Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1626: Human-Dragon Marriage

Fortunately, this guy didn't notice anything anymore, so he turned around and chased towards the fork hole again.

Not long after, the other half of the warning symbol I carried finally broke.

After seeing this guy hit the warning sign, I finally gave up my doubts. He might have thought that Fan Chong and I had taken away the Nine Life Tower as soon as we came out, and we were running for our lives at this moment!

After waiting for a while, I finally felt relieved when I saw Jiang Dayu no longer showed up. I turned around and chased after the demon-suppressing formation deep in the ancient ruins.

Go through the giant ebony tree and run along the corridor to the end.

The pile of rocks that originally sealed the entrance to the cave had long been scattered all over the ground, and the billowing smoke and dust that had been stirred up had not yet dissipated.

The cave was still bright and white, but all the skulls and bones had been destroyed long ago.

Liang Mingli stood in the big bubble and floated in the air. As his hands rose and fell, countless skulls rose up and then fell down in disorder.

Nuo Da's skeleton array had been torn to pieces by him a long time ago and was about to collapse completely!

Tsuyoshi Fujita was still trapped in the bubble dyed dark blue, and his severed hand had long since grown back. He was grabbing the steel fork and shouting something, but no sound could be heard through the bubble.

Where is Lina?

I looked around, but still couldn't find Lina.

"Lina!" I burst into the door and shouted.

As if he had just seen me, Liang Mingli turned his head and glanced at me. Then his eyelids widened and he ignored me at all. He continued to wave his little hands and smash the dead bones.

"Lina!" I called again, but there was still no response.

But at this moment, I suddenly discovered a very familiar figure, slowly climbing to the top along the back of the tallest pile of skeletons in the distance.

It's Lina!

She was currently wearing a bright white wedding dress, and under the shining white light, it reflected rays of light, like scales.

Half of her long blond hair, which was still unbroken, was draped over her shoulders smoothly. Her expression was both solemn and peaceful, as if she was holding an extremely solemn and solemn wedding that looked weird everywhere.

This is... the Yin Wedding Ceremony!

What is she going to do? Who is she going to have a secret marriage with?

Usually, ghost marriage refers to the practice of combining the corpses of dead men and women who have not consummated their marriages and burying them together in order to have a partner in the underworld.

There are also some vulgar mountain villages that force living people to marry dead people.

Of course, these are all harmful things. A living person who has had a ghost marriage will be entangled with the ghost husband or ghost wife throughout his life, and he will never be able to escape!

Lina dragged the small copper ball with both hands, her expression was solemn and peaceful, and she looked into the distance motionlessly.

"Lina!" I let go of my throat and yelled again.

At this time, Lina seemed to finally hear it, or she had regained her consciousness slightly. She turned her head slightly and looked at me, showing a charming smile. Then he shook his head slightly, as if signaling me to leave quickly.


I will never let this girl hold this weird secret marriage. I promised Fan Chong that I must take her out properly.

"Lina!" I shouted and ran forward.

Skulls and skulls were all over the ground, high and low, and it was extremely difficult to run. I almost fell down several times.

But I couldn't care less and just kept moving forward.

When we were only ten meters away from the towering skull mountain, a cold wind suddenly flew from top to bottom.

I looked up and saw that it was Liang Mingli.

He was standing in a big bubble, floating in the air, looking directly at me. Then he shook his little hand at me and pointed to the opposite hole.

The meaning is obvious, it is warning me not to mind my own business and get out of here quickly, otherwise I will be rude!


At the same time, a loud roar came from deep under my feet!

Since entering the ancient ruins, this sound has been heard many times, each time getting louder and louder.

At this moment, this sound seemed to come from under my feet.

Not only was the sound extremely roaring and loud, it was so shocking that all the skulls on the ground were shaking, and the rows of half-closed teeth were also shaking, as if they were laughing!

Lina's expression suddenly tightened, and two blushes appeared on her face.

Just like before, it was not fear or nervousness, but excitement.

Even extremely happy!

She smiled brightly, like a bride standing in a wedding hall.

In a daze, I understood it all at once.

The one who wants to form a secret marriage with Lina is not someone else, but the dragon!

That evil dragon is her groom!

Lina has always been extremely excited whenever she hears someone mention dragons or the roar of dragons.

I was still very surprised at first, how could a girl like Lina, who was so scheming about the city, be completely unable to restrain herself and reveal such obvious flaws?

But at this moment, I suddenly understood that Lina had been subjected to hypnosis, an extremely advanced hypnosis!

Just like a trip to Yunnan, the tourists in the tour group were completely addicted to it and had all kinds of fantasies on their own, but they were completely unaware of it and couldn't free themselves.

The hypnosis she was cast on was similar to that of dragon and dragon!

She had known for a long time that she was the bride of the dragon, and thought this was an extremely happy thing, but these were all her subconscious thoughts, and she herself might not be aware of it at all.

During this trip to the ancient ruins, it seemed that Lina was the final winner. Everyone was controlled by her and applauded, but she only knew that she had to break the seal and rescue the dragon, but she didn't know that she was the final sacrifice.

The way to capture the evil dragon is to use her as bait, which means that Lina is the real victim!

But who is the person in charge?

Is it Liang Mingli in front of me, or William waiting on the boat? What is their real purpose?

"Lina!" I rushed to the heights and shouted loudly, but she remained indifferent, waiting for something with happiness on her face...

Liang Mingli took another step forward and pointed at the hole with one hand. A small blood-red bubble appeared in the palm of his hand, and his two small eyes also shone sharply.

This is my final warning!

This guy's abilities may not be as good as Jiang Dayu's, but he should be more than enough to deal with me.

This is how to do?

Lina was about to become a sacrifice and would never be reincarnated, but Liang Mingli stood in front of her and was about to attack me.

The great formation is about to break, the evil dragon is about to emerge, and the entire ancient monument is about to collapse.

Where should I go?

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