Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,625 Capturing the Nine Life Tower

Each of the three gates of Jiuyou has extremely mysterious restriction mechanisms that even Taoist masters like Bai Hezi cannot crack. But Jiang Dayu also said that as long as the Jiu Sheng Pagoda can be taken away safely, the restriction will be automatically lifted.

It must have turned out that the other two gates also had restrictions, but the people who took the treasure back then were all ancestors of the Nine Nether Gate and were very familiar with these mechanisms, so they could be safe.

Even so, I am still uneasy. If this restriction cannot be removed, I am afraid I will be buried here!

The stone door was filled with brilliant light, and half of the dazzling pagoda was exposed on the red stone pillar in the center.

Only the upper four floors of the pagoda are exposed, showing four colors: purple, blue, cyan and green.

I looked carefully at the stone pillar and found the keyhole among the intricate reliefs of ghost faces. I quickly took out the Sky Hook Double Jade from my pocket and inserted it into it.

Success or failure depends on this!

Click, the stone pillar shook slightly.

Click, click, click...

Immediately afterwards, the pagoda slowly rose upwards, and finally everything was revealed.

The pagoda is about the size of a fist and has nine floors.

Each layer has a color, from bottom to top they are black, white, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, indigo and purple.

Nine colors and nine kinds of light, shining brightly and dazzlingly!

It is also the Three Treasures of the Nine Netherworlds. The "Yin Fu Jing" looks like a broken piece of iron with engraved characters on it. It is dark and inconspicuous; the ebony core is even worse in appearance, just like cinders; but this Nine The pagoda is so beautiful, you can tell it is a unique thing at a glance! Not to mention it also contains extremely magical power!

It’s no wonder that the Jiuyou Sect, in order to obtain this treasure, has been killing each other and fighting constantly for thousands of years.

So much so that since the Jiang Dayu brothers learned about the existence of this treasure, they have been obsessed with it and have been pursuing it for decades. They even did not hesitate to join Longquan Villa and become the lackeys of Longquan Villa.

No wonder, he could bear it when he saw so many treasures on me. Compared to the Nine Life Tower, the other items were immediately outcompeted!

I stared at the pagoda blankly for a long time, and then I reached out and grabbed it.

The pagoda is shining brightly, but it is extremely cold when you hold it, like thousands of years of ice. The cold air penetrates directly into the bone marrow, spreads along the fingers and arms, and spreads throughout the body.

Suddenly, the ebony core hidden in my chest seemed to be aware of the existence of this cold air, and suddenly became hot, but the feeling was completely different from before.

The blazing heat before was just the ebony core itself. It was like I was holding a piece of hot red iron, and the skin next to it was so hot that I couldn't bear it.

But at this time, the hot heat was completely immersed in my body, and my whole body was warm.

The cold current suddenly became more violent. A thick layer of white frost formed on my arms and clothes that were holding the pagoda, and then froze into ice. But the other half of my body was hot and smoking, as if it was about to burn. Same.

Half body is in the sea of ​​fire, half body is in the cold!

But what's extremely strange is that I didn't feel any discomfort at all. On the contrary, I felt very comfortable.

It’s as if every pore and every inch of skin is like a child, jumping up and down with joy!

At the intersection of these two hot and cold currents, an indescribable power suddenly emerged, rapidly flowing down the meridians and landing in the Dantian. Then it was like a stone sinking into the ocean, falling into a deathly silence.

At the same time, the cold wave and heat wave also disappeared.

I turned around and saw that all the light on the Nine Life Tower had receded and it was all gray. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be carved from a single piece of bone.

What happened just now? Something landed in my Dantian again.


Just when I was wondering, there was a sudden explosion deep in the underground palace, followed by the sound of gravel falling to the ground.

This is...Jiang Dayu is out!

No, I have to leave here quickly. He has already done whatever it takes to get the Nine Life Tower, not to mention that as the supreme elder of Longquan Villa and the supporter behind the ghost sect, he never forgets to capture me.

He was restrained by Lina just now, so he didn't dare to act rashly. If he were caught alone now, I wouldn't be able to fight him with my current strength!

When I thought of this, I quickly put the pagoda into my backpack and ran out in a hurry.

When I stepped out of the door, I was extremely scared, fearing that I would trigger the death door restriction and die instantly.

But then I realized that my worries were unnecessary. Jiang Dayu didn't lie. As long as he got the Nine Life Tower, everything would be safe.

The demon-suppressing formation deep in the ancient ruins is not far from here, and Jiang Dayu will be here soon!

I didn't have time to think too much and ran forward in a hurry.

When I came to the fork in the road where the two caves intersected, I deliberately took off the communicator hanging from my ear and threw it on the path where I encountered Huangpao's withered bones. Then, I also hid inside.

He definitely couldn't outrun Jiang Dayu, so he could only use this trick to attract suspicion.

Except for Fan Chonglina and me, everyone else came in through this road. This road is both long and dangerous, and there are yellow robes and dead bones blocking the path halfway. Jiang Dayu must have thought that I would not leave from here, and even if I did, he would be able to catch up with me very quickly because of the existence of the Sky-Slaying Stone. In addition, I don't have 300 taels of silver here, and the communicator I just dropped at the intersection is pretending to be a suspect. With Jiang Dayu's suspicious character, he must have thought that Fan Chong and I were returning the same way.

The only exit on the other road was Baihun Cave. Fan Chong was able to pass through without incident, but even if Jiang Dayu had some strange abilities, he could still get through, but he would definitely pay a heavy price!

As long as he chases that way, Fan Chong and I will be safe!

But if this guy really doesn't believe in evil and just pursues me, then I have no choice but to fight him.

I hid in the cave and stared into the dark depths of the cave,

Not long after, there was a sound of hurried footsteps in the distance.

It is indeed this guy!

Jiang Dayu jumped vertically and horizontally, running three to four meters horizontally in one step, and rushed to the place where the two holes bifurcated in front of me with a few consecutive moves.

This guy's little eyes were bulging, and he glanced at the communicator I deliberately dropped on the ground with confusion. He turned around and looked at the hole on the opposite side. After thinking for a moment, he flew towards the direction where Fan Chong left to catch up. .

I secretly breathed a sigh of relief and was about to step out, but suddenly I thought, no!

With this guy's speed, he should have caught up to where I dropped the warning sign, but I didn't receive any feedback.

In other words, he didn't keep chasing at all!

Could it be...that this guy discovered something?

At this moment, Jiang Dayu returned as expected, this old fox!

If I hadn't been careful just now, I would have been hit by his counterattack and blocked.

Jiang Dayu stared at the entrance of the cave for a long time, then walked forward. He was less than twenty meters away from my hiding place.

I squeezed the ghost-killing swords tightly, my heart rose to my throat, and I held my breath tightly, not even daring to take a breath!

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