Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1635 The most upright jade

I found it after climbing up to the entrance of the cave.

This is the mural gallery where the ancestors of the Feng family were buried when they first entered the monument.

And our exit is right under the mural engraved with the code words 'This is how I see, the Buddha is in the world'!

After going around in such a big circle, we finally returned to our starting point.

Not far from the corridor, the steps sloping downward have long been submerged in the water. There are only half a meter high from here. There are still countless mummies with mutton horns floating on the water, and the layers are extremely shocking!

Jiang Dayu was leaning against the stone wall next to the exit, with his head slightly lowered, holding a cigarette rod in his hand and smoking continuously.

"Hey, let me tell you, what do you think, you old kid? How long has it been since this happened, and you are still hiding your secrets!" Fan Chong scolded him as soon as he came out of the cave.

Jiang Dayu also had an extremely bad temper. He had reprimanded Fan Chong several times on the ship and in the submarine. But at this time, he was not angry when he heard Fan Chong yelling like this.

"Down there... it's all flooded. Go... get the diving suit." Jiang Dayu took two puffs of cigarette and said very weakly.

Even these two extremely weak and feeble words seemed to be the strength he had just accumulated through a few puffs of cigarettes.

"Okay, I'm warning you, don't do any tricks." With that said, Fan Chong quickly took off the pike on his back, walked to the end of the corridor, and plunged into the water.

I handed over the little green ball in my hand and said, "Thank you very much."

Jiang Dayu blew out a puff of smoke and slowly raised his head.

When I saw his face at this time, I was immediately surprised!

Logically speaking, Jiang Dayu should be a few years older than Liu Laoliu, but he looks much younger than Mr. Liu. Apart from his gray hair and beard, there is not even a wrinkle on his face.

But at this time, his face was criss-crossed and full of wrinkles, and he also had a lot of age spots.

"What...what's going on?" I looked at him, then at the small stone ball in my hand, and asked in confusion.

"This is the crowning jade that was left behind by Youzi, the founder of the Nine Nether Sect. Originally, this crown was inherited by successive heads. Later... the Nine Nether Sect fell apart just after it was passed to the second generation, and the crown was also the result. I don’t know where to go. Ahem..." Jiang Dayu said, coughing several times in a row.

Then he continued: "Until the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the crown jade was found by someone and from nowhere, and appeared in the world again, but few people in the world knew it! It was only sold as an extremely rare ice-cold ancient jade... "

"So the ancestors of the Yinluo Sect squandered all their wealth and took it into their hands."

"At this point, the Yinluo Sect finally has an ancestral holy treasure, but it is far inferior to your three divine objects..."

"Ahem... Originally, this thing also had an extremely mysterious power. Unfortunately, it has been passed down from generation to generation, and there is not much left. When the master passed it to our two brothers, he told me that it can only be used again. the last time."

As he said that, he glanced at the little green ball and said unwillingly: "I have always been reluctant to use it, but I didn't expect that I would use it on you in the end. This was originally my last trump card, but I just wanted to get it from you. I have to do this to obtain several other treasures. This...maybe it is life!"

The luster on the small green ball was indeed slowly weakening, and it was no longer cold to the bone. It looked no different than a piece of rotten stone.

Jiang Dayu's eyes were blank, and he looked at me helplessly and said: "Not only have I never used this thing, but even the master has never used it before. I had no idea that the backlash could be so powerful, and I swallowed it up all at once. My decades of advanced cultivation! I might as well tell you the truth, now I am no different from an ordinary old man. Not to mention you, I can't even deal with a young man with sound limbs. "

"Don't you have a deep hatred for Longquan Villa and a grudge against me for lying to you one after another? Now is the time." As he said that, he lowered his head and started smoking again without even raising his head.

Although he didn't point it out directly, he couldn't understand it any more.

At this time, he was just a dying old man.

Whether I want to take revenge or relieve my hatred, he has no power to resist at all!

Maybe he sent Fan Chong out just to give me a chance.

"No!" I shook my head and said: "Senior Jiang, we have formed an underwater alliance. Whether we are friends or foes, we have to break out together! Don't say I won't attack you now, and I won't do it in the future either. meeting."

There is nothing false in what I said, and it is all true.

Longquan Villa is indeed abominable, but the two brothers only joined Longquan Villa when they used their strength to hunt for treasure.

Back then, when grandpa and Longquan Villa had a grudge, they had long since been unable to leave. The deaths of Senior Shu, Zen Master Baimei, and Master Feng had nothing to do with their brothers. Where does my hatred come from?

In the underground palace, no matter what his purpose was, he always saved my life several times. He even told me how to crack the Nine Nether Gate of Death and the history of the Nine Nether Gate.

Perhaps, according to what he said, if we count from Gray Pigeon, we are really brothers in the same discipline.

His status as the Supreme Elder of Longquan Villa can be completely ignored.

When I first entered the water, I only regarded this old man as an ordinary strange teammate; later, as we passed through the mountains of corpses, snakes, fragrant crystal snakes, and sky-cutting stones, I gradually regarded him as a kind senior; as we followed the Nine Life Tower Before, he revealed his true identity, and I regarded him as an enemy again. I was always on guard against him and had several close calls, but now...

I finally understood what Senior Gray Pigeon meant when he said that my grandfather and I were friends between us and the enemy.

At this time, Jiang Dayu and I are enemies!

Hearing this, Jiang Dayu raised his head and stared at me for a long time, and then said: "Boy, you are quite brave. Just by relying on these words, you will be able to defeat Long Qingqiu in the future, but you are not afraid of me lying to you again." You?"

"Haha..." I smiled and said: "As the saying goes, one learns a lesson from every experience. Jiangxia has learned more in these few days than I have in the first half of my life! Even if you really lie to me again, I will still You can take it to the shore, we are an underwater alliance, how can we leave you here?"

"Put this thing away. Although it has lost its magical power, it is still a sacred object. Keeping it with you is still a thought." As I said that, the green light in my hand had dissipated, and it looked like a piece of shit. A round ball that looked like a stone was placed in Jiang Dayu's hand.


As soon as the water sounded, Fan Chong swam back.

Dragging a bunch of diving suits in his hand, he shouted loudly: "Why are you still dawdling? Come quickly and change your clothes! Half of the pillars outside have collapsed, and they will fall down soon!"

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