Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,617: Demon Subduing Formation

"Okay, now that the fake one is dead, the real one is back. Can I finally prove my innocence?" Jiang Dayu smiled very self-deprecatingly: "It was all a misunderstanding, and now we are still Among the monuments, we have to work together to go out together. Didn’t William say that we are grasshoppers on a rope? "

"What the hell!" Fan Chong had long disliked him and yelled, "If you want to leave, get out of here, I won't follow you."

"Senior Jiang, haven't you always wanted to get rid of us? We won't bother you." Lina said politely but extremely coldly.

Upon hearing the attitude of the two of them, Jiang Dayu immediately retracted his smile and snorted coldly: "You two can go wherever you like, life or death has nothing to do with me. But no matter where Brother Zhang goes, I will. Gotta follow.”

Lina and Fan Chong didn't know why, but I knew very well that this old guy was definitely following me.

He knows that I have the Sky Gou Shuangyu hidden in my body.

Originally, he wanted to take it away from me, but now I am on a united front with Lina Fan Chong.

These two people have developed a big gap with him, and they may draw swords against each other at any time.

The three of us plus the two magical tools, the talisman and the small copper ball, also made him extremely afraid and did not dare to mess around, so he just said 'Follow'.

As for why he insisted on following me, he naturally wouldn't say.

At that time, I knew that the key to opening the Nine Life Tower was the Sky Gou Double Jade, and this old guy couldn't get it, but I deliberately reminded him that this thing might be on my body. In fact, I had other plans.

To be more precise, I also want to get the Nine Life Tower! Because only by obtaining the Nine Life Tower can I truly make a leap forward.

And I already have a little plan in mind.

The first thing is to get rid of Jiang Dayu. It is best to take it alone and leave without anyone noticing.

Secondly, it is necessary to break the death door mechanism.

Jiang Dayu has never mentioned the existence of Jiusheng Tower to outsiders, and he must be afraid that others will find out. Although others may not be able to retrieve it, he has been searching for this pagoda for decades. How many decades can his life last? He will definitely be more careful at the last moment.

Therefore, he will definitely trick us into being cannon fodder at the front.

These three doors are extremely thick, and there must be some extremely dangerous traps hidden there. I am neither like Fujita Go, who holds a powerful new explosive in my hand, nor am I able to break in like Taoist Master Bai He, It is also a difficult problem to open the door of death.

But at this time Jiang Dayu refused to leave, and we didn't dare to move. We were still confronting each other, each of us looking nervous.

Especially Lina, holding the small copper ball tightly, staring at Jiang Dayu, not daring to be distracted at all, with a layer of fine beads of sweat oozing out from the corners of her forehead and face.

Jiang Dayu is extremely powerful. The three of us together, plus the copper talisman ball, can temporarily balance it. If one person is absent, or if he gets it first, it will be dangerous!

Jiang Dayu saw that we were so vigilant, so he stood opposite us and lit a bag of cigarettes, puffing away at us.

The stalemate lasted for more than ten minutes.

"Senior Jiang, it's not an option for us to remain in a stalemate like this. Otherwise, you should leave first." I said suddenly.

In front of Lina and Fan Chong, I don’t want to reveal his true identity. After all, whether they are disciples of the Yinluo Sect or the Supreme Elder of Longquan Villa, they have nothing to do with these two people, and I don’t want to involve them in our grudges anymore.

"Let's go, where are we going?" Jiang Dayu raised his eyelids and said without raising his head: "This is almost the end of the ancient ruins. Going forward will be the most dangerous existence. To be clearer, the place ahead There is only one demon-suppressing formation left, and there is an evil dragon locked in the formation. Do you want to be killed by the formation, or do you want to be chewed up by the evil dragon?"

As expected, this old guy had already known everything about the situation here. He even knew what was at the end so clearly!

At the same time, I also noticed.

When Jiang Dayu mentioned the word 'evil dragon', Lina's other hand clenched into a fist unconsciously.

This was also her subconscious action.

Whenever anything related to dragons was mentioned, she would subconsciously clench her fists. Jiang Dayu was right, it was not fear or panic, but excitement!

Why is she so interested in dragons?

Could it be that this is the real purpose of the Feng family?

"Now that we've come this far, even if I die, I still have to go in and have a look." Lina said firmly.

"If you want to die, no one will stop you." Jiang Dayu said expressionlessly: "But you still want others to die with you?"

"You have nothing to do with this!" Fan Chong shouted loudly: "Are you leaving or not? Don't bore me with waiting and chop you with a knife."

Hearing this, Jiang Dayu raised his head and glanced at him and said, "I am becoming more and more interested. Where do you get the confidence to keep saying you want to kill me? You are indeed a rare water master, but in my case He is worse than a little kid in his eyes.”

"Go to hell!" When Fan Chong heard this, he immediately aroused his temper and yelled: "Damn old dog! I let you run wild, and I will let you know now..."

After saying that, he would swing out his sword.

I quickly grabbed him.

Jiang Dayu knew that Fan Chong was a rough man, so he deliberately pretended to be extremely contemptuous and used the word "little butt" just to anger Fan Chong.

It's not that he really doesn't care about Fan Chong's strength, he just wants to use this method to completely anger Fan Chong and make him move first. This will break our formation so that he can spot the flaw and kill us with one strike.

In this way, the temporary defensive circle formed by the three of us was completely torn apart!

"Senior Jiang, it's not an option to waste time like this. Why don't you just take the first step." I held Fan Chong's hand and said seriously.

Moreover, the words ‘take the first step’ were deliberately emphasized very strongly.

Obviously, this has another meaning.

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