Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1607 Puppet Man

I thought about it all the time, waving the flashlight and looking carefully.

Where Fan Chong and the two were standing just now, there was a bright red blood stain, but otherwise there was no trace, just like the scene where Fujita was injured. It was as if no one had committed the crime before, but Fan Zhanchang got mad and stabbed himself.

I slightly expanded the scope, even every stone crevice was not missed.

Since that man had a fight with Fujita Go first, both of them were seriously injured, and then he fought with Fan Chong more than a dozen times, but he still didn't leave a trace, which is a bit incredible!

I have just seen Fan Chong's killing move, the Triple Wave, and it was a bit difficult for me to block it. How could this guy hide his traces despite being seriously injured?

I searched carefully within ten steps of the blood stain, but I still couldn't find any clues.

Huh? wrong!

If Fan Chong and Fujita were fighting against the same person, there would be a big problem here!

Putting aside the other abilities of Fan Chong and Fujita Tsuyoshi, in terms of force alone, even if Fan Chong is blind, his strength is not much weaker than Fujita Tsuyoshi, and may even be slightly stronger.

So when this person was intact, he was injured so much by Fujita that he lost so much blood. But after being injured, he could still fight with Fan Chong seven or eight times, but he didn't get hurt at all, and didn't even leave any traces?

How can this be!

Unless he becomes stronger after being injured, or in terms of force alone, Fujita Tsuyoshi is much stronger than Fan Chong.

Either that or Fan Chong and Fujita Go are fighting against the same person at all!

Although they both held swords in their left hands, and although they did not leave any traces, there was an extremely obvious difference in the strength of the two!

In other words, apart from the six people in our underwater team and Tsuyoshi Fujita, there are other people in the ancient ruins.


I have just been stuck in a misunderstanding.

I always thought there were only the seven of us among the monuments.

However, precisely because we are among the ancient monuments, any possibility will arise!

For example, are there only three Japanese ninjas? What if there is another team?

For example, Bai Hezi deliberately left the Dragon Roar Guards behind. Did he still hide a few ghost killers who still had flesh and blood here?

Of course, there is another possibility.

This guy turned out to be Liang Mingli - he deliberately showed weakness and set up the enchantment formation. The blood did not come from him, but was a trap he deliberately set.

And why he did this, I am afraid only he himself knows best!

Think about it on the other hand, with his ability, would he be attracted to William's money villa?

In order to avenge his lover, Parker endured humiliation and heavy burden for more than 20 years. In order to obtain the Nine Life Tower, Jiang Dayu performed a good show from beginning to end! So what is Liang Mingli's real purpose?

I closed my eyes slightly and thought about all the possibilities from beginning to end.

I stood at Fan Chong's bloodstain, imitating his movements of swinging the knife, and got a feel for the enemy's moves and position. Then I walked back to the place where Fujita was just injured, and traced back the traces he left on the stone wall. Look at the scene when he was fighting.

This time, I finally discovered something fishy!

The red blood stains on the ground were obviously left by the murderer. Most of them were dripping, and only one spot was spattered.

In other words, the murderer was injured at this place.

At this time, Fujita Go was at least five or six meters away from him. Fujita Go's weapon was a steel fork, which was only about two meters long.

At such a distance, there are only three possibilities for injuring the opponent.

The first is to throw the steel fork like a javelin just like Fan Chong did just now.

The second is that his steel fork has a spring inside, which can suddenly increase three or four meters.

The third type is that Tsuyoshi Fujita has any long-range weapons similar to crossbows.

But no matter which one, it only shows one problem. The murderer was far away from him at that time!

But at such a long distance, the murderer was able to injure him with a knife. This shows that the murderer did not hold the knife in his hand.

Fan Chong clearly felt that someone was approaching, and this was definitely not his imagination.

In this way, that person definitely doesn't look like a lazy Arhat controlling the Sun-Destroying Sword, injuring enemies from a distance!

Then, the answer is readily apparent - it's the puppet man!

When we entered this passage, although there was a lot of colorful splendor, it was because Jiang Dayu touched the death door mechanism and the light was released from the bronze mirror.

As early as when Fujita was attacked and Fan Chong was stabbed, there was no light in the passage, and there was darkness five or six meters away.

That person used the darkness to control the invisible puppet to attack secretly. Fan Chong was unable to hurt the opponent, not because his force was inferior to Takeshi Fujita, but because his weapon was not long enough.

Since it is a controlled puppet, the murderer may not be standing on the ground!

After having this new idea, I immediately expanded the search range and held up the flashlight to shine above the stone wall.

really! Just above the blood splattering everywhere, I found a scattered small blood spot, about half an arm above my head.

This was a distance of more than two meters. Fujita just swung his long spear and hit him just in time.

I inserted the knife into the crack of the stone and climbed up. On a raised sharp stone, I found footprints in the dust and a small strand of hair.

The hair is very long and blonde!

Long blonde hair? Among our group, Lina is the only one with such hair, but I've been with her all the time.

When Fujita was fighting to the death with that man, we were either shuttling in the Ghost Cave or rowing desperately on the water. There was absolutely no way it was Lina.

Who is it?

After some investigation, I was filled with more doubts than lessened, but it also confirmed one thing: the murderer was not Liang Mingli, nor the invisible assassin left by Bai Hezi, but someone else——

His specialty is controlling puppets. He has long golden hair. He was seriously injured at this time. Judging from the footprints he stepped on and the location of the blood spatter, it should be around the chest.

With such a clue, I returned to the place where Fan Chong was attacked and searched around on the top of the stone wall five or six meters away.

Finally found another blood stain!

In addition, there was a piece of wood chips. It seemed that the puppet was also hit by Fan Chong.

I chased him all the way, and the blood stains became heavier and heavier, and more and more blood was scattered.

It seems that although Fan Chong did not hurt him, this fight caused the wound where he was injured by Fujita Go, making his injury more and more serious.

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