When Fan Chong heard this, he stopped talking and quickly closed his mouth and nose.

The poisonous smoke billowed and dispersed in all directions. As soon as the snakes and rats around us were infected by the smoke, they immediately lost consciousness and lay motionless on the ground.

The passage that was extremely noisy just now became quiet in an instant. Further away, where the poisonous gas had not yet spread, the snakes and rats had already run away, revealing a dark patch of ground.

"This is a trick I learned from the fourth child. Although it is equally effective, the venom is far inferior. These rats and snakes are not dead, they are just temporarily comatose. Let's leave quickly!" Jiang Dayu With that said, he motioned for Fan Chong to continue moving forward.

The three of us stepped on the soft road spread by snakes and rats, and walked for a long way before landing.

Then he didn't dare to stop for a moment and continued to move forward along the passage!

Except for the hidden exit, this passage is completely natural, with no trace of artificial cutting.

Along the mountain, horizontal lines appear vertically, just like the ground is cracking.

"Yes, the girl brought me in here." As he walked, Fan Chong pointed to a slightly smooth bluestone and was ecstatic: "I was blind at the time and couldn't see the height of the door clearly. Hit my head here.”

I looked up and sure enough, there was a mark of a missing finger on the stone slab.

Time was running out, and we had no time to study anything more, so we immediately continued to run forward.

Not far away, many extremely crude pottery shards and stone hammers were discovered one after another in the soil layers on both sides of the stone wall, as well as many human bones scattered around.

There are still traces of flooding on the stone walls on both sides.

As I was walking, I suddenly remembered.

There is a scene depicted in the murals that record the primitive era. In ancient times, just after the palace was built, it encountered a sudden flood. At the same time, the ground cracked and everything was destroyed.

The main hall sank into the ground as the ground collapsed, and was later covered by floods.

The passage we are walking on at this time may be one of the cracks back then!

Later, when the ancestors rebuilt the main hall, this crack in the ground was used again and became a secret passage leading directly to the place where the dragon was hidden.

According to the murals, the people who built the demon-suppressing array were only wizards from past generations.

In other words, even back then, this road was rarely known. How did Corina know about it?

This passage is shaped like lightning, sometimes wide and sometimes narrow, and occasionally makes two sharp turns, but it always goes upward diagonally.

We ran along the passage for a while, and found many injured and straggler rats one after another, and the snakes that were not good for crawling were also left far behind.

Soon, the passage came to an end.

Directly ahead was a layer of burnt black soil.

Fan Chong used to chop with his knife. With one stroke, he chopped off a large piece of soil like tofu.

But other than that nothing has changed.

"No, this is not the exit." I pointed to the layer of soil that he split open: "Look at the fault, there are still some burnt bone residues, and they are almost fossilized. Obviously, they have been left long ago. Yes, it can be seen that this is definitely not the entrance to the passage!"

"It's up there!" Jiang Dayu pointed upward and said, "The exit is above our heads."

Fan Chong and I heard the sound and took a look. Thirty or forty meters above the cave roof, a corner of the bluestone slab was exposed in the flashlight.

Although the stone slab is not very straight and even extremely rough, it was carved by man after all.

Along the way, both the stone walls and the cave roof were in a purely natural state, with no signs of artificial chiseling. This bluestone slab seemed extremely special.

Fan Chong glanced around and said, "It's not too fucking hard. It's so high off the ground, so it's so inconvenient to get up and down!"

This place is thirty or forty meters high out of thin air. It is surrounded by a layer of crisp and loose soil that falls off at the touch of a touch. It is completely unbearable for people to climb.

Not to mention that I am already exhausted and exhausted at this time. Even when I am strong and energetic, it is not easy to climb up from here.

Jiang Dayu glanced at Fan Chong and said, "Come on, throw me up!"

"What do you mean?" Fan Chong didn't understand.

"You throw me up first. After I open the slate, I will find a way to save you." Jiang Dayu had no choice but to explain to him again.

Fan Chong stared at Jiang Dayu with one eye and said, "If Brother Zhang says this, I won't hesitate, but you? If you go up there and disappear without looking back, where can I find you?" "

This guy Fan Chong, you can say that he is careless! But there are always some weird ideas coming up.

But it is true.

Jiang Dayu had tricked him several times, and Fan Chong was really worried about him.

Jiang Dayu felt helpless upon hearing this, and said anxiously: "If I really wanted to run away by myself, I would have disappeared long ago. Do I have to wait until now?"

"It's okay, he will come back." I comforted Fan Chong.

Jiang Dayu came here for two purposes, one is me and the other is Jiusheng Pagoda.

Now that all his extravagant treasures are on me, and he can't snatch them away by force, how could he be willing to let me be trapped under the rubble and run away alone? As long as there is some way, he will rescue me. After all, as long as I am here, his hope is there!

When Fan Chong heard what I said, he turned around and looked at the big fish. He thrust the long knife behind him, grabbed him by the collar, and threw him violently.

Jiang Dayu stepped on Fan Chong's shoulder, soared into the air like a big bird, placed two more feet on the wall, and rushed to the stone slab.

Hold the cigarette in your hand and stroke it fiercely!

With a click, the stone slab shattered, and Jiang Dayu turned over and got out.

We waited below for a long time, but there was still no movement.

Fan Chong looked up for a long time and asked in confusion: "Brother Zhang, how did you say he would come back? Could this old guy have run away?"

"Get out of the way!" Before I could answer, Jiang Dayu's voice came from above the cave entrance again, and then a dark figure fell down!

Bang, the black shadow hit the ground hard, and we could see clearly.

It turned out to be a mummy with ram’s horns!

That was what was in the first mummy array we encountered after entering the water.

It was there that Liang Mingli took the opportunity to escape, and the remaining people voted to let Fan Chong contribute. He showed off his unique skill of red python and golden pupils, and led us through.

But at this time, why did Jiang Dayu throw this thing down?

So, we followed the shortcut and have already arrived at the mummy array?

Boom, boom boom!

After one mummy fell, there were seven or eight more in a row, but Jiang Dayu still had no intention of stopping.

What on earth is he going to do?

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