Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1631 The Dragon’s Bride

Before leaving, I asked Fan Chong to wait for me here.

Jiang Dayu took the lead. If he rushed into the cave first and met Fan Chong, would he coerce him into handing over all the treasures?

Therefore, the yell I made just now was intended to wake up Fan Chong.

"What?" Jiang Dayu turned around and looked at me.

I took two quick steps and stopped two or three meters in front of him.

"This is where I met Lina and the others again. You may have discovered that what we took just now was completely another secret shortcut. Do you know how to go in this direction?"

"I know half of it!" Before Jiang Dayu could speak, a loud voice came from the hole.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely burly black shadow walked out of the cave entrance.

It's Fan Chong!

It's just that his figure at this time was far more majestic than before. His clothes seemed to have shrunk a lot and were tightly wrapped around his body. His arms and ankles were exposed high, showing a stretch of muscles as horizontal as hills and valleys.

What was even more surprising was that his eye, which had been blinded by the shuriken, was opened again. There was a long scar like a guillotine running across the upper and lower eyelids, which was daunting.

I looked down and sure enough, he was missing another finger!

Only two fingers are left on his right hand.

Could it be that this guy fell asleep again after escaping here, and the ghost-faced Yaksha on his arm woke up again and swallowed a finger?

Jiang Dayu glanced at him and said: "Every time Guimeng Yaksha devours not only your fingers, but you have already cut off three fingers with ten years left to live. This Yaksha will soon reach the limit. Next time ...but it will directly swallow your life."

"So what." Fan Chong waved his arms disapprovingly and shouted loudly: "What's the point of living a useless life for the rest of your life? Hey... what are you doing?"

He seemed to have just discovered that Jiang Dayu and I were no longer at war with each other and had returned to the way we were when we first entered the water.

"Senior Jiang has temporarily formed an alliance with us. Let's escape from this water together first." I said as briefly as possible.

"Then... girl!" Fan Chong saw Lina lying on my back through the darkness, and asked with great concern: "What's wrong with her?"

"Don't worry, she's fine. She seems to be under some extremely advanced hypnosis. I can't break it. I can only bring her to the shore first." I replied.

"Hypnosis?" Fan Chong was stunned for a moment.

Jiang Dayu squinted his eyes and thought for a moment: "Among these people, only Pike can do this. Apart from him, I'm afraid only the old monster Hill has this possibility. But he didn't go into the water, and he hasn't for a long time. Contacted us... Could it be... that the problem lies with the copper ball?"

Immediately, he suddenly opened his eyes again, glanced at Lina's snow-white wedding dress, and suddenly realized: "I know, they are using this as a Yin Wedding Sacrifice, and they want to use this girl as bait to capture the evil dragon. ! In other words, the evil dragon was also confused by the Yin Festival at the same time. It will think that Lina is a female dragon, so it will keep chasing her! No matter where she runs! "

"The object of this underworld sacrifice is not the dead soul, but the evil dragon. In other words, everything did not just start. From the moment this girl was born, she has been sacrificed as a dragon, and it continues until today."

"In her subconscious mind, she has long believed that she is the bride of the evil dragon, so when it comes to things related to dragons, although she is sane, she still can't help but show it."

"In this case, the initiator must be her father William, and Hill is the accomplice! Otherwise, others would never be able to do it. They would bring this girl to the river for sacrifice every year, but neither of them knew anything about it."

"William deliberately trained her to be a good expert in dangerous situations, but in fact he has been using her as bait. No matter whether their dragon-catching plan succeeds or not, this girl will definitely not survive!"

Jiang Dayu, this old fox, is indeed very powerful. With just two clues, hypnosis and the wedding dress, he immediately deduced the whole story, even more clearly and accurately than what I saw with my own eyes.

"Damn it!" Fan Chong cursed angrily, picked up his long knife and slashed hard. A huge boulder beside the cave fell down and broke into pieces.

Jiang Dayu said with a very solemn expression: "In this case, the situation we face will become even more dangerous!"

"The giant dragon will keep chasing us. No matter which way we take or where we escape to, it will keep chasing us. Moreover, this girl was rescued by you and the bait was not successfully used, so the plan to capture the dragon is probably useless. It will then be ineffective! Once the evil dragon breaks out of the formation, we still have a chance to escape and ascend to heaven, but this girl is dead! No matter whether the dragon is dead or alive, she will be stunned. "

"When the dragon was born, her soul was with him; when the dragon died, she was buried with him." Jiang Dayu blew out a smoke ring and said.

Fan Chong glared with one eye and said arrogantly: "I don't care so much. Anyway, I can't leave this girl alone. If she calls me master, I can't just watch her die!"

Jiang Dayu looked at me and then at Fan Chong: "In other words, no matter how dangerous it is or what happens, you have to take this girl out, right?"

"Yes." Fan Chong answered extremely firmly.

"Okay then!" Jiang Dayu shook his head helplessly: "Since we have formed an alliance, I will definitely help you escape from the Wusuli River, but what happens from now on is up to you. In addition, if you really want to save this girl, I will tell you another way to break the Yin Festival. Of course, whether you can do it depends on you."

"What method?" Fan Chong asked with great interest.

"Kill Hill and William and throw their heads into the river." Jiang Dayu sneered.


Suddenly, there was a loud explosion.

The entire ground shook sharply, and the mushroom forest swayed continuously. The gravel above the cave roof fell, covering the sky.

"No, the evil dragon has broken the formation. Let's go quickly." Jiang Dayu's expression changed suddenly.

"Follow me!" Fan Chong didn't waste any time. He gripped the long knife tightly and turned around to leave.

I didn't dare to hesitate and hurriedly followed Fan Chong and Jiang Dayu into the cave!

As soon as our front feet left the entrance of the cave, a huge boulder suddenly fell down with its rear feet, narrowly missing me.

A lightning-like crack exploded on the ground in the cave, which was as thick as an arm. Even if you have passed by here, just taking a look at it is enough to shock you.

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