Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,616 The traitor is revealed

"The one who attacked you just now was a female ninja. She disguised herself as Lina and was killed by me. There was also a female ninja who disguised herself as Senior Fan and died a long time ago. She was killed by Tsuyoshi Fujita. ." I said to Fan Chong very briefly.

"So, this guy on the ground is also a damn little devil?" Fan Chong tilted his head and asked, pointing to the other me on the ground.

"Yes!" I nodded and replied. It was only then that I figured out why he didn't pretend to be Pike.

Things have changed. Pike has long been unconscious and Fan Chong has been carrying him on his back. Pretending to be Pike just doesn't work.

The man on the ground looked and dressed exactly like me. He was lying there with his eyes closed.

I don't know what tricks Jiang Dayu used. Although he is not dead yet, he is motionless and unconscious. To a rough look, he looks like a vegetable.


Isn't this the case with Liu Laoliu's son?

From the outside, he looks no different from a vegetative person with damaged brain nerves, but in fact he has fallen into the trap of an insider.

Could it be that the murderer is Jiang Dayu?

But that’s not right either!

Jiang Dayu's true identity is the Supreme Elder of Longquan Villa. He has been in seclusion for the past twenty or thirty years. Judging from the time, this matter must not have been done by him. Moreover, I have already ruled out his suspicion from the bronze mirror image.

But this method is exactly the same as the murderer who killed Liu Laoliu's son!

And according to Liu Laoliu, the result of his grandfather's investigation was that the murderer was related to the waterway.

Liu Laoliu has been secretly investigating for so many years. He has almost touched all the waterway colleagues who have the slightest suspicion, and ruled out the suspicion one by one. He said with great certainty that the murderer was probably in the joint inspection team.

There are only a few people in the joint expedition team who are good at waterways.

Karov, Fan Chong, Jiang brothers, Liang Mingli.

Karov practiced the Yin Kung Fu of the Giant Spirit, and he couldn't lie at all. He couldn't do such deception at all.

As early as at the first banquet, Fan Chong was ruled out of suspicion by Liu Laoliu with a dish plate with hair stuck on it.

After the true identities of the Jiang brothers were revealed, it was immediately confirmed that they were not the murderers.

Then the murderer has been identified, it is Liang Mingli!

The mysterious man is Parker and the murderer is Liang Mingli. So who is the traitor who helps the ninja?

"Since the real Mr. Zhang is back, leave this impostor to me." At this time, Jiang Dayu, who was standing opposite, suddenly said.

"No!" I shook my head firmly: "This is the only one left alive, and we have to keep him to find out the traitor."

"So, then I can't keep him." As he said that, Jiang Dayu exhaled a puff of smoke, and a cold wind rushed straight towards us.

"Old bastard, what are you going to do?" Although Fan Chong couldn't see anything, he could sense the murderous intention and took a step forward to protect Lina. Lina also raised the small copper ball in her hand. He looked extremely nervous.

But the smoke stopped more than one meter in front of us and dissipated into thin air.

"He is already dead." Jiang Dayu said lightly.

I turned around and saw that the Japanese ninja disguised as me on the ground had already turned black and his eyes were sunken. If I hadn't seen him sleeping peacefully a few seconds ago, I would have thought that this man had been dead for a long time.

Only then did I realize that a thin line of black smoke, as thin as silk, was slowly fading from his neck. Like a swimming snake, it climbed up the stone wall and circled the roof of the cave, flying back towards Jiang Dayu.

It turned out that this old guy had been attracting the attention of Lina and Fan Chong from the front, and secretly used a smoke snake to sneak around behind, just to kill the ninja while others were unprepared.

Kill and silence, but why would he do this?

Could it be that he is a traitor?

But the bronze statue has ruled out the suspicion that he is a traitor. What is shown in the bronze mirror is the true image deep in his memory. It is far more reliable than Karloff and will never lie.

"You don't have to look at me like this. I'm not a traitor. The Japanese are not qualified to deal with me." Jiang Dayu leisurely turned the cigarette rod and said: "Besides, I also tell you, the real traitor is not among us. He never entered the water and was still in the boat at this time."

What does it mean?

"Have you known who the traitor was?" Lina quickly realized and asked hurriedly.

"Of course I know. Not only do I know, but your father also knows. We are all waiting for him to put on a good show. If others find out now, this good show will not be possible." Jiang Dayu still shook his cigarette pole. , said very leisurely.

What's the meaning?

The traitor was on board, and even William had known about it for a long time.

Oh, right!

After Lina and the others fell off the cliff, she and Fan Chong used the paper figures twice to report the situation to the ship.

Presumably, while the little paper man is communicating, it will also send back images.

Since the traitor was on the ship, he could definitely see it.

So, he sent back the message and asked the Japanese ninjas who dived under the water to adapt accordingly and carve out exactly the same scars, even every detail was correct.

But who is the traitor? Since Jiang Dayu said so, then Jiang Xiaoyu must not be the same.

Liu Laoliu was not the one, and Karov couldn't do it even if he wanted to.

As a ghost, Mrs. Shen has no such interest at all, let alone being a lackey for the little devil.

William had known about it for a long time and was waiting for something good to happen.

Hill is his most caring wizard guard, so this is unlikely.

After this calculation, the only person left is the translator Li Minghan.

No wonder Liu Laoliu reminded me several times that I must pay attention to this guy. It seems that Liu Laoliu has long noticed that something is wrong with this guy, but he has not confirmed it yet.

After working on it for a long time, it turned out that he was the traitor!

The first batch of ninjas who sneaked in secretly were so familiar with the situation on the ship, and the first ninjas who entered the water were so familiar with our situation. It turned out that this guy had been the tipper all along.

But what does Jiang Dayu mean by the good show he has been waiting for with William?

They had long seen through Li Minghan's true identity, but no one was willing to say clearly what his plan was.

The mysterious man Parker, the murderer Liang Mingli, the traitor Li Minghan... Until now, all the mysteries have been revealed, but at the same time, more unsolved mysteries are coming one after another.

What is the real purpose of William and even everyone in this expedition team?

Pike came for revenge, the Jiang brothers came for the Nine Life Tower, Fan Chong came under threat, and Karov was tempted by money. I was coaxed and deceived by Liu Laoliu. Liu Laoliu was not only looking for the murderer, but also concerned about my safety. By the way, he also wanted to protect the national treasure.

But what about Mrs. Shen and Liang Mingli? What are these two mysterious old monsters doing?

And what secrets are hidden at the end of the ancient ruins?

What kind of ending should this trip to the Wusuli River have?

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