Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1604 The truth back then

Entering this door of immortality, the body will die, but the soul will not be destroyed.

Taoist Master Bai He originally wanted to rely on his supreme god-level cultivation to escape from this forbidden place and find a way out. But he didn't expect that Jiuyoumen's formation was too powerful. He was already halfway through escaping and was already beyond his capabilities. So he could only give up his soul to seal the evil dragon, and wanted to suppress the evil dragon under the Wusuli River forever.

But right now, the door where Jiang Dayu is standing represents death——

Once you step inside, both body and soul will perish.

The extremely weird dance he performed just now must have been some kind of secret technique from the Nine Nether Sect, which saved him from death.

Jiang Dayu's purpose is to obtain the Nine Life Tower, and the key to unlocking the stone pillar is the Sky Gou Double Jade.

The message sent back by Karov said that the two jade stones were originally a pair and should be the key to unlocking some treasure. At that time, I thought Liu Laoliu was just speaking casually based on his experience. Now that I think about it, he was hinting to me: This thing is extremely useful, so be sure to pay attention!

Fortunately, by accident, I found another one in the mouse hole.

When Jiang Dayu just opened the stone pillar, he let out a long sigh. He must also be regretting that he only found one of these things and could not completely unseal the Nine Life Tower. Judging from his actions just now, it seemed as if he was going to pierce the heart and use an extremely bloody and mysterious memorial ceremony to replace another Sky Hook Double Jade to unlock the seal.

However, the cost of doing so should be extremely heavy.

"Alas!" Jiang Dayu glanced at me sideways through the heavy smoke and said, "You said that if you had come a little later, I wouldn't have so many worries and would have gotten the Nine Life Tower long ago. But you Coming at this time makes me really worried."

"Which is better for me to sacrifice my body and break the seal, or for you to be a sacrifice and take out the pagoda?"

"One can instantly increase my strength and make me invincible in the world; the other can open the door to my cultivation, and the future is endless. Alas, if it were you, what would you choose?" After Jiang Dayu finished speaking, he raised his head slightly He started to look at me.

Since he is from Longquan Villa, he has sworn hatred!

I was grateful to him for rescuing me several times before, but it turned out that this was just the usual practice of the ghost sect of Longquan Villa - they had other agendas to keep me alive.

At this time, my mind suddenly sobered up.

Judging from his abilities and his unscrupulous expression, even if he could rush in front of him, he might not be able to defeat him.

To take a step back, so what if we could die together with him?

For Longquan Villa, it is just one missing Supreme Elder; but so many seniors who died for me died in vain!

Master Feng’s last words before his death still echo in my ears.

I shoulder a heavy responsibility, even the fate of the entire underworld. Do I really have to let down everyone's expectations just to kill one person?

No matter he is Jiang Dayu or Xia Wushuang, he is not worthy of me!

I took a deep breath, held the hilts of the ghost-slaying swords tightly with both hands, forced myself to calm down, turned around and asked, "What if I have a third possibility?"

"The third one? What else is possible?" Jiang Dayu asked in confusion.

"Did you insert the Sky-Gou Double Jade into the stone pillar just now? Mr. Liu said, there is a pair of these things. You just need to find another Sky-Gou Double Jade, right?"

"You think I don't want to." Jiang Dayu shook his head helplessly and said slowly: "According to the master, after the death of Youzi, the sage of the Spring and Autumn Period, the next generation leader was accidentally seriously injured. Minus, many of the other junior disciples were interested in spying on the throne. Seeing that the Nine Nether Sect was about to fall apart, the leader secretly hid the three sacred objects in the hope that future generations of virtuous people would re-establish the clan."

"Shortly afterwards, the leader was poisoned. His three junior brothers searched for a long time and finally found this place! But the three of them also had their own agendas. Two of them secretly conspired and injured the other one."

"The two found the treasure, but neither one wanted the other to get the most powerful Nine Life Tower, so one had to get the Ebony Staff and the other got the Yin Talisman Sutra."

"The strength of these two people is between Zhong Bo. No one can do anything to the other. If they fight to the death, they will both lose. Moreover, they are afraid that the third person who escaped will steal again after being injured. So, the two of them worked together. The restrictions on the mechanism that hides the Nine Life Tower have been reset, and the opening tokens of the Sky Hook and Double Jade are hidden here."

"These two people all secretly planned to hide the key here and look for another one in the future. It happened that the third person who was seriously injured and hiding in the dark learned about it! But he was deeply afraid that he would not be able to escape even if he got the Nine Life Tower. When he came out of the ancient ruins, he sneaked out while the two of them were unprepared, fled all the way to the northwest border, and established the Yinluo Gate."

"Later, the person who obtained the Yin Fu Jing established the Yin Fu Sect, and the person who obtained the Ebony Staff established the Yin Ghost Sect. This is the history of the Jiuyou Sect's split."

"Later, Yin Fu and Yin Gui sects fought against each other for several generations. After the Yin Fu sect won a great victory, the two treasures became the Yin Fu sect's sacred objects. Unfortunately, the sect masters of all generations have concealed something. , dozens of generations later, no one will know about the place where the treasure is hidden. And even if they do know, they can only sigh in despair!"

"Because they can't find the Sky Gou Shuangyu at all, and they don't know how to break the door of death."

"The only ones who know all the clues are the past leaders of the Yinluo Sect! However, the Yinluo Sect has never had a strong population, and most of its disciples are incompetent, so they can only hide in inaccessible places and hibernate secretly."

"In the blink of an eye, it was in the early years of the Tang Dynasty. There was a Taoist priest named Huangshi under the Yinluo Sect. By following Li Jingxi's efforts to destroy various factions, he was able to meet Li Shimin, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. It happened that Li Shimin believed in Taoism, and Taoist priest Huangshi was very appreciated. , but Wei Zheng’s advice was of no use.”

"Not long after Wei Zheng's death, Prince Li Chengqian rebelled. Hou Junji and others recommended by Wei Zheng during his lifetime were involved. Many ministers who had been angry with Wei Zheng wrote letters one after another, listing the major crimes Wei Zheng had committed during his lifetime! At this time, Taoist priest Huang Shi reported Li Shimin said that it was all because of Wei Zheng's slaying of the dragon and the punishment from heaven that the Li family became flesh and blood."

"Li Shimin believed it to be true, and immediately wrote the edict of sin himself, and sent Taoist Priest Huangshi to lead his bodyguards to sacrifice the dragon on behalf of the emperor, in order to ensure that the Tang Dynasty would be consolidated forever."

"Originally, all this is logical. Taoist Priest Huang Shi can definitely use the power of the strongest Dragon Roar Guards in the Tang Dynasty and the elite disciples in the sect to enter the ancient ruins and take out the Nine Life Tower."

"But...unfortunately, this matter was known to another Taoist master!" Jiang Dayu sighed quietly.

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