clearly!

"Furthermore, what he entered at that time was only the door of immortality. Relying on his supreme god-level cultivation, he could only escape half of the way to heaven. But the door in front of you is the door of death. , once you step in, you can't even think about getting out, even your soul will be imprisoned, unless..."

Jiang Dayu smiled proudly: "Unless you can get the Nine Life Tower!"

"But it's a pity that you don't have this chance! You can't die now. I have great use for keeping you. Didn't I tell you earlier? Can my old bones be improved to the next level? But It all depends on you." Jiang Dayu said, blowing out another smoke ring with a proud look on his face.

But I finally got a rough idea.

These three gates represent respectively life, death, and neither life nor death.

The red stone door that Taoist Master Bai He broke into was the door to immortality.

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