Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1644 Zhang Jiulin’s Scheming

"It's Lao Caozi..." Fan Chong muttered, his tone a little sighing.

On the higher deck, four people stood side by side by the guardrail.

William, Wizard Hill, Old Mrs. Shen, and Liu Laoliu all looked at the direction of the submarine intently.

Three days ago, we were all on this ship, watching Karov pull a giant turtle, and in the blink of an eye, it was him saving us.

Although I was only away for three days, this trip to the ancient ruins was like a trip to hell, and I almost never saw the light of day again!

Seeing a familiar figure again makes me sigh.

"Damn it." Fan Chong caught a glimpse of William and immediately glared and gritted his teeth, holding the big knife in his hand and making a crunching sound.

This so-called joint expedition team was formed by William, and he concealed the true truth from everyone.

What Fan Chong couldn't tolerate the most was using Lina as bait. At this moment, he wanted to chop off William's head and throw it into the river to feed the fish!

Jiang Dayu once said that the only way to crack Lina's human-dragon wedding ceremony was to cut off the heads of the initiators William and Hill and throw them into the Wusuli River.

"Old Fan, please don't be impulsive!" I knew what he was going to do, and I was afraid that this guy wouldn't be able to hold on anymore and would start shouting and killing him as soon as he got on the boat, so I quickly reminded him: "Don't forget that Hill is still on the boat. Well, don’t say we can’t touch him now, even if we are all intact, I’m afraid we won’t be his opponent, so we have to consider this matter in the long run.”

"It's nonsense!" Fan Chong shouted: "If you can't beat me now, will you be able to beat me later? By then, this girl will be hopeless. It's better to chop off one by one! Let's kill the old dog William first. It’s better than just watching.”

"Old Fan, don't be stupid." Seeing that the submarine was getting closer and closer to the icebreaker, I hurriedly advised: "I don't want this girl to die, but can you save her with such recklessness? Even if you kill her, William's head can't be cracked unless Hill dies. As long as he is prepared, we have no chance of winning! Can you get Lina back by killing William? You can only completely harm her by doing so, but that's a point All hope is gone.”

"Then... what do you think we should do?" Fan Chong suddenly lost his confidence when he heard this and asked helplessly.

"Don't worry, I will find a way. I promise to give you an intact Lina! But the premise is that you must listen to me and not let either of them notice any flaws at all. Can you do it?" I spoke.

"I..." Fan Chong gritted his teeth, looked at Lina, then at William in the looking glass, and finally lowered his head honestly: "I'm afraid I can't pretend."

This is true, Fan Chong is a straight-tempered person.

Now he wanted to kill these two people immediately. It was really difficult for him to pretend as if nothing had happened and not know anything about it.

Moreover, William and Hill are a pair of extremely cunning old foxes. It is not easy to deceive them!

Seeing that we were getting closer and closer to the icebreaker, I thought for a while and said: "You might as well pretend to be unconscious. Close your eyes and stay still. No matter what you hear, don't move. I will call you when the time comes."

"Okay! As long as I can save this girl, I will listen to you." Fan Chong answered honestly.

After saying that, he really closed his eyes and leaned back on the seat.

Fan Chong's body was covered in blood, and there was a tentacle as sharp as a sharp knife stuck in his head. He didn't even have to pretend to be injured. As long as he didn't open his eyes or make a sound, no one would know that he was in a fake coma.

With a bang, the submarine leaned against the railing of the icebreaker.

It was only then that I discovered that the bulkheads on the ship were covered with large and small gun holes, and many places were blown into darkness. It seemed that the battle on the ship was also extremely fierce!

What's even more incredible is that an entire boatload of fully armed mercenaries were killed by Karov alone. This old guy is indeed not to be underestimated.

Karov wrapped the iron rope around the ship's pillar and ran over quickly.

With two clicks, he broke off the already twisted guardrail and jumped onto the submarine.

As soon as I opened the hatch, this guy jumped in: "Silly roe deer..." Before he could finish his words, he was stunned when he saw Fan Chong.

"Who the hell did this?" Karov asked me loudly with his eyes bulging and his red beard almost standing on end.

"It's Liang Mingli. Let's carry them to the boat first." I explained briefly, then took out my two swords and cut off Jiang Dayu's seat.

Hill and Mrs. Shen walked down the deck, and Liu Laoliu and William on crutches also ran over one after another.

With Karov's help, I carried all four people in the cabin out one by one.

Jiang Dayu's whole body was nailed to the seat, and I didn't dare to move lightly, so I had to cut off the entire seat and carry it out.

"Lina..." When he saw Lina, William screamed and his body trembled, almost falling to the ground.

Fan Chong, who was pretending to be unconscious, subconsciously tightened the handle of the knife. I quickly pinched his arm hard and deliberately said loudly: "Don't worry, Lina is fine."

This is a pun, both to William and to Fan Chong.

Fan Chong realized that he almost made a mistake and quickly calmed down.

William also turned his head and looked at me and said: "This... many situations are really unexpected. I'm sorry for causing everyone's shock!" After that, he bowed heavily to me.

I really don’t know what he meant by unexpected?

Didn’t you expect that a few of us could come back alive and even bring Lina out safe and sound?

In fact, I also hated William, but I couldn't show anything, and I still pretended to be ignorant and said: "I can't blame you, the exploration of historical sites is inherently difficult and dangerous, who could have predicted what would happen? Although we were all seriously injured, fortunately, we all escaped. The most important thing now is to quickly treat the injured."

A trace of surprise flashed across William's face.

Hill also stared at me. I couldn't see his expression through the metal mask, but I could sense that he was a little confused.

It was my peace that they wondered about.

He was neither angry nor shocked, and he didn't even mention a word about the dragon from beginning to end.

It seems that there are no evil dragons in this ancient monument!

The two of them may still be a little curious, have we opened the demon-suppressing formation? Did the evil dragon break out of the formation?

But if I didn't tell them, it would be even harder for them to ask, so they had to help carry everyone to the ship's hall.

Liu Laoliu saw that although I was slightly injured and all my clothes were in tatters, I was generally fine. He nodded with relief, but said nothing. But there was a trace of extreme solemnity and caution in his eyes, and he subconsciously touched his middle finger.

He was reminding me that my middle finger was right there!

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