Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1609 Female Ninja

However, it doesn’t make sense.

Although Liang Mingli's true abilities have not been fully displayed, judging from the few moves he has already shown, this guy is by no means simple!

At least he had to hunt Fujita Tsuyoshi, and if he attacked secretly, he would never miss.

Even though Fujita Tsuyoshi's abilities far exceeded my expectations.

But a sneak attack on Lina in front of Fan Chong, who was seriously injured, was unsuccessful. This was a bit wrong, and he obviously had such strange methods that he didn't use, so why did he have to take such a risk and use the puppet technique again?

If it fails, the trap will be exposed immediately.

Don’t worry about that for the moment, as long as you catch the fake Lina in front of you, all the truth will be revealed!

This guy was hit in the vital point by Fujita, and the wound was shattered during the fight with Fan Chong. The blood was flowing all the way, and it seemed that he was at the end of his strength!

But I still didn't dare to be careless. I held a flashlight in one hand and a knife in the other and continued to pursue him.

After chasing for a while, four dead bones appeared under the flashlight light.

To say it was dry bones is just a guess.

Because they were all wearing yellow Taoist robes, and they were covered tightly from top to bottom, but there was no flesh and blood at all, and there was only a skeleton to support them, making them a little thin.

The four corpses were all headless. Each of them held a long sword in his hand, occupying the four corners of the east, west, north and south. The sword stabbed the center, as if stabbing someone at the same time.

Judging from their clothes, they were exactly the same as the Taoist Huangshi who was killed by Bai Hezi.

Only the pattern on the chest and corners is slightly simplified.

It seems that these are all disciples brought into the ancient site by Taoist Huangshi, and their heads were cut off by Bai Hezi.

Judging from the messy traces on the dust on the ground and the sword marks on the stone walls on both sides, these withered bones had just fought with someone.

These four withered bones even used talismans - because two of the withered bones held an extremely weird talisman in their hands.

I took a closer look, and it turned out to be a secret curse from the underworld!

It has long been recorded in the "Yin Fu Jing" that this is the unique secret spell of the Jiuyou sect. In other words, only the disciples of the Jiuyou sect can refine and use it. If it is placed in the hands of others, even if it is in the hands of others, it will only be a piece of magic. Just waste paper.

It seems that Jiang Dayu was right. The Huangshi Taoist back then was a member of the Yinluo Sect.

As for his disciples, they were brought here after their bodies were killed by Bai Hezi. Like the Dragon Roar Guards, they set up a forbidden formation to block the exploration of later people.

Just now, Jiang Dayu must have gone through a fierce battle with them.

At that time, they trapped Jiang Dayu and prepared to kill him with one sword, but Jiang Dayu used some means to stop them with a backhand.

I scanned it carefully with a flashlight, and found that there were many white hairs scattered on the ground under their feet, about five or six centimeters long, with cut-like cuts.

This is...a beard.

Oh, right!

When I met Jiang Dayu before, the beard on his chin was much shorter, and it was still dark as if it had been burned by fire.

I was still wondering what happened to him.

It turned out that he was stopped by his four master uncles. These four people belonged to the same Yinluo Sect as him, and they were from the Tang Dynasty. It was not an exaggeration to call them masters.

However, it was precisely because of this that he was extremely familiar with the tricks of these four people, which saved him from death.

These four people are obviously much more powerful than the eight Dragon Roar Guards. Even Jiang Dayu is in danger. If others encounter them, it is hard to say whether they can escape alive.

Jiang Dayu didn't know what method he used to temporarily freeze the four people, still maintaining the same posture as before, as if they might come back to life at any time and start another bloodthirsty massacre.

The fake Lina was also a little confused about the situation and did not dare to pass by here at all. Instead, she went around very carefully. Even the unstoppable blood stains on the wounds were sprinkled on the rocks on both sides of the stone wall as much as possible, for fear that the blood would contaminate the skeletons and wake up the Taoist priests.

Naturally, I didn't want to try Jiang Dayu's dangerous situation again, so I cautiously went around it.


As soon as I walked to the corpse, a cold wind rushed over and rushed straight into my chest.

It was too late for me to dodge, and besides, I didn’t dare to move!

At this time, I was only less than half a meter away from the four corpses. If I accidentally broke the restriction left by Jiang Dayu and brought these guys back to life, it would be troublesome!

I quickly stood still, flipped my wrist, and slashed diagonally.


There was a sound of gold and iron clashing, which made my wrist numb, but the evil wind suddenly turned in an extremely weird way, went around the back of my head in an incredible direction, and slashed diagonally towards the back of my neck.

The one who can attack the target in such a weak, boneless, and strange and changeable way is definitely not a human being, but a puppet controlled by the fake Lina!

Fortunately, I already knew it, otherwise I would have been overwhelmed by this, and I would have lost my mind!

Fortunately, I had just witnessed her fight against Fan Chong, and carefully studied the scene when she fought against Go Fujita, so I already knew her tricks. Moreover, Gou Fujita's fatal blow and the blood stains dripping on the rock during the battle with Fan Chong had already exposed her distance and position when controlling the puppet.

It was precisely based on my understanding of these details that I pursued them all the way with full confidence.

It can also be said that I am always on guard and waiting for her secret attack, waiting for this cunning fox to take the bait!

This sinister wind first stabbed the chest, and then rushed to the back of the neck. Normally, I could only have two options, one was to block with my backhand, and the other was to roll on the spot to avoid the blow. But no matter which one it is, it will hit her right. After all, although the first two strikes may seem dangerous, the third strike is the real killing move!

But at this time I chose the third method.

I shrank my head and swung the flashlight straight ahead.


The evil wind arrived first and struck the ancient sword whisk that I carried behind my back.

These two treasures were carried by Taoist Priest Baihe. Needless to say, they were tough and the Yin Feng could not resist them.

And my flashlight was flying towards the man's position. Under the shining light, I could see the black figure hiding behind the stone at a glance.

At first glance, the person looked almost exactly like Lina, except that she was wearing a tight-fitting night jacket, even her head and face were tightly wrapped, and a few strands of long golden hair were exposed on the side of her face. A pair of extremely beautiful big dark blue eyes were illuminated by the strong light and squinted slightly, showing an extremely frightened and incredible look.

She may be very surprised, why don't I block or hide? Why did I find her trace so quickly.

Just when she was stunned for a moment, the ghost-killing swords in my hands flew out!

When the cold wind blows, I shrink my neck, flick the flashlight, and throw out the two knives. All of this is done in the blink of an eye. This is also the valuable practical experience I have accumulated over the past year.


Seeing the two swords flying towards them, the female ninja suddenly turned over and dodged away in an incredible posture.

But how could she have imagined that this was just a feint on my part!

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