Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1641: Living and dying together, facing the enemy together

Speaking of familiarity, I recognized this figure immediately. It was Liang Mingli!

To say strange, Liang Mingli at this time was completely different from what he had seen before.

All his clothes were gone and he was only wearing a pair of bright red pants.

The whole body was covered with silver-white scales, shining in the light and shadow. Two fangs that were as long as one finger protruded from the mouth, and the ten fingers were also very sharp, like daggers.

Those two little eyes shot out a fierce green light, as if they were going to tear us apart alive. He was a monster!

"That's it!" Jiang Dayu glanced at the screen and said, "I originally thought he was just a Yin-Yang person, but to my surprise, he also practiced the evil ghost path at the same time."

"What we have seen before are all his clones, including the spider body just now. It is only now that his true colors are revealed. No wonder he insists on eating dragons. His evil ghost path is almost complete. As long as By swallowing the spirit of the evil dragon, he can achieve the supreme god level in the ghost realm! But if he can't do it, he will completely lose his mind and become an evil ghost in the world. This is a desperate move, and he is bound to win! Boy ! Go quickly, don’t let him catch up.”

"Senior Jiang, are you okay?"

I asked without daring to look back while controlling the submarine extremely clumsily.

Jiang Dayu lost all his cultivation and no longer had the spiritual power to protect his body. The blow just now pierced his heart!

"Fortunately." Jiang Dayu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said: "We brothers were born with different bones, and our hearts are both on the right side. That blow didn't hit the vital point. Hey, you idiot Fan, hand over the pipe. Give me."

Regardless of his own safety, he just threw out the pipe and smashed away the tentacle stabbing Pike. The pipe landed next to Fan Chong.

Fan Chonggang cut off the second half of the tentacle from the back of the chair and was temporarily free again.

That half of the tentacle pierced his eye socket, dripping with blood, and it was extremely terrifying at a glance!

But Fan Chong acted as if nothing was wrong. He picked up the pipe and handed it over, smiling and saying, "You old man, you have such a big heart. How long has it been and you still want to smoke?"


At this time, the boat tilted sharply and almost hit a raised boulder.

I was so frightened that I broke out in a cold sweat. I quickly pulled the steering column to tilt it to the other side.

"Boy, be careful! You've spilled all the cigarettes I tried so hard to hold." Jiang Dayu complained dissatisfiedly.

I have never controlled such a high-tech thing as a submarine. I can only treat it like driving a car, swaying left and right to avoid the rocks. The hull of the boat is swaying around, extremely unstable, and there is a danger of hitting the rocks and sinking at any time.

Moreover, Liang Mingli, who was chasing after him, was getting closer and closer, and his scaly fangs could even be seen clearly on the screen.

My hands were covered with sweat, and the blood and sweat on my head mixed together and kept falling. I was so nervous that I couldn't even speak.

But these two guys were fine. They acted like nothing happened and didn't care.

His heart was pierced and pinned to the back of the chair, unable to move at all, but he was still addicted to smoking.

The other one was able to move, but there was a long knife-like tentacle stuck in his head, and he was bleeding. He was still chatting and laughing, laughing from time to time. Let us both stop calling him Fan Fool, saying that his brain is not working well in the first place, and it will be even more foolish to call him that!

The two of them's indifference to life and death is enough to make me ashamed.

What's more, I didn't expect that not long ago we were enemies, and we were just a hair away from fighting to the death. In the blink of an eye, they became irreconcilable friends!

William is right when he says that we are just grasshoppers on a rope at this time.

Hoo, ho!

The submarine turned sharply one after another, and passed by the boulder in a dangerous manner. The hull of the submarine hit the rocks with muffled sounds, and the cockpit kept bumping and undulating. Jiang Dayu's chest was already stained red with blood. The old man closed his eyes slightly and held the cigarette holder motionless. The hand holding the cigarette was trembling slightly, as if he would soon be unable to hold on.

Liang Mingli, who was chasing closely behind, was getting closer and closer, only about 20 meters away from the submarine!

It was really unimaginable that this guy was so fast. With the motor at full speed, not only did he not get away, but he was chased closer and closer.

This is how to do?

Jiang Dayu and Fan Chong were both seriously injured. Although they had extremely strong vitality and were not dead yet, they could never fight anymore.

If this guy rushes up and destroys the submarine, we won't even have a chance to surface.

"Girl!" Fan Zhong suddenly shouted.

I took a moment to take a look and saw that Lina's brows were slightly twitching, as if she was gradually waking up.

Click! At this moment, the boat shook violently and made a loud noise.

It was Liang Mingli who caught up and slapped the stern of the boat!

This guy's strength was so amazing that with one blow, the entire submarine suddenly tilted sideways.

I was very nervous and quickly pulled the lever.

call! The submarine rushed to the other side quickly, but there was a protruding sharp stone there, and it was too late for me to turn around.

The submarine was about to hit!

With a snap, the pipe in Jiang Dayu's hand fell down, and his hands dropped numbly.

"Old man." Fan Chong shouted.

"Senior Jiang!" I also screamed.

Bang, another sound! Liang Mingli raised his arm and struck the stern of the boat again.

The bow of the boat sank and it sank straight down. I was filled with anxiety but helpless.

Once the submarine is destroyed, even if Liang Mingli no longer pursues us, we will never be able to swim out and will be buried under the water with no possibility of survival.

At this time, Lina, who was sleeping, suddenly opened her eyes, and clicked on a red button.

Whoosh, a snow-white wave of water suddenly rushed out from the rear of the submarine.

It's a torpedo!

Immediately afterwards, she pulled the joystick hard, ducked and twisted it violently, passing by the oncoming sharp rocks that were about to hit each other, and quickly upwards.

The hull of the boat scraped against the stones, and it avoided the passage in an extremely dangerous manner.

"Girl, you're finally awake." Fan Chong shouted in surprise and joy.

Lina made these two sudden moves, which seemed to waste all her energy. She only smiled softly at me and Fan Chong and closed her eyes.

The hull of the boat rushed towards the water like an airplane.

The torpedo exploded into a large wave of water, and nothing could be seen clearly on the screen. It was unclear whether Liang Mingli was hit by the torpedo?

I couldn't care less, so I quickly accelerated and pulled the joystick and continued to climb, seeing that I was getting closer and closer to the bottom of the river.

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