Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1612 Using the Talisman

The dragon roar guards were as ferocious as tigers emerging from the cage, and they rushed into the ghosts. The defenders stood beside me, manipulating the black line from time to time to assist.

Those ghosts were not weak in strength, but after being absorbed by the ebony core, the Dragon Roar Guards became more ferocious, and they cooperated very well with each other, cutting down several ghosts in an instant.

After the ghost dissipated, it turned into a plume of black smoke, which was greedily swallowed by the ebony core.

Suddenly, a gap was forced out of the Netherworld Formation!

The other ghosts swarmed forward, no longer caring about their formation, and surrounded and killed them all.

Seven or eight ghosts each held Yin Qi iron chains and struck at my back.

Schoolmaster Longhou turned his head fiercely, and the small lamp hanging above shed a ray of green light, covering me tightly from top to bottom, and then he swung his broken sword and threw it directly.


At this moment, another long and piercing sound sounded from the ebony core in my hand!

Following this roar, a layer of faint golden light appeared around the bodies of the ten black figures including the Dragon Roar Guards and the Taoist Guards. Even the broken sword that flew out was covered with a layer of jujube-golden light. The lines engraved on the sword can be seen clearly.

Bang bang bang!

As soon as the broken sword arrived, the three ghosts were swept away and immediately dispersed.

The remaining few rushed forward, picked up the iron chain, and slashed it down on my chest and neck, but they only cracked a small crack in the golden light covering me. Then the golden light suddenly appeared in the crack, and those few Ghosts are like paper figures burned by fire, turning to ashes in an instant!

The bodies of the Dragon Roar Guards were glowing, and even if they were scratched, they would heal quickly. However, when the sharp swords in their hands struck the ghost, the ghost immediately disintegrated and turned into black smoke.

Coupled with the constant interference from the defenders from behind, most of the ghosts were killed in a blink of an eye. The Netherworld Hundred Ghost Formation was already riddled with holes and was about to collapse!

I stared blankly at everything in front of me.

These ghosts are at least at the level of ghost kings, and there are even ghosts and immortals, but they are so vulnerable!

I have fought against the Dragon Roar Schools, and although they are a bit difficult to deal with, they are not that great. At least I was able to break off one of their arms, and even killed them one by one with Shocking Slash.

Why did he become so sharp after only one day in the ebony core?

Could this ebony core be a treasure specially used to nourish Yin spirits?

But even so, Jiang Dayu also said that without the Nine Life Tower, the Yin Fu Jing and the Ebony Core would not be able to exert their full power, and could only be regarded as ordinary Yin objects.

So what is the real strength of this ebony core? How magical should the Nine Life Tower be?

Two of the Nine Nether Treasures are in my hand, and the other one is in the Door of Death not far ahead.

If I really want to collect these three treasures, how far should my strength improve? Will I no longer be able to take even one of Long Qingqiu's moves?

And this Netherworld Ghost Formation gave me a wake-up call.

This formation is made up of unconscious ghosts. Although each one has extraordinary strength, it has no sanity at all and cannot exert its due strength. But if I bring together the famous ancient civil servants and generals in the Eternal Spirit Ring to form a true Netherworld Hundred Ghost Formation, it should be equivalent to the Zhang Family's Immortal Killing Sword Formation in Jiangbei, right?

While I was thinking wildly, wisps of black smoke kept drifting out and were sucked directly into the ebony core.

The ebony core suddenly grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was shaped like a cucumber, and was completely black. The black was so deep that it seemed to swallow everything inside!

The Netherworld Formation exists in name only, and there are not many ghosts left. The remaining ones are all at the level of ghosts and immortals.

Although they were strong, due to their lack of sanity and lack of coordination, they were scattered one by one under the joint attack of the Dragon Roar Guards and the Defenders, and there were fewer and fewer of them.

After a while, the last ghost was strangled cleanly, turning into wisps of black smoke and getting into the ebony core.

As soon as the Dragon Roar School Broken Sword was sheathed, the eight Dragon Roar Guards and Taoist Guards came back to me and knelt on one knee, then turned into smoke and got in.

Although they have become my Yin soldiers, until now, I still have no idea how I absorbed them and how I summoned them!

What is even more puzzling is that in addition to the Netherworld Hundred Ghost Array, there are four withered Taoists in yellow robes, still guarding the four directions of east, west, north and south, looking at me with eager eyes, ready to take my life at any time, but why did they just It seemed as if he couldn't see it at all and just left.

Are these guys only able to see ghosts, or do they only respond to Jiuyou's spells?

But I didn’t want to think too much about it at this time. The Netherworld Formation has been broken, and the four withered bones blocking me in front and behind me raised their swords at the same time, flew up, and attacked me from both front and back!

I have already experienced their abilities, and all of them are comparable to the guardians of Longquan Villa.

If Jiang Dayu hadn't forced them to use his special move, I might not have had the chance to see the Netherworld Hundred Ghost Array. It would have been too much for me to handle just with this speed!

Seeing the four swords coming at once, the cold light hit my face. I didn't have time to think about it, so I quickly raised my hand and threw out the magic talisman!

boom! As soon as the magic talisman was thrown up, there was a loud thunder.

Where the thunder started, four bolts of lightning flew out, each running towards a withered skeleton!

Bang bang bang bang!

Lightning fell on the four dead bones that were flying towards me, and immediately exploded into ashes. The bones, yellow robes, and swords all disappeared without a trace, and were completely wiped out. .

The smoke and dust filled the air and fell slowly, almost like a light snowfall. The fine powder mixed with yellow and white fell on the ground in a thick layer. Only about half a meter around me was spotless.

These talismans left by Taoist Master Bai He are indeed very powerful!

There was silence all around, and I stood still for a long time before I came to my senses.

The withered bones in yellow robes, the formation of hundreds of ghosts in the netherworld, and the roaring dragon guards all flashed through my mind like a dream.

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