Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1605 Quanzhen Sect Master, Bai Hezi

"This master is Bai Hezi, the headmaster of the Quanzhen Sect back then. In terms of seniority, even the famous Taoist priests Li Chunfeng, Yuan Tiangang and others would call him uncle! That is the Taoist Baihe you call him." Jiang Da The fish said happily.

"Bai Hezi knew that this was where the evil dragon was hiding, and he always guarded the left and right, fearing that someone would come with evil intentions. After hearing that Taoist Master Huangshi led people into the water, he chased him all the way. Later, no one, including him, could Then escape from the water and ascend to heaven.”

"Li Shimin wanted to worship the sky, but had no intention of releasing the evil dragon. In addition, shortly after Huangshi Taoist Master left, Yuan Tiangang calculated that there would be a big disaster if he left, so he warned him that night. Li Shimin then sent out a team of light cavalry, Work day and night to kill everyone who participates in the dragon sacrifice!"

"All the people who stayed on the shore to take care of them were all killed. Only Taoist Master Huangshi's young apprentice escaped with his life by borrowing Yinluomen's trick of cheating death. He was also the only one who knew all the ins and outs of the whole thing. man of."

"After that, although he took over the mantle of the Yin Luo Sect, the Yin Luo Sect had neither a holy treasure nor a Kung Fu inheritance. After being repeatedly surrounded and suppressed by Yin Fu, Yin Gui and many other sects who claimed to be chivalrous, , is becoming more and more declining. By the time it reaches my master’s generation, it is no longer one-tenth of what it was back then..."

"The simple thing is that the ins and outs of those years are still told verbally. It's just that all the sect leaders in the past generations had selfish motives and hid a little bit about the place where the treasure was hidden. Until later, everyone only knew about it and didn't know where it was." Jiang Da Fish sighed.

"We brothers have been searching hard for decades and traveled almost all the rivers and waterways in the north and south of the Yangtze River. Finally, we learned decades ago that the treasure trove was in the Wusuli River! It's just that our strength is limited and we dare not enter rashly. After getting the skills and cultivation resources, I joined Longquan Villa and then stayed in seclusion for decades."

"After I came out again, I heard that William was organizing a joint expedition team, asking experts everywhere to explore the Wusuli River - this is a God-given opportunity. I, the Yinluo family, have been waiting for a thousand years just for this day. , How can I let it go?"

"Fortunately, not only did I really find the place where the treasure is hidden, but I even found a double jade with a sky hook by chance! Even if I sacrifice myself in the formation, I will take the Nine Life Tower out!" Jiang Dayu continued to chatter while smoking a cigarette.

Then he turned to look at me and said: "Although the two Sky Hook Double Jade are in this historic site, the place is so big and the terrain is so complicated. How easy is it to find such a small thing? It's easy to find even one." I'm extremely lucky, but if I want to find another one, isn't this just wishful thinking?"

I was extremely shocked——

This old guy is so familiar with the mysteries of the underground palace!

And it is completely consistent with the various clues I discovered alone. It seems that this is the historical truth.

Thinking about it this way, the Huangpao corpse in the big stone pit is the Taoist Huangshi mentioned by Jiang Dayu, and the Taoist Baihe is Bai Hezi!

From the beginning, Jiang Dayu knew everything!

When he saw the Sky Gou Double Jade, he said he didn't know what it was, and he pretended not to care and asked Lina to put it away - Lina didn't know the magic of yin and yang, so he could easily steal it anytime and anywhere.

When he saw the withered bones of Taoist Baihe, he said he didn't know who it was, but he was very familiar with the spells on the bones. After hunting the fragrant crystal snake, he also said that the second half of the underground palace was extremely dangerous and everything was unknown. But he clearly knew what was behind it, and he knew exactly how to crack it!

When they first entered the water and encountered the ghost realm, Fan Chong said he wanted to leave, but he persuaded him that this was William's test for the team. Now it seems like it's just an excuse. It's clear that he wants to get to the bottom of it more than anyone else.

When he saw the Tiangou Shuangyu, there was no look of surprise on his face; when he saw the ancient sword whisk and the three magic talismans left by Bai Hezi, he deliberately showed a greedy look everywhere, and pretended to be greedy several times. I asked for...Actually, I was afraid that I would see the flaw and deliberately hide the secret of Jiu Sheng Pagoda!

She told me that Lina was suspicious and deliberately separated the team, so I believed her to be true.

When hunting the Fragrant Crystal Snake, he could kill him with one strike due to his strength, but he deliberately showed me the move of Condensing Smoke and Transforming into a Beast, just to make me think that this was his trump card, thus hiding his true strength. strength!

He deliberately crouched next to the Sky-Destroying Stone and pretended to save me, but in fact he wanted to leave me behind and explore the place where the treasure was hidden alone.

This old fox!

Regardless of his strength, judging from his acting skills and scheming alone, he has surpassed any enemy I have encountered!

Jiang Dayu finished his cigarette, raised the sole of his shoe and knocked on the cigarette rod: "Boy, originally I wanted to get the Jiu Sheng Pagoda first, and then find you. But I didn't expect that we are so destined to be here so early. I just met you, and I didn’t expect that you are much more powerful than they said. If you weren’t the only one who could open that door, I would really be reluctant to attack you.”

"I suddenly changed my mind now." Jiang Dayu smiled slightly: "But don't worry, I won't do anything in this ancient ruins. At least you have to help me carry those treasures out. They are all there. I'm not feeling well... Besides, you didn't bring the "Yin Fu Sutra" or the ebony staff with you, right? I still have to ask you to lead the way to visit that antique shop in Wuhan. Without you, I can't fight. But it’s famous in all directions.”

"Yin Fu Jing" is a secret book of martial arts, it is of no use in fighting, and I have to be careful not to lose it. I did keep it at home. But I have always carried the ebony core with me, but this magic weapon was originally an ebony staff. Jiang Dayu just guessed that this thing might be in my hand, but he didn't know that it had shrunk several times and was now hidden on my body.

"Haha! "Yin Fu Sutra", ebony staff, Lingyun Sword, Luoxia Chen, Divine Locking Talisman, as well as the ghost-killing twin swords in your hand, the hidden needle, and the ring on your finger. Tsk tsk! I see light and You know, you have so many treasures, it really makes me salivate! I am becoming more and more curious, what else do you have... huh? "

Suddenly, his two little eyes suddenly widened, and he said with great joy: "I know! There is indeed a third way. Another piece of Tiangou Shuangyu is right on your body."

"Ha, hahaha." Jiang Dayu didn't wait for my answer and laughed loudly: "I actually found two pieces of Tiangou Shuangyu! God is really helping me."


Dang Dang Dang!

"Where the hell are you running!"

At this moment, a sound of shouts and curses mixed with sword fighting came from behind me.

The voice sounded like Fan Chong, and he seemed to be fighting with someone. What was going on?

Could it be that Tsuyoshi Fujita had been hiding in the dark, saw Fan Chong and Lina being injured, and secretly attacked them?

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