Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,608 Who is the traitor?

The blood trail was intermittently running away along the cave where we came from. After chasing for more than ten meters, I suddenly found a person lying on the ground.

This man was very tall and tall, and his head fell into the shadows in the distance, making it difficult to see clearly.

I held my two knives tightly and slowly approached them, shining a flashlight on them.

This person turned out to be Fan Chong!

My heart skipped a beat.

Although I have known Fan Chong for a short time, although this man is rude, he is extremely loyal and even saved my life just now. Seeing his body lying there in plain sight, I couldn't help but shudder.

Fan Chong was covered in blood, with several large holes pierced through his chest. The stone walls on both sides are also full of scratches. Obviously, a very fierce battle had just occurred here.

How is this going? Isn't he behind, with Lina?

Why did he suddenly run in front of me?

Who killed him? I was so close, but I didn't hear any sound.

Although Fan Chong was seriously injured, it was not easy to kill him silently!

Could it be Jiang Dayu or Liang Mingli... or even Lina?


I took a closer look and suddenly found that the blood trail I had been following was fresh, and it was still running forward.

But the blood on Fan Chong's body had already solidified, and he had obviously been dead for several hours.

I had only been away for a few minutes, and even if he was assassinated as soon as I left, the blood would never have solidified so quickly! And it's even less likely to run in front of me.

But the corpse in front of me is obviously Fan Chong...

No, he is not Fan Chong!

I noticed his hand. There was a finger missing on his left hand, and it was broken in exactly the same position as Fan Chong.

But I saw with my own eyes that when Fan Chong was resting and sleeping, the Yaksha tattoo on his arm suddenly woke up and manipulated him to eat another finger.

In other words, the real Fan Chong now has eight fingers, and this person is a fake!

I knelt down and took a closer look. Although this guy dressed up very similar, he could almost look like the real one - even his eye had an identical wound from a shuriken.

But the real Fan Chong's eye socket has been mostly healed.

In order to pretend, this man did not hesitate to create an identical wound on his body.

I reached out and tugged behind his ear, and sure enough, a human skin mask was pulled out from his face!

The deceased was a complete stranger who had never been seen before.

I opened his sleeve, and sure enough there was a very strange symbol tattooed on it, exactly the same as the previous Japanese ninjas.

This is another ninja!

The trio of Fan Chong, Lina, and Parker were once ambushed by ninjas. The other party's method was to pretend to be me, Jiang Dayu, and Liang Mingli.

But at that time, what I found was just an ordinary corpse, without any trace of decoration. If Lina and Pike didn't tell me, I wouldn't have known they used this method to launch a sneak attack.

Moreover, probably only Lina and Pike know best what kind of injuries Fan Chong suffered and where they were located.

How did the fake Fan Chong in front of him know?

Also, the three Japanese ninjas were all killed instantly by Fan Chonglina's sudden counterattack. There was no time to take off the human skin masks, but I didn't find any trace of dressing up.

That is to say...

Someone has cleaned the battlefield and cleaned up all traces!

What I saw was what he wanted me to see.

Moreover, he also informed the fake Fan Chong in front of him of this situation, or in other words, the person cleaning the battlefield was the fake Fan Chong in front of him who had been dead for a long time.

There is another possibility, that person is Pike!

The three Japanese ninjas who attacked were all killed. Lina and Fan rushed off the cliff. The only person who stayed on the cliff and hid with the magic cloth was Pike.

Why didn't he want to show up when he saw it was me? Could it be that this guy and I played a bitter trick.

In fact, he is not only the mysterious man who has seen the "Sturgeon Swimming Bones" a long time ago, but he is also the traitor of the Japanese ninja?


And this murderer I'm tracking.

Wearing a strand of long golden hair, this is...disguising herself as Lina.

It seems that the ninjas who entered the ancient ruins were not just the three killed by Fan Chong and the others!

At least there are two squads!

If a group of them pretended to be me and Jiang Dayu, Liang Mingli went to sneak attack Fan Chong and others.

Then the other team must be pretending to be Fan Chong, Lina and Parker, and are ready to attack the three of us!

But the problem is that Hill and Mrs. Shen have already sealed the entrance. These ninjas must have entered the monument before us. Our temporary separation of the main force was also a temporary decision. How could these ninjas know who was with whom and then divide them into groups accordingly?


There must be a traitor contacting them at any time!

I checked the wounds on the fake Fan Chong's body and compared the remaining marks on the stone wall. I immediately concluded that the weapon used by the fake Fan Chong was not a puppet, but that he was stabbed to death by Fujita Tsuyoshi with a steel fork.

In other words, Takeya Fujita was cleared of suspicion and he was not the traitor!

It turns out that Fujita Go and these ninjas are both Japanese, and the ninjas got on the ship just after he left alone, so he was the most suspicious.

But now it can be completely confirmed that he is at least not in the same group as these ninjas.

Fujita Gang first stabbed the fake Fan Chong to death here, and then seriously injured the fake Lina not far ahead.

Both Fujita Tsuyoshi and Ninja were ruthless in killing without mercy. They were definitely not acting as a trick!

And it must not be an accident that Fujita Tsuyoshi was able to quickly see through the fake Lina's puppet technique and hit him with one blow. After all, they both belong to Japan and know each other's abilities quite well.

Just like although I am not an orthodox Taoist disciple, I have some knowledge of their methods.

I put all the clues together, thought about it carefully, and eliminated Pike as a suspect.

After he released the ants and bitten the rope, Fan Chong and Lina had fallen into the cliff. Judging from the situation at that time, they were certain to die. And if he was a traitor, there was no need to fight so fiercely with the last ninja, and he would have been far away from the battlefield after chasing him all the way.

After all, he didn't know at the time that I was in the rat hole at the bottom of the cliff and would be climbing up soon.

That way, he wouldn't have told me about the ninjas' disguises.

It must be another person who cleans the battlefield and removes the traces of the ninjas' disguise.

But in this case, all suspicions point to Liang Mingli!

He left the team early and has never disappeared. Whether he is a traitor or the murderer of Liu Laoliu's son, he is most likely to be him, and the suspicion has not been lifted at all.

Moreover, this fake Lina is using a puppet. Isn't his ghost skin a variant of puppetry?

Could it be that this guy is really a traitor? Is the fake Lina I'm tracking related to him?

Even...this person is Liang Mingli!

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