Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,639 Li Minghan Rebellion

Seeing the dragon go away, Liang Mingli also disappeared in front of us.

Our hearts were temporarily relieved, but our bodies did not dare to slow down for a moment and continued to move forward.

"No, that guy doesn't want to destroy the submarine, right?" Jiang Dayu was swimming and suddenly shouted.

When I heard it, I felt bad! Why did Liang Mingli rush to the submarine in a hurry?

Let alone starting it, he might not even be able to open the hatch. Except for Lina, no one in the entire team would activate this thing.

When he met us just now, Liang Mingli was still facing each other angrily, and then he just moved forward quickly.

He rushed over in such a hurry. Since he was not trying to board the submarine and he hated us so much, there was only one possibility left, and that was to destroy the submarine!

If we are just in the water or in front of a restriction, we may not have to use this thing.

But near this seal, Hill and Mrs. Shen teamed up to impose another ghost realm.

Although it is nothing to those in the industry, Lina and Fan Chong cannot pass at all, not to mention that both of them are in an abnormal state now!

In addition, Jiang Dayu's strength has been completely lost and his cultivation has been reduced to nothing. Whether he can pass or not is still unknown.

If we want to ensure that all three of them can survive safely, only this submarine, which has once passed through the ghost realm, can do it.

And the location where the submarine is parked is still some distance from the bottom of the river. If the evil dragon comes after us again, we won't have the strength to escape anymore!

Once the submarine is destroyed by Liang Mingli, it will be troublesome.

"Fan Chong, swim fast and stop him first! We'll be there soon." Jiang Dayu shouted.

"Okay!" Fan Chong responded, pulled out the long knife with a swish, and jumped forward quickly with a wave of water.

Jiang Dayu and I also tried our best to catch up.

"Mr. Jiang..." It was not long before Fan Chong's voice came from the communicator.

"How is it?" Jiang Dayu asked anxiously.

"I checked around and there should be nothing wrong with the submarine, but I saw Liang Mingli disappear just as he ran near the submarine."

Jiang Dayu pondered for a moment and said, "Let's talk about it after we get there."

Soon, Jiang Dayu and I also rushed over, while Fan Chong stood guard with a long knife.

"Go up first." Jiang Dayu waved his hand.

According to what Lina told him, Fan Chong found the silent start button under the warehouse head. After entering the password, the interior lights turned on.

We opened the hatch and walked in, untying Lina and Parker one by one. Only Lina can drive this submarine. I put her in the driver's seat and unlocked the immobilization and requiem charms.

It may be that she suffered from the mental constraints of hypnosis and requiem, which represent science and magic respectively. She was a little tired from tossing back and forth between reality and hallucination, and Lina had not yet completely recovered.

She opened her eyes, glanced at all of us, smiled slightly, and then closed them again.

"Let's contact the support team first." Jiang Dayu suggested as soon as he saw that Lina was still awake.

Communication is not complicated, because this is a modified ship that conceals the truth. Neither China nor Russia knows that there is a submarine on the ship. Therefore, the communication phone on this boat can only be made to the icebreaker.

Just as I was about to pick up the phone, Jiang Dayu held my hand again and said, "Try to be as gentle as possible and say that all of us are here! No matter who answers the phone, if you ask for any details, you must reply." Let’s talk about it when he gets to the boat.”

I nodded to show my understanding.

As soon as the call was put through, the other end picked up.

But the sound inside was very strange. It sounded like gunshots coming one after another, and there were two screams from time to time.

There was a bang as if the door was closed tightly, and the gunfire was quieter.

"Hey, talk, this is the support team." This time it was not the bearded Karov with a Northeastern accent, nor William, but Liu Laoliu.

"Master Liu, I am Jiulin. Everyone is here. Could you please Hill and Mrs. Shen to help us open the passage? We are going back to our destination," I said.

"Oh, they have known it for a long time and are helping you open it." Liu Laoliu replied in a calm tone. But I can still hear that as soon as he heard that there was nothing unusual in my voice, he knew that I must be safe and sound, and he felt a little uncontrollable joy.

Jiang Dayu made a gun-like gesture towards me, and I asked directly: "Master Liu, why am I hearing constant gunfire outside? What happened on this ship?"

"Nothing." Liu Laoliu still said in a lazy tone: "The traitor Li Minghan led a group of niggas to rebel. Old man Karov was bored and was playing with them. This guy got it again Jiang Xiaoyu has already taken action to deal with the two teams of Japs and Ninjas."

"Boss William is sitting in the control room drinking coffee and watching the excitement. I think it's really boring. There's not even anyone to talk to..."

This series of seemingly careless words actually contained a huge amount of information. Before I could think of how to reply, the phone was pressed.

When I looked in the direction, I was immediately shocked!

The person holding my phone was not someone else, but Liang Mingli. To be more precise, it was one of his tentacles.

We don’t know when this guy climbed up, but he is now hanging above our heads.

He was originally short, but now he became even shorter. There were three-foot, slightly bow-shaped tentacles on both sides of his belly, which were as sharp as long knives! Just like a giant spider.

Six tentacles stretched out far away, pointing at everyone!

One was on Pike's throat, one was on the middle of Lina's head, two were aimed at Fan Chong and Jiang Dayu, and one was holding down the phone. The last one was less than halfway between my eyebrows. inches away.

How did he climb onto the submarine, and how could we not even feel anything? He actually controlled everyone at the same time in such an unexpected situation.

What is his background? In other words, what is he.

"I believe you are all smart people!" Just when I was at a loss, the big spider Liang Mingli suddenly spoke. The voice was weird, half yin and half yang, like a man and a woman. When I heard it, I couldn't help but feel aroused. Massive goosebumps.

I have never heard him speak since I got on the boat. It turns out that this guy has such a voice.

I see! No wonder I felt that what Mr. Liu just said was a bit strange.

"What do you mean there is no one to talk to?" Is this an allusion to Liang Mingli, because he is the only one who has never spoken.

Then, the 'traitor Lee Minghan' he deliberately named before must be a cover.

In other words, he secretly told me that the traitor was Liang Mingli!

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