Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1613 Jiang Dayu’s persecution

I was surprised for a while, then recovered my mind and started to pack up the scattered equipment. The flashlight fell on the rocks and was damaged, so I had to press the lighter to check the scene.

The four withered bones turned into ashes, the fake Lina's body had long since cooled down, and the air was filled with an extremely strong smell of blood.

My previous judgment was correct. The weapon of this female ninja is indeed a wooden puppet with a mechanism in its arm that can be freely extended and extended.

This thing is extremely delicate, but also very vicious. Both Fujita Tsuyoshi and Fan Chong were injured by this thing.

It has to be said that this female ninja not only has extraordinary martial arts, she is the best in this ninja unit, but she is also very skilled in disguise. At a rough glance, she is almost exactly the same as Lina. I even dared not look directly at the head that fell on the ground, as if Lina was smiling at me, but the smile was very sinister.

I walked over and touched her behind the ear.

Sure enough, he was wearing a human skin mask just like the fake Fan Chong, and even the details were exactly the same. The hair on the left side was cut off half like the current Lina.

There was also a deliberately cut wound on the leg, which was wrapped in a bandage, and the exposed minor wounds were exactly the same. There was just a very weird ninja symbol on the wrist, but it had faded a lot at this time, and only the general shape could be seen.

But how do these ninjas know the details of everyone in our team?

Even though there were other people present besides the three dead ninjas, they saw the injuries of these two people and cleaned up the battlefield. But Lina and Fan Chong still had many scars on their bodies, but they were caused after falling off the cliff. How did these people know this?

Could it be that the ninja has been following them?

This is not right either.

When I found the two of them, Yasha on Fan Chong's arm had not yet woken up. Not only was he blind, but his whole body was seriously injured. That was when they were at their weakest. If any ninja had been following them, they would have taken action long ago.

If it wasn't me who followed, but a ninja, even the least skilled one, Lina and the others wouldn't be able to handle it, right?

Why didn't you start at that time? You had to wait until Fan Chong's body had recovered more than half and I was by your side.

But if ninjas hadn't been following them, it would be impossible to explain their injuries after falling off the cliff. How the ninjas could imitate every tiny injury exactly the same!

Who is the traitor?

There are so many mysteries in this trip to the ancient ruins, it’s like a maze, one after another, and it makes my head hurt. All I can do now is keep in mind all the details and never let go of any clues.

I turned around and glanced at the scene again. Just as I was about to return the same way, I suddenly felt that the face of the female ninja looked very familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere.

I just can't remember it.

After pondering for a while, I still had no clue, so I had to give up.

Just halfway along the path of pursuit, I heard a loud shout from the front: "Don't move!"

It was Fan Chong's voice.

I stopped strangely, but then I realized that the voice didn't seem to be directed at me.

Because the sound was far away in another fork, and along with the sound, there was the sound of the wind waving a long knife.

Fan Chong is not good at long-distance fighting. With such a long distance and a fork in the road, there is no way he could be heading in my direction.

What's going on? What happened to them?

I stepped lightly and leaned over slowly.

"Senior Jiang, I think we need to be more careful." This time it was Lina's voice, with a hint of threat in the tone.

Senior Jiang? Could it be that Jiang Dayu chased him out of the death door and happened to meet Lina and Fan Chong.

"What's the point of distinguishing? Just kill him." Jiang Dayu said casually.

Who does Jiang Dayu want to kill? Apart from the three of them, is there another person?

wrong! If they hadn't discovered Liang Mingli, wouldn't I be the only one left?

He wants to kill me?

Jiang Dayu's true identity is Xia Wushuang, the supreme elder of Longquan Villa. He deliberately infiltrated William's joint expedition team. The actual purpose was firstly for the legendary Nine Nether Treasures Nine Life Tower, and secondly for me.

Of course, his purpose is not to kill me, but like other ghost sects, he wants to capture me back and learn the secret of fate.

But after he discovered that I had a second piece of Tiangou Shuangyu hidden in my body, he might not think so.

Did he suddenly change his mind again? Is it better to get one first?

But even so, you just need to snatch the Sky Gou Shuangyu from me. There is no need to kill me?

Moreover, what did he say to Lina? Listening to this meaning, it seemed that he was trying to win her and Fan Chong's consent.

While I was thinking about it, I quietly approached the entrance of the cave, stuck my head out slightly, and looked out.

Sure enough, there were three people confronting each other not far from the cave entrance.

The person with his back to me was Jiang Dayu, and Lina and Fan Chong stood opposite him.

Fan Chong grabbed the long knife tightly and put on a defensive posture. Lina held the flashlight in one hand and the small copper ball handed to her by Hill in the other hand. Both of them looked extremely nervous.

It was obvious that the two of them were on guard against Jiang Dayu's secret attack at any time.

What's going on? Did the two of them discover something?

But even if they knew that Jiang Dayu was a descendant of the Yinluo Sect and the elder of Longquan Villa, they probably had no hostile relationship with either of them. Why were they so nervous?

Could it be that Jiang Dayu wanted to kill all the survivors and deal with the two weakest ones first.

But who does the phrase ‘just kill him’ refer to?

"Let's wait a little longer." Lina said stubbornly: "I believe in Mr. Zhang's strength, he will be fine, but... I don't want to make such a hasty decision before I have a thorough understanding. If it really If you make a mistake, it’s irreversible.”

"Oh, you girl is too stubborn, or else I can show you his true face." Jiang Dayu blew out a puff of smoke and said helplessly.

"I still think we should wait." Lina didn't back down at all. She didn't even move her eyes. She still stared at Jiang Dayu, as if she was afraid that he would suddenly attack.

"You seem to be helping him, but you may very well harm him." Jiang Dayu advised calmly: "Didn't you hear such loud noises over there? He must have encountered some danger. If you don’t let me rescue him, maybe if it’s a little later, you won’t even be able to see the body.”

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