Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,634 Building a mountain into a ladder

"His grandma's!" Fan Chong yelled when he saw it: "You old brat, if you don't show this ability earlier, you have to force me to show off my unique skills. If you hadn't moved your eyes and seriously injured your vitality, just with those few Can the little Japs push me into a desperate situation?"

Dong dong dong...

What responded to him was another series of mummies.

"Damn it! You old guy is going to die a good death!" Fan Chong continued to curse while avoiding the mummy.

"Huh? That's not right!" Suddenly, he stopped, turned to look at me and said, "Why did this old guy throw all the mummies down? Does he want to kill us both here?"

I looked at the mummy and said, "No, he just wanted to build a mountain."

"Building a mountain?" Fan Chong was stunned for a moment, turned his head and looked up, and then understood.

Building a mountain is a slang term in the tomb robbing world, which means building a mound.

Ropes were used to get from the surface to the tombs, but once they entered the caves, especially the tombs of emperors, or in places with strange terrain, ropes were often of no use, so this most primitive method could only be used.

Build the soil into a high platform and then climb up.

Jiang Dayu dropped so many mummies because he wanted us to build a mound and raise some height first.

"Be smart with your hands and feet!" Jiang Dayu shouted loudly while lying at the entrance of the cave: "Didn't you see that all these mummies have been soaked in water? The mummy array has been submerged to the top, and I have been fishing by standing at the water's edge. If not, Hold on tight, because when the water level in the channel rises, you really won't be able to get out!"

After he told me, I finally understood the situation outside.

The mummy array that they had passed earlier had been submerged in the water, the array was destroyed, and hundreds of mummies were floating on the water.

Jiang Dayu stood on the water, picked up the mummies and threw them into the hole.

Although the passage we are in is sealed, no one can guarantee whether there will be a hole exposed somewhere and water can pour in.

Moreover, the passage below was opened by Fan Chong. Once the underground palace sinks and the water level rises, sooner or later it will reach us!

Upon hearing this, Fan Chong and I looked at each other and quickly started working without saying a word.

Mountains are usually made of earth and rocks. This is the first time I heard of using dead bodies to build mountains. Fortunately, Jiang Dayu thought of it! I don’t know if this old guy has used this trick before.

Naturally, I have never seen Fan Chong, but once he takes action, he is much more experienced than me.

Borrowing the method of building wood in the northeastern forest area, three horizontally and two vertically, like stacking wood, are raised layer by layer against a wall.

In a short time, the pile was more than three meters high, and I became more and more skilled.

Jiang Dayu threw it down, and Fan Chong stood on the ground and threw it to me. I followed the method he taught me, making three inversions and five turns, which was high and firm.

I never expected that the three of us would engage in such a strange cooperation in such a strange environment!

"No!" At this time, Fan Zhongzhi suddenly yelled, blocking in front of the high tower of mummies, and shouted to me: "Squat down and don't move, the water is coming."

Although I didn't hear anything, Fan Chong was extremely sensitive to water. After hearing what he said, I quickly squatted down and looked forward closely.


After a while, I heard the sound of surging water, and then, a wall of water several meters high roared towards the cave.

In just the blink of an eye, he rushed forward!

The entire corpse tower shook uncontrollably.

Fan Chong stood in front because he was afraid that the tower of corpses he had just piled up would be washed away by the flood.

Fortunately, we are at the end here and we are in a cave, so there won't be any big waves. After several ups and downs, it returned to calm.

The water surface is only two levels away from the top of the tower, but it is still more than half the distance from the upper exit.

"His grandma's!" Fan Chong stuck his head out from the water waves, looked at the top of the wall and said, "If you want to let out the water, why don't you make it bigger? Then can't I just swim up there?" Come on, little brother, keep working!"

As he said that, he grabbed another mummy and threw it over.

The mummy had lost all its moisture and weighed nothing, but it was still heavy after being soaked in water. It still floated on the water, leaving Fan Chong with a lot of strength.

Seeing that the water was rising, we did not dare to hesitate at all.

Fan Chong was right. It would be better if the water sealed the top directly. He could take me to swim out directly. I was afraid that the water would submerge the corpse tower but not reach the top. Then I would be in misery!

As the three of us continued to work hard, the water rose and the tower was getting closer and closer to the exit. There was only a dozen meters away.

At this moment, the tower shook continuously.

"No, it's going to fall!" Fan Chong saw something was wrong, turned his head and shouted: "Old man, is there anything else you can do? Get Brother Zhang out first, he doesn't know how to swim."

In fact, my water ability is quite good. After all, I grew up by the river in Wuhan. Of course, compared with him, he can only be regarded as a landlubber who doesn't know how to water.

Jiang Dayu remained silent, as if he was thinking about something.

The corpse tower was swaying, swinging from side to side more and more, and was about to fall apart.


Suddenly, another loud roar came.

Listen to that voice, it’s not far away!

In fact, it would not be a big deal if the corpse tower collapsed. At most, it would fall into the water and be unable to get out for the time being.

But what I am carrying is Lina. The giant dragon was chasing her all the way. Judging from the fact that the mummy array was submerged in the water, most of the underground palace had collapsed and was about to disappear.

Once the dragon really catches up, or the underground palace completely collapses, then even if I have great abilities, there will be nothing I can do!


The dragon's roar sounded again, mixed with incomparable anger, as if it wanted to devour everyone and completely overturn this underground palace monument.

"Okay, I have another way! Catch it!" Jiang Dayu finally spoke and threw a small green ball of light from the entrance.

I got a little closer and quickly grabbed it.

The small ball is fluorescent green and is bitingly cold when you hold it. But what is extremely strange is that the moment I came into contact with the light ball, my feet actually left the ground and slowly flew upwards.

"Fan too, come up too!" Jiang Dayu said weakly.

Fan Chong stared at me and the extremely magical little ball of light, and scolded sternly: "It's from his grandmother! You old man really deserves a scolding. You have such a good thing, why didn't you take it out earlier? You still have to go through all the trouble." You'll feel better after a while." As he said that, he jumped up from the water and firmly grabbed my ankles.

The two of us were carried by the little ball of light, slowly leaving the corpse tower on the water, and flew straight to the exit.

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