Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,624 True Love in the World

"Mr. Zhang, can I trouble you with something?" Lina held the small copper ball in her hand and said very solemnly: "My master can't see his eyes. Can I trouble you to take him out? I...I am very happy. Meet you, goodbye!"

Her tone of voice was very brisk and she always had a smile on her face, but I felt very uncomfortable in my heart.

Although I had only known her for less than three days, this girl left a very deep impression on me.

Shrewd, righteous, aware of the general situation, aware of the importance.

He repaid his kindness to Pike, kept his promise to Fan Chong, and was always polite to me.

Whenever we are at a loss, she can always, like Doraemon, unexpectedly come up with all kinds of weird high technologies; whenever we can't find a way out, she can always point out the direction and guide us to move forward. OK.

Although she is very deep and hides many secrets that I don't know about, even the injury on her leg seems to be deliberately designed. We were all completely under her control from the moment we stepped out of the water...

However, when I heard her smiling and saying goodbye to me, I still felt very uncomfortable!

"Girl!" Fan Chong, a careless man, shouted at the top of his lungs. His voice was choked with sobs, and the hand holding the knife tightly trembled slightly.

If his eyes weren't blind and injured, I don't know if he would have burst into tears.

Lina deliberately turned her face away, not looking at Fan Chong, and said to me: "Mr. Zhang, time is running out, you should leave quickly!"

She said it very firmly, and I also knew that the situation at this time was irreversible. They wanted to break the formation and release the evil dragon. I was powerless to stop them, so I had no choice but to leave as soon as possible.

"Let's go!" I patted Fan Chong on the shoulder.

He had not yet woken up from this shock, and stood there refusing to move.

"Let's go!" I pulled him hard and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Jiang Dayugu stared at me with his small eyes, half of his burnt beard jumping around, as if he would rush up at any moment.

"Senior Jiang, you are a smart man. I don't need to make it too clear what you should and shouldn't do, right?" Lina threatened, shaking the small copper ball.

Jiang Dayu glanced at Lina, gritted his teeth fiercely, said nothing, but did not dare to move rashly.

I forcibly dragged Fan Chong out of the cave entrance, just past a short distance. The rocks above the entrance of the cave were densely covered with layers of blood-red spider webs. Then it exploded with a loud bang, completely blocking the way back!

This was Liang Mingli's method, presumably under Lina's instruction, to block Jiang Dayu and buy time for both of us.

But what will they do?

"Girl!" Fan Chong clenched his fists and shouted hoarsely.

I hurriedly led him through the corridor, got out of the hole in the ebony tree, and soon came to the third door of Jiuyou.

The left side is black, the right side is red, and the stone door in the middle is tightly closed.

I protected Fan Chong and walked out of the fork in the road he came from. He kept repeating the same sentence all the way: "How could this happen? How could this happen..."

When he reached the Blackwater River, Fan Chong stopped suddenly, held my hand tightly and said, "Boy, you don't have to look after me anymore. There is a waterway in front of me. I can handle it myself. I... I want to ask you for something." thing."

Fan Chong, who had always been straightforward and straightforward, also hesitated.

Although his eyes were blind, he was still staring at me with an extremely serious expression.

"Okay, go ahead." I nodded.

"Can you help me go check on that girl? If possible, help her. I...I don't want anything to happen to her."

Alas, this pair of master and disciple!

In fact, even if he didn't say it, I would have already guessed what he wanted to do.

Although Fan Chong is rude, he is extremely loyal. Along the way, he and Lina lived and died together, and he really didn't want to see any accidents happen to Lina.

This is a hundred-meter underground palace deep under the Wusuli River. An unexpected appearance means death and eternal farewell!

Not to mention him, even I don’t want to see this happen.

No matter what Lina's purpose was, and what secrets she hid, after all, it was not disadvantageous to me at all. We have gone through hardships together. Without Lina, I might not have been able to get here safely and gain so many secrets. If possible, I will definitely lend a helping hand.

Moreover, I originally planned to send Fan Chong to a relatively safe place and then turn around and return.

Because I still want to take away the Nine Life Tower.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

I have another key to unlocking the seal of Jiu Sheng Pagoda - Tian Gou Shuang Jade. Jiang Dayu, the only strong enemy who can stop me, was also temporarily held back, and Lina also gave me the remaining explosives.

Among the Three Treasures of the Nine Netherworld, I have the Ebony Staff and the "Yin Talisman Sutra" in my hand, and the even more powerful Nine Life Tower is right in front of me. How could I be willing to let go?

"Okay!" I nodded to Fan Chong and said, "Go all the way down the slope to the Blackwater River where we encountered trilobites. Don't stop after you cross the river. Keep going along the stone wall. Let’s go, we’ll be safe for now after passing the Hundred Soul Cave.”

The three of us used the soul separation method to pass through at that time. If we return again, those ghosts will not cause any harm to him.

But whether it is Jiang Dayu or Liang Mingli, even if they are much stronger than us, they must pay a huge price if they want to get through safely!

I took out a talisman and said: "After passing the Hundred Souls Cave, there is the giant mushroom forest. I have left marks along the way. If you pinch this talisman with your hand, you can find the way. When we rest, Meet at the place. If I bring Lina out, I will go there to find you."

"Okay, I'll do as you say! I won't say anything else. From now on, Mr. Zhang will only have errands to do, and Fan will go up to the sword mountain and the sea of ​​fire without even frowning." After speaking, Fan Chong hammered his chest hard and turned his head. Then leave.

He knows that he is blind now and his strength is greatly reduced. Even if he stays, he will only increase my burden.

Watching Fan Chong go away, I put half a warning sign on the wall of the cave, turned around and went back the way I came, and returned to the tightly closed door of death.

Lina had just said that she would keep Jiang Dayu for half an hour. Fan Chong and I have left for a while, which means Jiang Dayu will be here soon.

Time was running out, and I didn't have time to think about it, so I took out the explosives that Lina left for me and piled them in front of the door.

This time there was no need for directional blasting, just blowing up the stone gate. I hid in the distance and pressed the detonator.

With a loud roar, the stone door exploded, and a large hole was blasted out.

An extremely bright light shone out immediately, piercing his eyes brightly.

I couldn't wait for the dust to clear, so I rushed in!

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