Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,632 The Army of Snakes and Rats

After rushing out of the gourd-shaped cave, the three of us didn't dare to stop for a moment and rushed forward quickly.

Fan Chong ran at the front with a long knife, Jiang Dayu followed closely with a pipe in his hand, and I fell at the end with Lina on my back.

"The girl said that this road is the shortest shortcut, which can lead directly to the burial place of her ancestors! It's not far from the exit." Fan Chong shouted while speeding up.

As we ran further and further away, the noise from the distance gradually became smaller, but the stones on the roof of the cave continued to fall down along the way, and there was an extremely choking smell of stone dust everywhere. .

Fan Chong took us along the same path that I followed their footsteps.

In the blink of an eye, a slightly sloping upward step appeared in front of me, which is where I found the first footprint.

I didn't know there was any shortcut at the time, I just happened to enter it by mistake from another ramp.

In another ramp, I discovered the bones of predecessors who entered the monument during the Tang and Ming dynasties, as well as murals recording the history of the entire underground palace, as well as the Huangshi Taoist who was beheaded by Taoist Master Baihe.

However, apart from these old traces, no new traces were seen.

But Fan Chong still led us upwards. Didn't the two of them come in through the Kagong Lock gate at that time?

Just as I was hesitating, Fan Chong stood in the middle of the steps and stopped, scanning the stone wall on the right with his big eyes.

"What?" Jiang Dayu looked at the stairs that continued upward: "Didn't you come down from the top?"

"No!" Fan Chong shook his head: "At that time, that girl opened a trap. As soon as I stepped in, I was in the middle of the steps. If I couldn't go up or down, she asked me to just go down... The trap was obviously here. It’s nearby, why can’t I find it?”

I thought for a while and said: "The mechanism is opened from the inside. Doesn't it exist from the outside at all? In other words, this passage is one-way and can only go downwards, not in the opposite direction."

"Hey, go to hell! Don't waste any effort, just smash it open." Fan Chong didn't bother to think about it anymore and directly swung the long knife.


Just as Jiang Dayu was about to stop him, Fan Chong slashed him with his sword.

With a bang, he punched a big hole in the stone wall.

The stone wall is not thick, only about 20 centimeters, and the hole is not big enough, barely enough for one person to pass through.

"How easy it is!" Fan Chong spit out the lime that fell into his mouth, lowered his head and bent down to get in through the small hole.

Jiang Dayu smiled bitterly and followed closely without saying a word.

Just as I was about to follow him, I heard Fan Chong yelling and cursing loudly, and the long knife in his hand kept hitting the stone walls outside, making a series of strange noises.

How is this going? Could it be that Jiang Dayu took advantage of this opportunity to secretly attack Fan Chong?

I squeezed the invisible needle tightly and dug in to take a look, and then I understood.

Fan Chong was not fighting with Jiang Dayu, but killing rats. The passage was full of rats!

It was a large, densely packed area, with black body and white face, and the faces of children.

Isn't this the human-faced rat I encountered before?

I have killed the Rat King. Didn't those group of rats flee in panic long ago? Why are they all gathered here again?

After a closer look, I realized that the rats had not attacked Fan Chong and Jiang Dayu, but were still running away quickly.

There were many large and small mouse holes on the cave walls on both sides. Countless mice crawled out of the holes and all gathered into the passage where we were. No matter how much Fan Chong shouted, cursed and slashed, he still ignored it and rolled forward like a torrent.

Seeing this scene, I immediately thought of the scene I encountered in the water. Whether it was the giant trilobite or the even bigger and more ferocious black shadow, as soon as they heard the dragon's roar, they all fled one after another, not daring to stay for a moment.

There were so many rats that the ground was covered with a thick layer and we had no place to stay. Every step we took was extremely difficult. Fan Chong was so angry that he screamed and kept swinging his long knife. of venting.

Rat blood spattered all over his body and face.

"No, the underground palace has begun to sink!" Jiang Dayu observed for a while and said in shock: "Look, these rats that later ran in all had some water vapor on them, indicating that the area where they moved has collapsed, and even When they sink into the water, they will instinctively run to higher places."

"If this is the case, our place is also in danger! We have to leave here quickly, otherwise Fan Chong and I will be in trouble, but Mr. Zhang will be in trouble."

Both of them are masters of waterways, and with the help of Yin and Yang techniques, they can't die even if they are trapped underwater for a long time, but I am finished!

Fan Chong became anxious when he heard it, and yelled loudly: "But damn, I can't move my legs at all. How can I do it quickly? If only that kid Pike wakes up."

Before he finished speaking, another rustling sound came from the extremely noisy squeaking rat.

We turned around and saw that it was a snake!

One after another, black snakes emerged from the gaps in the caves on both sides of the stone wall, surging forward one after another.

The army of snakes and rats formed like a wave, almost blocking most of the cave entrance.

A few of us are even more unable to move an inch!

Jiang Dayu turned his head and looked at me and said, "Do you have any antidote spells or elixirs?"

Speaking of things like this, I do have them, and they are extremely rare and top-grade. On the way back from Devil's Valley last time, Mr. Han Liu gave me another green leaf.

This blade helped me a lot in the mirror maze, and even saved the life of the first grade of junior high school. No matter what vicious things you encounter, as long as you have green leaves in hand, you will be safe.

This time, as Liu Laoliu came to Wusuli River, I took the green leaves with me.

I nodded towards Jiang Dayu, but I didn't understand why he suddenly asked this?

"Well, you can use it for yourself right away." After saying that, Jiang Dayu turned to look at Fan Chong: "You also hold your breath."

After that, he stopped explaining anything and lit the pipe very skillfully, puffing out thick smoke one after another.

This time is different from the past, it is completely filled with pitch black smoke!

From what he just asked, I knew that this must be poisonous gas. I quickly took out the green leaves and put them in my mouth.

Fan Chong was stunned for a moment, and then he woke up. While spreading his big hand to fan the smoke, he asked worriedly: "What about the girl and Parker?"

While smoking a cigarette, Jiang Dayu replied: "Pike's soul has been taken away, and he can't even breathe. What kind of poison is there? The dragon has been born, and now this girl is far stronger in body and soul than The three of us are much stronger, we just haven't woken up yet. You don't have to worry about these, the best thing to do is to hold your breath quickly!"

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