Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1614 God’s Reasoning

"You came from another cave, right? You don't even know what danger is behind." Jiang Dayu continued: "There were four yellow-robed skeletons stationed in that passage. When I came here, I almost died. . Did you see my beard and the wounds on my body? They were caused there. Although I escaped, I only temporarily sealed them."

"You have to know that it is an Yin corpse that has accumulated energy for more than a thousand years. It was a Taoist master in life, and it also had a Netherworld formation. Little girl, you may not know how powerful it is. If you don't believe me, just ask Fan Go ahead. I admit that Brother Zhang is quite capable, but his cultivation level can’t handle it. If you really don’t let me go, you may never see him again, at least not alive.”

"Then..." Lina was a little embarrassed after hearing this. She waved the flashlight and said, "Let's do this. Don't kill him yet. Let's go back together to save Mr. Zhang."

This was very confusing at first, but under the shaking of the flashlight, I understood it immediately.

There was a person lying on the ground under the light of the flashlight. Regardless of his clothing or appearance, I could not be more familiar with him.

Because, that person is me.

At this time, I was lying on the ground with my eyes closed tightly, as if I had been seriously injured.

Lina and Fan Chong stood in front of 'me', blocking Jiang Dayu.

It seems that what they just said "kill me directly" refers to this person. Obviously, this person is a ninja pretending to be a ninja.

But the problem is, shouldn’t the ninja pretending to be me be dead long ago?

Didn't the three ninjas who first attacked Fan Chonglin pretend to be me and Jiang Da Yuliang Mingli, and were all killed by them immediately?

If the remaining team is also three people, and they are also disguised, shouldn't they be Lina, Fan Chong and Pike?

When I just followed up, I had already discovered the fake Fan Chong and the fake Lina. The third one who has never shown up must be the fake Pike. Why does another 'I' appear?

At that moment, I also understood the reason for the dispute between the three of them.

Jiang Dayu must have suspected that I really had a second piece of Sky Gou Double Jade hidden in my body, so he came out to chase me in a hurry, not wanting to run into a fake one.

As soon as he made a move, he immediately realized that this person was not me. Just as he was about to kill him, Fan Chonglina and the others discovered him.

Jiang Dayu tried his best to separate from them on purpose, causing the two of them to be seriously injured. However, I followed them to support each other all the way here. Relatively speaking, they were more willing to believe me.

When I saw that Jiang Dayu had injured me and even wanted to kill me, I immediately came to rescue me.

Even in order to prevent Jiang Dayu from taking 'my' life, he did not hesitate to confront me head-on.

Although the two of them were seriously injured, with Fan Chong here, Jiang Dayu couldn't kill him with one blow, and the small copper ball in Lina's hand was the real weapon. Even Jiang Dayu was extremely afraid and didn't dare to hit him hard. Come.

Jiang Dayu told the truth, saying that this person was not 'me', and wanted to verify it for the two of them, but Lina was afraid that he would secretly murder her but refused.

The two of them were holding knives and holding the ball. They were holding the ball in one direction, but they couldn't take their hands off. They couldn't personally verify it. There was no way to tell whether the person lying on the ground was the real me?

So, there was a stalemate.

What Jiang Dayu said is true. If Ebony Core hadn't suddenly unleashed its Dragon Roar Guards, it would be hard to say whether I would be alive or dead!

"Go together?" Jiang Dayu sneered again and again: "Both of you are injured now, and it is difficult to move in the first place. Let alone helping, I am afraid it will become a burden. It would be better if he fights the guy who sneaked up on Fan Chong now. , if we encounter those four yellow-robed withered bones... to be honest, I have no confidence that I can rescue him."

"You don't want anything to happen to the boy named Zhang. In fact, I hope that he is safe and sound more than any of you. And speaking of it, since when did you treat me as your enemy? Don't forget, I am the underwater team member. Team leader, your father said it well, we are all grasshoppers on the same rope. Before we can find any treasures, do we have to fight in the nest first? "

"Senior Jiang, don't lie to me. Although I am young, I am by no means a fool. You have already obtained the real treasure, right?" Lina said with a solemn expression.

"Oh, what do you mean?" Jiang Dayu asked in confusion.

"The treasure that Senior Jiang wants is to use the Sky Gou Double Jade as the key." Lina stared at Jiang Dayu intently: "After the support team sends the exact information about the Sky Gou Double Jade, you will We temporarily changed the formation, letting Mr. Zhang go in front and Pike behind. You deliberately walked with me and my master, saying it was to protect us, but in fact it was to make it easier to steal from me, right?"

"The moment the secret door turned, my jade disappeared. Liang Mingli had already left at that time. Parker and Mr. Zhang were far away from me. Master and I were always together, and he was not so sneaky. Human. The only possibility is that it was stolen by you."

"Master Liu Liu said that these things are a pair and should be the key to unlocking some treasure. If I guessed correctly, the reason why you two brothers joined the joint expedition team was to explore some treasure, right? You first deliberately left us behind , and then separated from Mr. Zhang through the agency, with the purpose of hunting for treasure alone, so has the other piece of Sky Gou Double Jade been hidden on you a long time ago? "

"Just now, we saw a bright light in front of us. It must be the treasure, right? Now the light has disappeared, and you walked out of it. Mr. Zhang has seen you a long time ago and knows what you got, so now you I want to kill people and silence them. Not just Mr. Zhang, but all of us, Senior Jiang, am I right?" Lina said with a serious expression.

Although Lina didn't guess that another piece of Sky Gou Double Jade was in my hand, her other guesses were absolutely correct!

Not only does this girl possess high technology, but she is also extremely capable in logical reasoning——

The only thing I didn't guess right was that I suffered the loss of not knowing anything about the underworld.

The treasure indeed requires a pair of Sky Hooks and Double Jade to open, but no one expected that Jiang Dayu himself was a disciple of the Yinluo Sect and was the only person in the world who still knew the whereabouts of the Nine Life Tower and the method to crack it!

In addition, he also mastered another kind of evil magic. He could bring out the Nine Life Tower with only a piece of Sky Hook Double Jade, but the price was extremely high, and he had to sacrifice his own body.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes and heard Jiang Dayu tell it personally, I wouldn't have been able to imagine it at all.

With some scattered clues, the inference can be so accurate and almost exactly the same as the truth. This girl Lina is really amazing! If given time, his family will surely rise again.

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