Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,638 The Blame-Baker

We were very surprised when we saw Liang Mingli; Liang Mingli was also very surprised when he saw us together again!

Fan Chong and I left first, then returned alone to snatch Lina away, and also blew up his ghost skin. He was very aware of these things. But Jiang Dayu wants to attack me, and he knows it.

Since they are such life-and-death enemies, how can they get together and support each other to escape?

But now I am more interested in Fujita Go.

Liang Mingli hated him so much, but never killed him. When he was running for his life in such a panic, he didn't forget to take him with him.

Why has he been carrying this guy with him? Is there any other purpose?

We all looked at each other in surprise, but no one said anything.

Of course, this guy Liang Mingli has never spoken!

Although the evil dragon behind him was temporarily severely injured and did not pursue him again, everyone knew that that guy would definitely not give up!

The only important thing now is to escape as quickly as possible, as far away as possible, and leave this land of right and wrong as soon as possible.

When Liang Mingli pushed the big bubble to pass me, he stared at me fiercely, then glanced at Jiang Dayu slightly ahead, and Fan Chong, who was holding my shoulders tightly, and continued to slide forward. .

I blew up his ghost skin and snatched Lina away, which made him extremely unhappy.

But Fan Chong and Jiang Dayu were by his side, so he didn't dare to act rashly. After all, he just glanced at Jiang Dayu from behind and didn't know that Jiang Dayu had lost all his strength.

Even if you know, now is not a good time for revenge. After all, the evil dragon may come after you again at any time!

A few of us continued to swim forward, and Liang Mingli came up from behind. In a short time, he ran to the front and disappeared far away with Fujita Gang.

"Roar!" There was another roar while swimming. It seemed that the dragon finally woke up.

You can hear it from the roar, it adds a bit more anger, as if it wants to tear us apart alive!

"Hurry! That big guy is going to catch up soon. We have to swim to the submarine as soon as possible." Fan Chong urged loudly.

In fact, without him having to say anything, I also know that the evil dragon can move much faster in the water than any of us. Not to mention me, even Fan Chongjiang at his peak cannot escape its grasp.

Bang bang bang!

At this moment, a series of explosions suddenly came from the front. What was going on?

Isn't the dragon behind you?

There is no hall, cave or anything ahead for collapse, so where did this sound come from.

After swimming for a while, I finally discovered the cause. It turned out to be caused by Liang Mingli in front.

When we approached the ancient ruins, we discovered two large rows of one-eyed stone men at the entrance. It was here that we encountered the first batch of sneak attackers, Juhou Kui.

At this time, these stone men all woke up and were surrounding Liang Mingli in the center. The explosions burst out from the bodies of these stone figures.

Each of them had a piece missing here or a corner there, and their whole bodies were densely covered with a layer of blood-red cobwebs.

Although the stone man was incomplete, he still had no intention of giving way. He was still trapped tightly, with several layers inside and outside, and kept squeezing towards the middle.

The three of us glanced at him, ignored him completely, and continued swimming forward. Pass through the stone man and swim straight towards the submarine parked in the distance.

At the same time, with a muffled roar, the evil dragon caught up again!

Liang Mingli also seemed to sense the crisis and hurriedly made a killing move.

After a loud explosion, the stone figures surrounding them exploded to pieces, and pieces of bright red and blood-red stones scattered in all directions.

But he did not rush to escape, but released Tsuyoshi Fujita first.

Fujita looked extremely frightened. He no longer looked as arrogant as before. He could no longer even struggle and curse. His whole body was huddled up and trembling.

With a snap, the light blue bubble covering the outside disappeared.

The evil dragon didn't notice him at first, but as soon as the bubbles disappeared, the evil dragon seemed to smell something very special and turned its head sharply to bite him.

Although Tsuyoshi Fujita has no arms and legs, he is half human and half octopus, and uses his arms and legs to swim. As soon as he saw the evil dragon biting him, he hurriedly twisted around, dodged the attack in a very dangerous way, and then ran away in the water.

The evil dragon seemed to like the smell of this guy, so he immediately chased him without caring about anyone.

Tsuyoshi Fujita's speed is not very fast, but his swimming trajectory is extremely weird. He jumps and dances, and it is impossible to distinguish. To use a modern military terminology, it is extremely difficult to lock!

But the more this happened, the more interested the evil dragon seemed to be in him. He dropped all of us and chased us all the way.

Under the rolling water waves, he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, we all breathed a sigh of relief!

It wasn't until the giant dragon went away that Liang Mingli poked his head out from the rocks, looked at it very carefully, and then jumped up. A few erratic people were ahead of us and swam in the direction of the submarine.

Only then did I realize that Liang Mingli had never killed Tsuyoshi Fujita, but trapped him in a bubble and raised him. It was originally reserved for this purpose, but how did he know?

If it was the wizard Hill who hypnotized Lina, and Hill had taken Lina to the river every year since she was born to pay homage to her underworld marriage, then there was no way William would have been unaware of it.

It can even be said that Lina’s biological father, William, is the mastermind of the entire situation!

The original intention of inviting Fujita Tsuyoshi was not to take a fancy to his abilities, but to use his half-human, half-octopus qualities to sacrifice to the evil dragon.

Lina was pathetic enough, being used as a sacrifice by her biological father, and eventually had to sacrifice her soul to the dragon; but she didn't expect Tsuyoshi Fujita to be even more pitiful, being used as food by others, and he was simply a scapegoat.

What is William's purpose in doing such an extreme thing?

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