Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1643 Jiang Xiaoyu helps in the battle

Just after breaking out of the seal at the bottom of the river, the power system on the submarine suddenly failed.

All the indicator lights suddenly went out, and even the communication equipment was unusable.

The submarine sank in the mud like a big stone, and the observation mirror was covered, making it impossible to see the outside scene at all.

Although they have now escaped from the ruins and are far outside the seal, they saw it just now, and Liang Mingli and the evil dragon followed closely behind.

Once they break out of the seal, we can only sit back and wait for death!

Lina and Pike are still unconscious, Jiang Dayu has lost all his cultivation, and Fan Chong is seriously injured. If these two people still have a breath left and are not dead for the time being, they are already considered to be in danger. Don't expect them to be able to fight again. Even climbing out of the hatch and swimming to the icebreaker was completely impossible.

It’s impossible for me to take all the people out of the cabin on my own, so what should I do?

All the lights in the cabin were turned off, except for a green emergency backup light flashing overhead.

boom! At this moment, there was a loud noise from the stern of the cabin, and the entire submarine trembled.

Bang bang bang!

Three more hits in a row, and the entire cabin reverberated with a buzzing sound, as if someone was carrying a heavy hammer and hammering hard.

It must be Liang Mingli, this guy is catching up!

Until this moment, he was still obsessed with evil.

He must also know that we are not far from the icebreaker. If we don't take action, it will be too late!

Bang bang!

The banging sound became louder and louder, making the ears numb.

He was about to smash a big hole in the submarine.

"Boy! Let's go quickly." Fan Chong glanced at me and said solemnly: "You are no match for him, and there is no use staying here. We can't leave, but you can still run, which is better than It’s better to die here.”

He was right, even if I stayed, I would never be able to cope with it, and I wouldn't even be able to help at all.

Not to mention whether I can beat Liang Mingli, once the submarine is smashed and the river water rushes in, I can only be like a drowned rat.

Maybe I can barely float to the surface, but I can't take any of these people with me! can I bear it?

Although these people and I have not known each other for a long time, we have experienced countless lives and deaths together and have traveled together in this underwater monument. I was about to get ashore safely, but in the end I had to abandon everyone and escape alone. This will make me feel guilty for the rest of my life.

"You're still dragging your feet! Hurry up and leave." Fan Chong shouted anxiously: "Wait a minute when that little bastard rushes up, and you won't even have time to leave! Hurry up and swim to the boat and call the others. Revenge us."

After saying that, he held the sword tightly and stared at the back of the cabin.

It seems that he is preparing to fight to the death with Liang Mingli with his last breath!

"Let's go!" Fan Chong saw that I hadn't moved yet and cursed: "You little bastard, you are such a damn ink! If I risk my life, I can still fight him half to death. Go back and call me." Come, maybe we can save a few of them, but it will be too late."

Fan Chong is such a generous person!

In several crises, he has always been at the forefront, without hesitation even risking his life.

What he said was absolutely correct. If it were a little later, no one would be able to escape.

Once Liang Mingli smashed open the submarine and took Lina away, the others would surely die. If I escaped earlier and called for reinforcements, maybe the others could be saved.

It seems that’s all it can do!

"Lao Fan, what else do you have in mind?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"My long-cherished wish is nothing, get out now." Fan Chong roared angrily.


At this moment, the submarine seemed to have been severely whipped by a giant whip, and then the entire submarine shook violently and was pulled out of the mud with a cry.

"Get out of here!" Fan Chong impatiently grabbed my collar and lifted me up from the seat.

"Lao Fan, look, it's Jiang Xiaoyu." I shouted in surprise.

At this time, the submarine had broken out of the mud, and the viewing mirror was washed away by the running water, making it clear again.

In the dark murky water outside, there was a figure that looked like a swimming fish, brushing past the submarine and swimming straight back!

The figure was not tall, carrying a long pipe, and his two small eyes were wide and round, as if they were about to spit out fire.

It’s Jiang Xiaoyu!

It seems that after he knew that Jiang Dayu was seriously injured, he jumped into the water first without waiting for the submarine to get on board.

I happened to see the culprit, Liang Mingli, and immediately ran over in anger!

Jiang Xiaoyu flew backwards, and the submarine was facing away from him, sprinting towards the water surface.

Only then did I realize that there were several arm-thick iron ropes wrapped around the submarine, and the other end was far upward, dragging the submarine up to speed.

This is...Karoff!

I had seen his ability when he was pulling the giant turtle. Could it be that this old man is here too?

The sound of smashing from behind the submarine stopped, but huge waves rose up one after another on the water surface. The entire water surface was turned into darkness, and the outside scene could no longer be seen.

It seems that Jiang Xiaoyu and Liang Mingli are at odds.

Jiang Dayu and Jiang Xiaoyu are not only twin brothers, but also from the same master. Their experience is almost the same, and their strength and cultivation should be similar. He should have no problem dealing with Liang Mingli!

The submarine we were on was also getting closer and closer to the water under Karov's huge force.

boom! As the waves lifted, light appeared in the looking glass again.

The white snowfield, the shiny ice surface, and a huge icebreaker parked not far ahead.

Three days later, we finally returned to the ground!

The submarine was half-floating on the river, pulled by the iron cable, and continued to move forward along the river.

When we got closer, we could see it more clearly. We saw a giant man standing by the deck guardrail with his back to us.

The man's upper body was bare, his whole body was red, and white smoke was rising all around him.

The area around his feet had long since been frozen by the surging river water into a ridge of undulating ice hills. But he didn't move at all, dragging the iron rope around his arm.

Four words suddenly came to my mind: Hanjiang Tracker!

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