Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1627 Fujita Tsuyoshi VS Liang Mingli

As soon as I saw Liang Mingli's unkind expression, he was about to attack me and quickly retreated.

As he retreated, his mind was spinning rapidly, looking for ways to deal with it.

Liang Mingli doesn't really want to do anything to me. He also knows very well that even if he can kill me, it can't be done with one move. As long as I didn't delay his 'important event' and exited the cave obediently, he wouldn't bother to touch me.

Moreover, he hasn't finished his work yet.

As soon as he saw me retreating, he moved his hands wildly, manipulating the skeletons on the ground to smash them randomly.

what to do? I backed away, thinking anxiously.

Got it!

Suddenly, I glanced at Tsuyoshi Fujita, who was still hanging in the air.

Although this guy was holding a steel fork and yelling at Liang Mingli vigorously, he was trapped in the big bubble and couldn't escape. If I release him, this guy will definitely fight to the death with Liang Mingli immediately!

Not only is Tsuyoshi Fujita not my friend, on the contrary, I hate him extremely. However, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so it would be good to find a helper even temporarily.

Although he couldn't beat Liang Mingli, he could still help me share some of the pressure.

When I thought of this, I immediately calmed down.

He glanced at Lina, pretended to be helpless, and continued to retreat, but secretly slowly moved towards Fujita Go.

While Liang Mingli was controlling the skeleton, he glanced at me carelessly. When he saw that although I was walking very slowly, I was still retreating step by step towards the exit, so he stopped paying attention to me.

It's now!

I suddenly charged up my spiritual power and used the invisible needle.


With a snap, the invisible needle punctured the bubble and made a crisp sound.

I may not be able to beat Liang Mingli if I actually fight, but it is more than enough to break the bubble that traps him.

The bubble burst immediately, and Fujita fell from the air with a snap.

"Baga!" As soon as this guy got out of trouble, he couldn't help shouting loudly and rushed towards Liang Mingli.

Before the person landed, his limbs were as soft and boneless as an octopus. They shrank and retracted suddenly, like a cannonball leaving the barrel, and rushed straight towards Liang Mingli!

Liang Mingli was about to smash the last few piles of skeletons, how could he have expected that I would suddenly do something like this? Suddenly his eyes widened and he was suddenly startled.

But at this moment, Fujita was in front of him, and Liang Mingli waved his hand and threw out a small blood-red bubble.

Although Fujita Tsuyoshi is not as capable as Liang Mingli, since he was invited by William to board the ship, he is certainly capable, and since he can go all the way to the end of the ancient ruins single-handedly, his strength must not be weak.

I’ve suffered from this bubble before, so I won’t be fooled again now!

He quickly ducked and rolled forward in mid-air. At the same time, he swung the steel fork and stabbed Liang Mingli in the chest.


The steel fork was obviously still four or five meters away from Liang Mingli. Suddenly, there was a sound of a mechanical spring, and the sharp fork head was ejected with a three-finger thick iron rope.

Like a disintegrated missile, the speed was several times faster than before!

It seems that this is the trick he used to stab the puppet female ninja!

Liang Mingli didn't expect this at all. It was too late to throw out bubbles. With a pop, even his own bubble was pierced.

Fortunately, he was a dwarf, very small in stature. He leaned down in a hurry, and the fork only punctured the air bubbles and passed by without hurting him at all.

But even so, as soon as the bubble burst, he couldn't stop mid-air and fell down.

Just as Fujita missed the attack, he swung his backhand, and the four to five meter long iron rope swept towards him with the whistling wind. Liang Mingli hurriedly lowered his body to avoid it.

What I've been waiting for is now!

Seeing that the two of them were fighting fiercely, I summoned up all my strength, jumped several times in succession, and ran straight towards Lina.

At this moment, Liang Mingli finally discovered my purpose. He narrowed his eyes and wanted to stop me, but was tightly entangled by Fujita Go and couldn't escape temporarily.

Fujita was very unruly, and he might have looked down on this short little old man. After suffering a secret loss, he immediately turned on all his firepower and showed no reservations. Black smoke rose up all around him and spread over a large area in an instant, like a fog, making it difficult to see clearly.

Forks, iron ropes, and forks swept vertically from the fog from time to time, and Liang Mingli was so entangled that he could do nothing for a moment!

I climbed up the pile of skulls, took a photo of Lina who was still under hypnosis, and then without saying a word, I picked her up and ran away!

Liang Mingli jumped all over the floor in anger, but he could only watch helplessly.

I stepped on the pile of bones with Lina between my arms, and rushed towards the entrance of the cave.

As soon as I rushed to the entrance of the cave, I suddenly found a little dwarf standing there.

He was only about 1.2 meters tall, with small arms and thin legs supporting a huge round head, with a pair of big fangs. He was glaring at me. Who else could this be if he wasn't Liang Mingli?

I turned around and saw Fujita Tsuyoshi still in the black mist, yelling and attacking Liang Mingli.

So who is this guy in front of me?

Oh, yes!

Liang Mingli was originally a yin and yang body, always carrying a big skin bag, and his body and ghost skin could be interchanged at any time. At this time, I saw that Fujita was tightly entangled, and I wanted to ruin his good deeds and steal Lina, so I activated the clone and the main body at the same time.

I glanced at his feet. His feet were firmly on the ground, and there was a shadow behind him.

The person standing in front of me is actually the real person!

"Roar!" The roar at his feet sounded again.

This time the sound was even louder. Many of Liang Mingli's skulls rolled down from the bone pile before he could throw them away, and even the ground shook violently.

It seems that even if he stops destroying it, this demon-suppressing formation won't last long, and the evil dragon will rush out soon!

I definitely can’t fight the evil dragon behind me.

The Liang Mingli in front of him was only in his true form, and his strength was greatly reduced.

Without even thinking about it, there was only one choice left in front of me - kill Liang Mingli and rush out!

And as soon as possible!

But even if Liang Mingli is only in his true form, I may not be able to defeat him with Lina between my arms. Besides, time is running out, and I can't allow me to slowly compete with him anymore.

I directly took out the magic talisman of Taoist Bai He and threw it out.


A thunder exploded suddenly!

At the moment of thunder, Liang Mingli's little hand holding the bubble shook violently, and his two little eyes suddenly widened.

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