Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,636 The Miracle of Collapse

Fan Chong shouted while putting the diving suit on Parker first.

Although Parker's soul has been gathered on the little paper man and he can't even breathe, this place is underwater up to a hundred meters deep, and the huge water pressure is enough to crush the internal organs.

Mrs. Shen also made it very clear that as long as there are no shortage of parts, it will be fine. But if her internal organs and abdomen were all crushed by the air pressure and she could still be saved, then she would be a living Bodhisattva!

When I saw it, I quickly picked up Jiang Dayu's diving suit and handed it over, and then grabbed Lina's one.

But at this time, I suddenly discovered something.

Parker really wasn't lying. There was indeed an encrypted code hidden on the diving suit, and it couldn't be opened by guessing! If you pull it forcefully, it will break into pieces, and the oxygen bottle will not open.

"What's the password? How do you know it?" I turned to ask Fan Chong.

"The girl told me, 84502225. She also said that the startup keys on the submarine and the icebreaker have the same password, so I must remember it. It seems that besides this, there is anything special... Oh, hurry up and wear you Make it your own." Fan Chong had already put the Parker into the diving suit, and when he saw that I was putting it on Lina unskilledly, he quickly urged me.

Although this guy looks clumsy and doesn't know much about high-tech equipment, it seems that he has been exposed to this stuff before. I had just put on the diving suit and the oxygen tank was not yet on my back. He had already put on all three suits. This was because he only had two fingers left on his right hand!

Fan Chong and I helped each other and carried Parker and Lina on our backs. Turning around, he saw Jiang Dayu carrying an oxygen bottle and leaning against the wall, breathing heavily.

From this point of view, how powerful the backlash of that little green ball must be! In an instant, the murderous Jiang Dayu was transformed into a bad old man!

"You old kid, can you..." Fan Chong saw me supporting Jiang Dayu and was about to yell, but when he saw the wrinkles on his face through the lenses, he immediately choked on the second half of his sentence.

Although Fan Chong is a rough man, he is not stupid after all, and he is also a master in the field of negative things. He immediately knew that there was probably something wrong with the little green ball that just rescued us!

He turned to me and cast a questioning look.

I didn't say anything, just nodded lightly.

Fan Chong immediately lowered his head, as if feeling a little guilty.

Although he didn't understand what it was, all evil things had backlash, and the more powerful the evil thing, the more violent the backlash would be.

Look at this, Jiang Dayu's strength has dropped sharply, and he is no different from an ordinary old man!

Anyone who enters this field doesn't want to have a high level of cultivation and be better than others? There are also many people, like Liang Mingli and Fujita Tsuyoshi, who would not hesitate to transform into half-man, half-ghost, half-man, half-beast, just to improve their cultivation.

But even so, how many people can cultivate like Jiang Dayu?

Jiang Dayu was silent at this time, but everyone knew how painful he felt.

"Mr. Jiang... can you still do it?" Fan Chong's tone softened a lot. This is the first time since we met for five or six days that I heard Fan Chong speak to someone so politely, and it was an unprecedented title. A cry from Mr. Jiang.

This is respect from a person in the industry, and it is also a thank you to Jiang Dayu for saving his life!

Fan Chong is also such a person, no matter how strong you are, I am not afraid of you; but if you are really kind to him, no matter what, he will respect you extremely.

Jiang Dayu didn't make a sound, just nodded slightly.


With a loud bang, the entire hall shook violently, and most of the top of the wall fell from the top, rushing toward us.

Fan Chong took a step forward and raised his hands to catch it steadily. Several cracks appeared on the ground beneath his feet. If it had been a little later, we would all have been smashed into pieces.

"Let's go!" Fan Chong slightly bent his legs, his face flushed, and shouted loudly.

I quickly grabbed Jiang Dayu, ran two steps, and jumped into the water with a splash.

When Fan Chong saw that the two of us had escaped from danger, he let go suddenly, and his feet shot out diagonally, straight into the water, as if they were loaded with springs.



The sound of Fan Chong falling into the water and the sound of the giant roof crashing happened almost simultaneously.

When I swam down the mural corridor, I realized that the steps below had been twisted and distorted, like twists, and they were crowded together.

The pillars supporting the main hall have long been broken, and the few remaining walls are also full of cracks.

It is simply unimaginable that when we arrived here just three days ago, this place was still a tall and majestic underwater wonder, and it has become so dilapidated in an instant.

Bang bang!

Scattered rocks fell one after another, smashing into the water and causing huge waves.

"Keep moving forward! Hurry up!" Fan Chong floated diagonally above us, shouting while cutting away the gravel.

I hurriedly pulled Jiang Dayu forward quickly. Fortunately, although Jiang Dayu had lost all his cultivation, his water skills were still excellent.

As soon as he entered the water, he responded to his name. He was indeed like a big fish, very agile and swimming very fast!

Soon we left the area where the gravel fell and entered an area where the ceiling of the cave was covered with bright stalactites and the ground was paved with large smooth stone slabs.

"Roar!" The dragon's roar came again.

I don’t know if it was because I was deep underwater this time, but the voice sounded so real, as if it was right next to my ears. The entire water surface was surging up and down with the roar.

"Hurry up, that thing is getting closer and closer!" Fan Chong urged loudly.

I tried my best, but they were still pulling me behind me. Fan Chong swam back impatiently, grabbing my arm and struggling forward.

Suddenly, this extremely wide and huge cave began to tremble violently, and the stone stalactites hanging on the top of the cave, shaped like sharp swords, fell down one after another. The large flat stone slabs originally laid below were lifted up one after another, as if there were explosives everywhere, and they were detonated by someone at the same time.

We kept dodging among these sharp stone fragments flying up and down, and swam forward with all our strength.

"Hurry, hurry up! Hurry up, you haven't fucking eaten." Fan Chong grabbed my arm and swam forward while waving a long knife to continuously sweep away the stalactites that hit us.

This is simply a desperate escape!

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