Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1637 The Evil Dragon is Born

As the stalactites continued to crack and fall, the large and thick pillars that had several people surrounding them began to sway.

With a click, a huge pillar suddenly broke and fell down!

When Fan Chong saw it, he raised his foot and kicked me in the chest.

I was kicked several times and the giant pillar fell down close to my chest.

With a bang, a big wave was set off, and a deep groove was created in the extremely thick stone slabs on the ground.

"Hurry up!" Fan Chong shouted, and I quickly chased after him.

At this time, all my strength was used in paddling desperately, and I was so tired that I couldn't even speak. But even so, I still couldn't keep up with Fan Chong's speed. If he hadn't been dragging me, I would have been dead. I don’t know how many times I have died!

"Roar!" At this moment, there was another loud roar, as if from behind.

An unprecedented fear suddenly arose in my heart, and I subconsciously looked back.

Oh my god, that guy is really catching up!

Although it was still far away and could not be seen clearly, we could still vaguely see a huge black shadow, running towards us at high speed.

"Hurry!" Fan Chong grabbed my shoulders and sprinted forward desperately.

Although Jiang Dayu was so weak, he was still much better than me in terms of swimming. At this time, he had already swam out of the hall and was looking at me anxiously.

With Fan Chong's help, I finally rushed out.

But that black shadow is moving extremely fast and is about to approach the cave!

At this time, I saw it more clearly. It was indeed a dragon shape.

The body was so huge that it was impossible to see the whole thing. It was all black and green, sparkling against the waves of the water, and there was a bright red light above its head.

The dragon has not yet arrived, but the waves have arrived first!

The water waves picked up by it surged forward, making me roll forward and back almost unsteadily.

Moreover, this guy seems to have an extremely magical power - the water waves alone can smash boulders and overturn stone pillars.

In an instant, the entire giant hall was turned upside down.

"Roar!" The evil dragon seemed to have seen us, its roars became more and more intensive, mixed with incomparable anger, and it rushed towards us rapidly.

The three of us did not dare to hesitate for a moment and continued to swim forward desperately.

boom! ! !

With a shocking explosion, a huge wave rose up from the entire water surface, and Fan Chong and Jiang Dayu were all swept away. The entire underground palace should have completely collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, the giant hall we were swimming in just now shook suddenly, and most of it fell down.

The scattered silt and splashed stones danced in a chaotic mess, and were rolled up by the water waves into a huge pitch black vortex!

With a shout, a flash of blue light emerged, and a black shadow suddenly emerged from the vortex, only more than fifty meters away from us!

This time, I finally saw clearly what this huge monster was—

It looks like a snake but not a snake, with a pair of bright red deer-shaped horns on its head; it looks like a dragon but not a dragon, and there are no four legs growing out of its bare belly.

Although I can't see the tail, I don't know how long it is, but the diameter alone is almost one meter thick. The two eyes emitted a bloodthirsty light, and each one was the size of a human head.

There are light blue scales all over the body, and there is a long row of pointed inverted bones that are more than a palm long on the back of the neck. It does not look like a creature living on the earth at all, it is simply a prehistoric monster!

When the monster saw that we were so close, it became even more angry. It stretched its neck, pulled the fallen bones, as if the wings on its back were stretched out, and roared wildly.


This time we were so close. Even though we were wearing high-pressure waterproof clothing, our ears were almost deafened, and our whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

This is not only psychological fear, but also comes from the physical body, just like a lamb that has never seen a tiger, once it is thrown into the tiger cage...

My feeling at this time is no different from that of the lamb.

No wonder the trilobites and the unknown water monster are so scared!

If the primitive ancestors in the ancient ruins are really the ancestors of China; if the records they carved on the stone slabs are also true, then the fear of this dragon has been deeply engraved in the bone marrow of my Chinese family. inside.

After the strange dragon roared, it straightened its body and rushed forward.

In a flash, it was thirty or forty meters away, less than ten meters away from me.

Then there was another rush!


At this moment, Jiang Dayu, who had just swam back to me, pulled something out from behind me and threw it far away.

It's a whisk, picked up from Taoist Priest Baihe's hand.

When I put on the diving suit just now, the underwater backpack was not that wide, and it was already difficult for me to swim. It was impossible to hold either the sword or the whisk in my hand, so I tied it with a strap in the gap between Lina and me. .

Jiang Dayu took out his fly whisk and struck the evil dragon from a distance.

The evil dragon was rushing towards me and was hit by this whisk!


The evil dragon suddenly felt pain and let out a scream. The huge figure was knocked backwards, and a huge wave suddenly rose around it.

"Go quickly!" Jiang Dayu shouted sharply.

Fan Chong also woke up immediately, picked me up and left.

The whisk is the magical relic of Taoist Master Bai He. Although he did not completely kill the evil dragon, he also sealed the dragon soul.

If he really wanted to fight, even if he wasn't an opponent, he would at least be on par. Otherwise, he only had half the power of his soul left at that time and wouldn't be able to suppress the evil dragon at all.

The evil dragon was hit by the whisk. Although it was not fatal, it was enough for us to escape for a while!

The three of us were running forward in a hurry, when suddenly there were two lights chasing us from behind. When we turned around, we saw that it was Liang Mingli!

This guy is still huddled in the big bubble, but the extra-large backpack is missing behind him.

Following closely behind him was a small blue bubble, which contained Tsuyoshi Fujita.

His steel fork disappeared, and his hands and feet were cut off, but he was still twisting and struggling, opening his big mouth full of blue blood, and screaming in pain.

It seemed that he was at a disadvantage after all and was captured by Liang Mingli again.

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