Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1642 Ten Seconds to Life and Death

"Hello, hello!" As soon as Fan Chong connected to the submarine's microphone, Karov's drake-like voice like a broken gong came from the other end.

"Damn it, hurry up and ask them to open the restriction. We'll be on the water soon." Fan Chong shouted impatiently.

"It's already opened, just keep going up." Karov replied.

He was also very happy when he heard Fan Chong's voice, and even joked half-heartedly: "Silly roe deer, are you okay? I thought you were dead. Haha, I just had enough fun, Killed dozens of them in one go.”

"What dozens?" Fan Chong asked a little strangely.

"It's just those nigger mercenaries on the ship!" Karov said: "I don't know what happened to these guys. They suddenly rebelled. Everyone else was busy, but my brother killed them all single-handedly. Hahahaha, I haven’t had this much fun in a long time! It’s a pity that you’re not here this time, so I can’t bet like Huang Hai last time. I always feel like something is missing.”

Karloff said it very easily, but the information revealed was shocking!

A whole boatload of heavily armed foreign mercenaries were killed by him alone?

It seems that what Liu Laoliu said is right. The support team on the ship also experienced an extremely tragic battle at the same time.

In addition, there were two teams of Japanese ninjas who took the opportunity to make a sneak attack, but were stopped by Jiang Xiaoyu alone.

According to the previous inference, the translator Li Minghan who stayed on the ship was the traitor, so he must have planned this rebellion, but what do these ninjas want to do?

Before entering the water, two ninjas broke into my room and Liu Laoliu's room, trying to kill us both. After entering the water, they attacked Parker, Lina, Fan Chong and Fujita Go.

Only Jiang Dayu and Liang Mingli were not attacked.

Is it because they are afraid of the strength of these two people and dare not make a sneak attack, or is it that their original target has already excluded them both?

By the way, Liu Laoliu also hinted to me that Liang Mingli is also a traitor!

And Jiang Dayu seemed to have known the truth for a long time, but he was unconscious now and had no way of knowing the truth.

There is another detail in this, that is, when the puppet female ninja sneak attacked Fan Chong and the two of them, the obvious target was Lina.

She was seriously injured and knew that she could not kill them both at the same time, so she was determined to kill Lina first.

This means that getting rid of Lina is their real goal!

Parker and Fan Chong were attacked just because they were with Lina. Because of this, Jiang Da Yuliang Mingli and I did not encounter ninjas when we were walking alone.

But in this case, why would they hunt Fujita Tsuyoshi?

It seems that the answer to all this can only be revealed after boarding the ship.

As the submarine continued to move upward, Fan Chong checked Jiang Dayu's breathing and shouted urgently: "Boy, the old man is dying!"

Although Liang Mingli's blow did not hit Jiang Dayu's heart, it still left such a big hole and he lost too much blood.

At this time, Jiang Dayu has lost all his cultivation and has no spiritual protection. If he does not get timely treatment, he will die a tragic death!

I took out the small paper figurine and handed it to Fan Chong and said, "Contact Mrs. Shen immediately and ask her to help seal the soul of Senior Jiang first, and then we will treat it with Pike when we get on the ship."

"Okay!" Fan Chong took it and turned on the microphone.

This guy also had a tentacle as sharp as a sharp knife stuck in his head. If an ordinary person was lucky enough to survive, he would probably be seriously injured, but this guy is still alive and kicking! I really don’t know what the structure of his body is.

As soon as he heard that Jiang Dayu was seriously injured and unconscious and about to lose his life, Jiang Xiaoyu's exclamation came from the phone and he hurriedly called Mrs. Shen.

Following Mrs. Shen's instructions, Fan Chong tore the paper man into half, stuffed it into Jiang Dayu's mouth, and covered it with tape - this was how he had treated Pike before.

Then William's voice came again: "Mr. Zhang, Lina... and everyone, are you okay?"

"Fuck your mother..." Fan Chong was about to curse, but I quickly stopped him, suppressing the anger in my heart and said: "Everyone is fine, we just suffered some injuries. We have to get back to the ship as soon as possible. I am controlling the submarine now, But he is very unskilled and needs your assistance. Whether our crew can arrive safely depends on you, Mr. William!"

I deliberately said the last sentence very seriously, even if it was for other people to hear, it also made him feel afraid.

If Lina was really the bait thrown by William to capture the dragon, he certainly didn't want Lina to escape.

And the life and death of the rest of us are even less important to him.

But if he deliberately caused our ship to sink at the bottom of the river and left Jiang Xiaoyu on the ship, Liu Laoliu and even Karov would definitely not be able to spare him!

If the two sides really want to fight, Old Mrs. Shen will never join either side. The wizard Hill alone may not be able to protect him.

Sure enough, William pondered for a moment and said: "Okay, Mr. Zhang, I will give you directions, and you just have to follow my instructions!"

When entering the river bottom to break the seal, it was extremely difficult and dangerous. Even Lina was so nervous that her palms were all sweaty and she seemed a little confused.

But when I got out of the river, I felt much more relaxed. Even a layman like me could handle it.

Following William's instructions, he turned left and right in the darkness, and a piece of light appeared in front of him.

"Speed ​​up! There are still ten seconds left, the seal will be closed." William shouted loudly.

I pushed the power to the limit and controlled the submarine to fly upwards rapidly.

At this moment, another figure appeared in the viewing mirror placed behind the submarine.

It's Liang Mingli, this guy is catching up again!

At this time, the scales on half of his body had fallen off, and none of his fangs were missing. The skin and flesh on his face were all peeled off, making him look even more ferocious at first glance. He was no different from a demon from hell.

The torpedo didn't kill him? What the hell is this guy.

Just behind him, there was a ball of green light chasing after him. Although it was too far away to see clearly, he could guess that it was definitely an evil dragon.

"Quick!" Fan Chong clenched his fists and shouted urgently.


The submarine broke out of a white wave and rushed straight to the bottom of the river above.


With a loud noise, the entire submarine shook violently and rushed into the light.

"Good boy, you have broken through the seal! Keep rising to the surface, everyone is waiting to pick you up." Liu Laoliu's extremely excited and happy voice came from the microphone.

I gripped the joystick tightly and pulled the sub straight up.

But suddenly, the motor stopped and all the indicator lights went out at the same time!


The submarine collided all the way and was slapped hard twice by Liang Mingli. It had already reached its limit after breaking through the seal just now. Now it's out of order and it won't start at all.

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