Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1615 Little Copper Ball

Jiang Dayu was also surprised.

He probably didn't expect that this girl could be so powerful!

"Haha, you little girl is really smart!" Jiang Dayu didn't even refute and admitted directly: "Even if I get the treasure, it's not a big deal. Before we went into the water, didn't we make it very clear who gets it first? It belongs to someone. But even if you know that I have obtained the treasure, what can you do? You can't snatch it away here, and you can't do anything to me when you get to the shore. I really don't have the need to kill people and silence them. "

What Jiang Dayu said is also true. Not to mention that we are all slightly or seriously injured, even if we are all intact and full of energy, no one can be his opponent except the missing Liang Mingli.

However, he seemed to have a very clear understanding of Liang Mingli's background.

At first, Hill left a ninja arm, and it was he who asked Liang Mingli to check it out.

After encountering the ghost realm, he asked Fan Chong and I to follow him to have a look, but he didn't ask Liang Mingli. He also said not to waste his energy. It seemed that he had already known about Liang Mingli's crystal ball.

From this point of view, he already knew Liang Mingli well and was not afraid at all.

In other words, the two people went to the historic site for completely different purposes, and at least there was no conflict of interest for the time being.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Dayu might have expected Liang Mingli to leave the team early, but it just saved him from being delayed.

Jiang Dayu is not only the last generation disciple of Yinluo Sect, but also the Supreme Elder of Longquan Villa. His abilities are extraordinary. Even if the remaining four of us join forces, we may not be his opponents. Moreover, if we want to snatch the treasure, it will be extremely difficult to unite. battle front.

Therefore, at least in this ancient monument, no one can touch him.

At this time, the only thing he was slightly afraid of was the small copper ball in Lina's hand.

"Let me say it again, the boy Zhang in front of you is fake. The real boy Zhang is very dangerous now. If you stop me again, it will be too late!" Jiang Dayu said while blowing smoke rings.

"Stop talking nonsense." Fan Chong, who had been silent, didn't care about that, and cursed: "I don't care what tricks you play, but if you want to persecute Brother Zhang, you must first pass my level!"

After speaking, Fan Chong shook the long knife in his hand.

I really didn’t expect that this reckless man like him would be so generous!

"Alas..." Jiang Dayu sighed and said, "Actually, you don't have to be like this. I'm far more worried about Mr. Zhang's safety than any of you."

"Stop blabbering!" Fan Chong shouted, interrupting Jiang Dayu: "Either you listen to me and we go together, or else no one moves! At worst, I will die with you."

"Haha, really?" Jiang Dayu smiled slightly and said: "I say Fan Chong, you think too highly of yourself, why do you die with me? Red python with golden eyes? Or Shura Yaksha? Or the one in your hand? A golden turtle knife with an iron handle?"

Jiang Dayu has been keeping calm, but he has clearly figured out everyone's trump cards secretly.

Fan Chong, Liang Mingli and my trump card, these guys are all treasures.

It seems that I really underestimated the ability of the Supreme Elder of Longquan Villa!

Dong Lao died tragically in the Devil's Valley, not because of his lack of strength, but because he was so unlucky that he happened to meet the supreme god-level Black Eagle.

In comparison, it seems that the Supreme Elder of Longquan Villa is not as scary as the legend.

In fact, none of these old guys are simple!

Whether it is skill, cultivation, or scheming, they are extremely terrifying existences. Looking at the world, there are only a handful of them.

As soon as Jiang Dayu said these words, Fan Chong couldn't help but be stunned. He also didn't expect that this old guy would know his background so clearly.

But he still refused to give up, and waved his long knife: "You don't care what tricks I use, if you dare to make a move, I will let you be buried with me!"

"Hmph." Jiang Dayu snorted with disdain, "To be honest, I really haven't taken you seriously yet. It's just that Hill's old monster's copper ball is a bit troublesome. However, now that it's over At this point, I can only learn from you!"

As he spoke, he lifted the sole of his shoe and tapped the bong.

This is his habitual action. Once he hits the bong, he is about to take action!

Lina's eyes widened and she held the small copper ball tightly.

A fierce battle may break out at any time, but the reason for the dispute is very interesting. Both sides have the same purpose: to save me.

Lina and Fan Chong wanted to save me, and they did not hesitate to fight Jiang Dayu to the death. They were completely sincere.

It is true that Jiang Dayu wanted to save me, but he had another purpose.

He not only wants to seize the Sky Gou Shuangyu from me, but also wants to save my life, so as to unlock the secret that the Ghost Sect wants to explore.

Seeing Jiang Dayu slowly lighting up his pipe, he was about to take action.

Once Jiang Dayu takes action, no matter the outcome, Lina and Fan Chong will definitely be seriously injured again, and maybe they will die tragically on the spot.

I can't just watch them both die for me.

"I'm here!" I shouted and walked out from behind the cave.

"Mr. Zhang."

Upon hearing my voice, Lina and Fan Chong screamed in surprise at the same time.

Jiang Dayu also turned back in confusion.

Holding the magic talisman in one hand, I deliberately stayed away from Jiang Dayu and walked to Lina and the other two.

"Mr. Zhang, are you okay?" Lina only glanced at me with her peripheral vision, still staring at Jiang Dayu, fearing that the old guy would suddenly attack.

This was because she was overly worried. At this time, Jiang Dayu didn't dare to mess around.

Fan Chong was seriously injured and his strength was greatly reduced. Jiang Dayu had no taboo against him. The only thing he was taboo about was the small copper ball in Lina's hand, but he still dared to take the risk.

But if I add the magic talisman in my hand, he won't dare to move.

Except for the ebony core, he knew all my trump cards clearly. I could only frighten him by holding the magic talisman and showing this bright card.

"Boy, how are you?" Fan Chong glanced in my direction and asked with concern.

"I'm fine." I responded quite touched.

"That's good!" Fan Chong shouted, with a hint of relief in his tone, as if his heart that had been hanging on him finally fell to the ground.

Although this guy is rough and doesn't know what to say, he is very down-to-earth. Once he regards you as one of his own, he can protect you with his life at any time.

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